Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread
Aug 7, 2013 at 8:52 PM Post #4,982 of 18,792
Funny how many here talk about the bass of the TH900s. I feel the organic and liquid mids are its best feature, full of inner-light and a sense of being rounded and 3D.
Tube amps bring this out nicely for me. Vocals sound like a ripe tomato, sweet and bulging and close-up, and I love this aspect of the TH900 and it makes them stand out.
(I kind of feel they are the opposite of HD800s in this area.) I own both of these phones.
Aug 7, 2013 at 8:54 PM Post #4,983 of 18,792
Thanks Greed. Yeah, I've read the thread in its entirety. From what I read, the guys much prefer the LCD 3, but also recommend keeping the TH-900. 

Would I like to own both? Absolutely! I guess, it comes down to - do I get the TH-900 now, save up and get the LCD3 much-much later, or skip the TH-900 and just keep squirrelling away to save up for the LCD3s. Damn first world problems. hehehehe.  

To some extent it will come down to your amps. The TH900 is very forgiving, where as the LCD3 can be picky. If you were to go with the LCD3 then something like the GS-X mk2 will offer a good platform for it and the TH900. Either way you are ending up with an amazing HP. :D
Aug 7, 2013 at 8:58 PM Post #4,984 of 18,792
no lol. the T1 should stay. its way different.
the TH-900 is basically a closed bass monster version of the T1 (more bass, not as much detail and clarity)

I've always found the T1 to be somewhat dry. Opposite to the TH-900. Even though the mids are a bit recessed, they are still sweet and smooth. I do agree that the T1 and TH-900 share a similar FR with a slight mid recession though. 
I can agree with the description of less detail and clarity. I think the TH-900 do very well in this department but not as good as the T1.  
Aug 7, 2013 at 9:06 PM Post #4,985 of 18,792
I've always found the T1 to be somewhat dry. Opposite to the TH-900. Even though the mids are a bit recessed, they are still sweet and smooth. I do agree that the T1 and TH-900 share a similar FR with a slight mid recession though. 
I can't agree with the description of less detail and clarity. I think the TH-900 do very well in this department. 

Yes the TH-900 does do well in that department.  However, I'm with the T1's on this one, when compared to the TH-900s

Aug 7, 2013 at 9:08 PM Post #4,986 of 18,792
I've always found the T1 to be somewhat dry. Opposite to the TH-900. Even though the mids are a bit recessed, they are still sweet and smooth. I do agree that the T1 and TH-900 share a similar FR with a slight mid recession though. 
I can't agree with the description of less detail and clarity. I think the TH-900 do very well in this department. 

well on an SS amp, yeah the T1 would come across as dry vs. the warmer and fuller TH-900. however, on my setup, i feel the T1 is quite similar to the TH-900. the TH-900 do very well with detail and transparency, they are smoother than T1 in many ways, and their imaging is basically the same, very good of course, transients are similar. but i feel that T1 are more detailed still cause the mids are more recessed on TH-900, its harder to pick out nuances in the mids than with the T1, the T1 has more airy and an openness to it that the TH-900 just doesn't have. 
due to their V shape response and similar warmth and sweetness in the mids, i feel they're similar. also the T1 has a similar bass response to the TH-900 in terms of decay and texture. just the T1 is obviously more neutral and open/bright like the HD 800s. the TH-900s goes darker and smoother.
i think the TH-900 are faster than t1 though, similar but the TH-900 seems to handle poor recordings and loud complex passages better, even crap brickwalled rock music sounds good with TH-900, theres no congestion ever. thats one thing that really surprises me about the TH-900.
i hope thats a better way to describe it. their performance comes extremely close to one another, not to really say one is clearly a winner over the other. just that the Th-900 sacrifice a bit of that openness and high end detail extraction (like hd 800) in exchange for a little more warmth smoothness and of course, that uber denon bassline.
Aug 7, 2013 at 9:09 PM Post #4,987 of 18,792
To some extent it will come down to your amps. The TH900 is very forgiving, where as the LCD3 can be picky. If you were to go with the LCD3 then something like the GS-X mk2 will offer a good platform for it and the TH900. Either way you are ending up with an amazing HP.

