FranQL DIY Earbuds - Magical Mystery Tour

Aug 25, 2023 at 11:48 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 123


Friend of Blur Earphones
Apr 25, 2015
I have been reluctant to create this thread as FranQL (FQL) DIY Earbuds are not readily available, nor are they made to sell, but rather are kindly gifted to fellow flathead fiends and earbud lovers that the earbud maker is acquainted with. Upon receipt the other day of another brilliant sounding set of earbuds from our very humble, yet very talented Spaniard I could no longer refrain from, nor resist, putting @FranQL's creations into the spotlight. This thread is a well deserving tribute to the truly extraordinary skills (and magical touch) that some DIYers like our gifted @FranQL have and their true passion for all things flathead.

*** Calling on all other recipients to share their earbud treasures in this here thread. ***

~ ~ ~

The following are the seven (7) earbud models that I have received from @FranQL since 2021:

FranQL Caelum (DIY Metal Bell-Horn Beryllium); 4.4TRRRS; 120Ω

Primary Signature = Neutral Flat / Mid-Centric
Secondary (Strong) = Neutral Flat (Balanced tuning)
Secondary (Strong) = Sharp - Detailed (Reference-Level Detail)
Secondary (Weak) = Slightly Dark Leaning (Resolving Low End)
Tertiary (Complimenting) = Airy - Smooth Treble (No Sibilance)
Tertiary (Opposing) = None
Soundstage = Slightly Narrow but Very Deep (Multi-Layered)
Session = Ultralong (No Detectable Fatigue Yet)
Microphonics = Virtually None
Pros = Balanced; Resolute Clarity; Superb Imaging; Natural Timbre
Cons = Narrow staging may be too weak for some Symphonic Classical / Live Performance recordings

The above breakdown remains tentative and may change after I have had more time with the Caelum.

Timbre is back! Stunning signature. Awesome resolution and clarity. Airy, but with no upper frequency fatigue, brightness, or sibilance to speak of. They remind me a little of my K's 凯 Temperament Bell-Ti 钛铃 High Impedance Edition; 120Ω but with a more pronounced (better textured) low end... and they offer a similar detailed airy upper end that reminds me of my old Simphonio SW-Dragon 3 Plus but sans the fatiguing sibilance and brightness that the SWD3+ and pretty much the entire Dragon series is known for.

The Caelum, if they continue to behave as well as they are, will be headed for first place in my ranking list. The Yinman 2.0 600 LE might have more pronounced sub-bass and wider sound staging but the Caelum bass is far more resolving (better textured) and their staging is deep and layered. With a high sensitivity of 116 dB/mW I did notice something peculiar about this ultra-sensitive driver though... the sub-bass surprisingly perks up, quite significantly, when I switch to high-gain mode on my tube amp which at the moment I am unable to explain the reason as to why that would happen...

The huge plus for me is the improved timbre offered by the Caelum which is due to it's more linear (balanced) sound signature. Being a timbrehead I am beyond pleased to get this level of resolution and clarity back again without the usual associated fatigue and resulting ear/headache that plague me with so many earbuds. I can now hear Leonard Bernstein grunting, humming along, and berating out-of-line musicians again in Beethoven: Choral Fantasy in C Minor, Op. 80 (1962).

FranQL Temperament Woody Edition; 3.5TRRS (3.5MM HIFIMAN); 150Ω

A surprise mod of the K's 凯 Temperament Bell-Ti 钛铃 High Impedance Edition; 120Ω in which @FranQL performed a lifesaving driver transplant; more info here.
~FranQL Ks Temperament Woody Edition 150Ω (1).jpg

"offering a pleasantly warm and ultra-extended listening capable sound signature I have found these modded Ks Bell-Ti earbuds to be more balanced sounding with a nice sparkle in the treble... so definitely more exciting and a tad less gooey and laidback than the original tuning."

FranQL Yellow Candy (DIY MX120 LCP); 2.5TRRS; 127Ω
~FranQL Yellow Candy (DIY MX120 LCP); 2.5TRRS; 127Ω.jpg

Primary = Neutral - Bright / Mid-Centric
Secondary (Strong) = Bright (Mildly - Not Sibilant, Nor Harsh)
Secondary (Weak) = Smooth
Tertiary (Complimenting) = Detailed
Tertiary (Opposing) = Dark
Session = Long-Ultralong
Microphonics = Moderate
Pros = Superb Timbre; Perfectly Mid-Centric; Reference-Like
Cons = None, besides some cable microphonics

FranQL Eight Ball Red (DIY MX300 DLC Carbon); 3.5TRS; 300Ω
~FranQL DIY MX 300Ω DLC Carbon.jpg

Primary = Neutral Flat / Mid-Centric
Secondary (Strong) = Smooth & Mellow
Secondary (Weak) = Dark
Tertiary (Complimenting) = Warm
Tertiary (Opposing) = Sharp
Session = Ultralong
Microphonics = Very Minor due to cloth cable
Pros = Super-Smooth; Mellow; Relaxing; Very Friendly Signature
Cons = If underpowered it may be too smooth (boring) with some music genres

FranQL Eight Ball Blue (DIY MX32 19-21 Black Dot Bio); 3.5TRS; 32Ω
~FranQL Eight Ball Blue 32Ω_DIY MX 32Ω 19-21 Black Dot Bio.jpg

Primary = Neutral - Bright (Pseudo V-Shaped) / Mid-Centric
Secondary (Strong) = Very Bright (Though Not Sibilant, Nor Harsh)
Secondary (Weak) = Warm
Tertiary (Complimenting) = Sharp / Detailed
Tertiary (Opposing) = None
Session = Medium-Long
Microphonics = Minor (normal level for MX500 shell)
Pros = Friendly Signature; Excellent Timbre
Cons = Bass-Light (slightly recessed bass); occasionally naughty highs

FranQL Cylon-Be (DIY MX500 Beryllium); 2.5TRRS; 500Ω
~FranQL Cylon-Be - DIY MX 500Ω Beryllium.jpg

Primary = Aggressive / Mid-Centric
Secondary (Strong) = Bright / Ultra Detailed
Secondary (Weak) = Thin-Tinny
Tertiary (Complimenting) = Detailed / Forward - Shouty
Tertiary (Opposing) = None
Session = Short (highs are fatiguing)
Microphonics = Minor (normal level for MX500 shell)
Pros = Reference (Ultra-Detailed); Timbre is good albeit sharp, very sharp
Cons = Critical (can be too clinical/analytical especially with poor recordings); Aggressive

FranQL Darth Gray-Be (DIY MX32 19-21 Red Dot Beryllium); 3.5TRS; 32Ω
~FranQL Darth Gray-Be DIY MX 32Ω 19-21 Red Dot Beryllium.jpg

Primary = Neutral Flat / Mid-Centric
Secondary (Strong) = Dark
Secondary (Weak) = Smooth
Tertiary (Complimenting) = None
Tertiary (Opposing) = Mildly Bright
Session = Long-Ultralong
Microphonics = Minor (normal level for MX500 shell)
Pros = Bass
Cons = Too dark which at times can be lifeless and boring
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Aug 25, 2023 at 11:40 PM Post #3 of 123
I have been reluctant to create this thread as FranQL (FQL) DIY Earbuds are not readily available, nor are they made to sell, but rather are kindly gifted to fellow flathead fiends and earbud lovers that the earbud maker is acquainted with. Upon receipt the other day of another brilliant sounding set of earbuds from our very humble, yet very talented Spaniard I could no longer refrain from, nor resist, putting @FranQL's creations into the spotlight. This thread is a well deserving tribute to the truly extraordinary skills (and magical touch) that some DIYers like our gifted @FranQL have and their true passion for all things flathead.

*** Calling on all other recipients to share their earbud treasures in this here thread. ***

~ ~ ~

The following are the seven (7) earbud models that I have received from @FranQL since 2021:

FranQL Caelum (DIY Metal Bell-Horn Beryllium); 4.4TRRRS; 120Ω
IMG_2963.JPG IMG_2964.JPG

Primary Signature = Neutral Flat / Mid-Centric
Secondary (Strong) = Neutral Flat (Balanced tuning)
Secondary (Strong) = Sharp - Detailed (Reference-Level Detail)
Secondary (Weak) = Slightly Dark Leaning (Resolving Low End)
Tertiary (Complimenting) = Airy - Smooth Treble (No Sibilance)
Tertiary (Opposing) = None
Soundstage = Slightly Narrow but Very Deep (Multi-Layered)
Session = Ultralong (No Detectable Fatigue Yet)
Microphonics = Virtually None
Pros = Balanced; Resolute Clarity; Superb Imaging; Natural Timbre
Cons = Narrow staging may be too weak for some Symphonic Classical / Live Performance recordings

The above breakdown remains tentative and may change after I have had more time with the Caelum.

Timbre is back! Stunning signature. Awesome resolution and clarity. Airy, but with no upper frequency fatigue, brightness, or sibilance to speak of. They remind me a little of my K's 凯 Temperament Bell-Ti 钛铃 High Impedance Edition; 120Ω but with a more pronounced (better textured) low end... and they offer a similar detailed airy upper end that reminds me of my old Simphonio SW-Dragon 3 Plus but sans the fatiguing sibilance and brightness that the SWD3+ and pretty much the entire Dragon series is known for.

The Caelum, if they continue to behave as well as they are, will be headed for first place in my ranking list. The Yinman 2.0 600 LE might have more pronounced sub-bass and wider sound staging but the Caelum bass is far more resolving (better textured) and their staging is deep and layered. With a high sensitivity of 116 dB/mW I did notice something peculiar about this ultra-sensitive driver though... the sub-bass surprisingly perks up, quite significantly, when I switch to high-gain mode on my tube amp which at the moment I am unable to explain the reason as to why that would happen...

The huge plus for me is the improved timbre offered by the Caelum which is due to it's more linear (balanced) sound signature. Being a timbrehead I am beyond pleased to get this level of resolution and clarity back again without the usual associated fatigue and resulting ear/headache that plague me with so many earbuds. I can now hear Leonard Bernstein grunting, humming along, and berating out-of-line musicians again in Beethoven: Choral Fantasy in C Minor, Op. 80 (1962).

FranQL Temperament Woody Edition; 3.5TRRS (3.5MM HIFIMAN); 150Ω

A surprise mod of the K's 凯 Temperament Bell-Ti 钛铃 High Impedance Edition; 120Ω in which @FranQL performed a lifesaving driver transplant; more info here.
~FranQL Ks Temperament Woody Edition 150Ω (1).jpg
"offering a pleasantly warm and ultra-extended listening capable sound signature I have found these modded Ks Bell-Ti earbuds to be more balanced sounding with a nice sparkle in the treble... so definitely more exciting and a tad less gooey and laidback than the original tuning."

FranQL Yellow Candy (DIY MX120 LCP); 2.5TRRS; 127Ω
~FranQL Yellow Candy (DIY MX120 LCP); 2.5TRRS; 127Ω.jpg

Primary = Neutral - Bright / Mid-Centric
Secondary (Strong) = Bright (Mildly - Not Sibilant, Nor Harsh)
Secondary (Weak) = Smooth
Tertiary (Complimenting) = Detailed
Tertiary (Opposing) = Dark
Session = Long-Ultralong
Microphonics = Moderate
Pros = Superb Timbre; Perfectly Mid-Centric; Reference-Like
Cons = None, besides some cable microphonics

FranQL Eight Ball Red (DIY MX300 DLC Carbon); 3.5TRS; 300Ω
~FranQL DIY MX 300Ω DLC Carbon.jpg

Primary = Neutral Flat / Mid-Centric
Secondary (Strong) = Smooth & Mellow
Secondary (Weak) = Dark
Tertiary (Complimenting) = Warm
Tertiary (Opposing) = Sharp
Session = Ultralong
Microphonics = Very Minor due to cloth cable
Pros = Super-Smooth; Mellow; Relaxing; Very Friendly Signature
Cons = If underpowered it may be too smooth (boring) with some music genres

FranQL Eight Ball Blue (DIY MX32 19-21 Black Dot Bio); 3.5TRS; 32Ω
~FranQL Eight Ball Blue 32Ω_DIY MX 32Ω 19-21 Black Dot Bio.jpg
Primary = Neutral - Bright (Pseudo V-Shaped) / Mid-Centric
Secondary (Strong) = Very Bright (Though Not Sibilant, Nor Harsh)
Secondary (Weak) = Warm
Tertiary (Complimenting) = Sharp / Detailed
Tertiary (Opposing) = None
Session = Medium-Long
Microphonics = Minor (normal level for MX500 shell)
Pros = Friendly Signature; Excellent Timbre
Cons = Bass-Light (slightly recessed bass); occasionally naughty highs

FranQL Cylon-Be (DIY MX500 Beryllium); 2.5TRRS; 500Ω
~FranQL Cylon-Be - DIY MX 500Ω Beryllium.jpg

Primary = Aggressive / Mid-Centric
Secondary (Strong) = Bright / Ultra Detailed
Secondary (Weak) = Thin-Tinny
Tertiary (Complimenting) = Detailed / Forward - Shouty
Tertiary (Opposing) = None
Session = Short (highs are fatiguing)
Microphonics = Minor (normal level for MX500 shell)
Pros = Reference (Ultra-Detailed); Timbre is good albeit sharp, very sharp
Cons = Critical (can be too clinical/analytical especially with poor recordings); Aggressive

FranQL Darth Gray-Be (DIY MX32 19-21 Red Dot Beryllium); 3.5TRS; 32Ω
~FranQL Darth Gray-Be DIY MX 32Ω 19-21 Red Dot Beryllium.jpg

Primary = Neutral Flat / Mid-Centric
Secondary (Strong) = Dark
Secondary (Weak) = Smooth
Tertiary (Complimenting) = None
Tertiary (Opposing) = Mildly Bright
Session = Long-Ultralong
Microphonics = Minor (normal level for MX500 shell)
Pros = Bass
Cons = Too dark which at times can be lifeless and boring
Wow... I remember those days when we talked about them
Aug 26, 2023 at 1:33 AM Post #7 of 123
Boss @FranQL sent a very nice DIY 120 ohm LCP earbud as a gift last time. I still use this earbud every week, even with 30+ earbuds in my collection!


This earbud comes with a nice chin sider and clip. Cable is very well braided, tangle-free with ZERO microphonics. There's a nice red and blue gem on the right and blue earpieces respectively. Build is excellent as such.

It is not easy to drive as per the high impedance, but with heigi foams installed and amplified, the tuning is neutral with a bass boost. The sub-bass has some roll-off as per most conventional earbuds, it is mid-bass focused, with the bass slightly north of neutral. Bass is of excellent texturing and speed. Lower mids are lush and sweet. The upper mids are slightly forwards without being shouty. Treble is not fatiguing nor sibilant, but has good clarity still.

Timbre is very organic and natural. Acoustic instruments are really very well portrayed. The soundstage is expansive (especially depth and height), instrument separation and imaging are very good. It sounds really excellent for jazz, acoustic, classical and OST pieces and fairs well with complex instrumentation also. Kinda reminds me a bit of the Sennheiser HD650 tuning, but this earbud actually has better technicalities than the HD650.

If boss @FranQL sold this for $100, nobody would bat an eyelid to pay this amount for this TOTL earbud sonics. He is truly a master DIY tuner, and has my deepest respect and thanks for sending this heavenly gift!
Aug 26, 2023 at 8:42 AM Post #8 of 123
Regarding this post, I don't even know what to say, it's too much, I have no words, I have no words, really.

If any of the buds I've made are in use, that's what they're made for, and with everything on the market that's something to be very proud of, I never imagined anything like this, it might seem stupid.

I always say the same, anyone can do this, anyone can get a great sound for their tastes by experimenting and for little money for the result, I have only shared what I really thought was good with good friends.

Aug 26, 2023 at 10:35 AM Post #9 of 123
Fran , do you make basshead earbud, or have tried to make one .

I got some notable basses (of course IMO and to be talking about buds) with two drivers, as I told you yesterday they are 130 bery and 64 ti pinkdot, from memory also with a bud I made for @samandhi (I don't have this one) using the smabat gold driver (150 ti). He gave me the driver and kindly sent me the driver, I returned it to him.

I sent the 130 bery bud to @Charlyro222 and I am waiting to hear his thoughts and I have to rebuild it to give it an intensive listening too.


With 64 ti pink dot I attest that @jeejack achieved an even more forceful bass than the one I got with my hydra bud tuning.

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Aug 26, 2023 at 6:21 PM Post #11 of 123
Thanks @WoodyLuvr for this thread!! I never had a chance to hear any of @FranQL 's earbuds, but must admit that for me as a passionate earbud lover and diy beginner it is always a great pleasure to read his advices and posts. I really like what he do with Nokia HDS3 shells and I keep these images as a examples and reminder how my own builds should look. Keep up with great job, both of you!

Nokia HDS3 shell franql 02.jpg
Nokia HDS3 shell franql 01.jpg
Aug 26, 2023 at 6:46 PM Post #12 of 123
Fran , do you make basshead earbud, or have tried to make one .
I got some notable basses (of course IMO and to be talking about buds) with two drivers, as I told you yesterday they are 130 bery and 64 ti pinkdot, from memory also with a bud I made for @samandhi (I don't have this one) using the smabat gold driver (150 ti). He gave me the driver and kindly sent me the driver, I returned it to him.

I sent the 130 bery bud to @Charlyro222 and I am waiting to hear his thoughts and I have to rebuild it to give it an intensive listening too.

With 64 ti pink dot I attest that @jeejack achieved an even more forceful bass than the one I got with my hydra bud tuning.

If you can somehow source another Smabat 150TI driver, these make for some really good bass. I have to say that the pair that @FranQL made for me could be considered bassy, though still probably not quite "basshead" levels, even among IEMs (true story). But the great thing about these buds is that they not only have quantity, the bass is good quality too. I have enjoyed the heck out of these buds. As I have mentioed on the earbud thread, Smabat makes some fantastic drivers, but they don't seem to know how to use them. This is where Fran comes in with his craft. So you see Fran? It ISN'T as easy as all that... A big company like Smabat can't seem to get it right, but you can take their drivers and make something splendid! :beerchug:


Then there are the OG ones that he sent to me. These are a sort of balanced sound, not too bassy, but not too shy. Treble being in the middle too. These are fantastic buds also. I believe these were made with the Smabat 40Bio driver?!



Next come the ones we have been talking about as of late. These are similar (but different) to the Yinman 2.0 600. These (and the next pair) are on another level from all the store bought buds I have listened to thus far. One of Fran's finest creations (IMHO).

And finally, last but certainly not least, these are among the finest sound (overall) that one could expect (if the tuning matches your tastes) from an earbud. The Caelum are right up there with these, but I lean towards the tuning on these more often. With all these fine earbuds, I feel so spoiled. :)
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Aug 28, 2023 at 10:41 PM Post #14 of 123
How I wish to be lucky enough to own a FranQL bud 😇
Aug 29, 2023 at 12:59 AM Post #15 of 123
As the current owner of Yellow Candy, I just want to add that amongst my 50+ earbuds it remains unique and stays in my top drawer =)
in fact I got soo excited when I first tried it that I contemplated pm-ing FranQL to give him my praise, but worried it would be too weird since I don't personally know him and have never talked to him before.

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