Amplification is a little hard to come by where I am. The easiest to get would be Bursons. I have the Soloist married to a NAD M51 right now, and also a Lyr with Bifrost (non-uber). I probably won't plug the TH-900 to the Lyr though. Me is too scared!
GS-X mk2 would be prohibitively expensive to get here, especially due to shipping and customs. 
 Actually this is true for a whole lot of products I would like to have on my wishlist.
I've read comments that the TH900 pairs well with the Soloist (with caveats of course), but I have no idea if it does well with the LCD 3. Also considering a Schiit Ragnarok in future but of course as the product does not exist yet...
Aug 7, 2013 at 9:24 PM Post #4,989 of 18,792
well on an SS amp, yeah the T1 would come across as dry vs. the warmer and fuller TH-900. however, on my setup, i feel the T1 is quite similar to the TH-900. the TH-900 do very well with detail and transparency, they are smoother than T1 in many ways, and their imaging is basically the same, very good of course, transients are similar. but i feel that T1 are more detailed still cause the mids are more recessed on TH-900, its harder to pick out nuances in the mids than with the T1, the T1 has more airy and an openness to it that the TH-900 just doesn't have. 
due to their V shape response and similar warmth and sweetness in the mids, i feel they're similar. also the T1 has a similar bass response to the TH-900 in terms of decay and texture. just the T1 is obviously more neutral and open/bright like the HD 800s. the TH-900s goes darker and smoother.
i think the TH-900 are faster than t1 though, similar but the TH-900 seems to handle poor recordings and loud complex passages better, even crap brickwalled rock music sounds good with TH-900, theres no congestion ever. thats one thing that really surprises me about the TH-900.
i hope thats a better way to describe it. their performance comes extremely close to one another, not to really say one is clearly a winner over the other. just that the Th-900 sacrifice a bit of that openness and high end detail extraction (like hd 800) in exchange for a little more warmth smoothness and of course, that uber denon bassline.

This is sounding hopeful for me. I do like warm and smooth in my music and also performance with poor recording. 
Aug 7, 2013 at 9:26 PM Post #4,990 of 18,792
well on an SS amp, yeah the T1 would come across as dry vs. the warmer and fuller TH-900. however, on my setup, i feel the T1 is quite similar to the TH-900. the TH-900 do very well with detail and transparency, they are smoother than T1 in many ways, and their imaging is basically the same, very good of course, transients are similar. but i feel that T1 are more detailed still cause the mids are more recessed on TH-900, its harder to pick out nuances in the mids than with the T1, the T1 has more airy and an openness to it that the TH-900 just doesn't have. 
due to their V shape response and similar warmth and sweetness in the mids, i feel they're similar. also the T1 has a similar bass response to the TH-900 in terms of decay and texture. just the T1 is obviously more neutral and open/bright like the HD 800s. the TH-900s goes darker and smoother.
i think the TH-900 are faster than t1 though, similar but the TH-900 seems to handle poor recordings and loud complex passages better, even crap brickwalled rock music sounds good with TH-900, theres no congestion ever. thats one thing that really surprises me about the TH-900.
i hope thats a better way to describe it. their performance comes extremely close to one another, not to really say one is clearly a winner over the other. just that the Th-900 sacrifice a bit of that openness and high end detail extraction (like hd 800) in exchange for a little more warmth smoothness and of course, that uber denon bassline.

That does clear things up. Thank you for the detailed explanation. I do hear similarities. I wish I still had the T1 on hand to a proper comparison, but from what I remember overall I prefer the TH-900. I did have the T1 and HD800 side by side, and for those specific genres I opted to keep the HD800 and sell the T1's. I guess I was never a fan of Beyer sound, just a bit to dry for my tastes. I had the T1+WA2 combo too. I just never warmed up to the sound. But the sheer technical characteristics of those phones definitely belong in the upper echelon of headphones. Detail and transparency rival the best (HD800, STAX O2, 009). Maybe I'll give them another shot one day..
Aug 7, 2013 at 11:35 PM Post #4,991 of 18,792
Hi guys! Needing advice from TH-900 owners in this thread. 

I'm waffling over the purchase of the TH-900. I can get them for a decent price, but I am on the fence. If I get them, they will be the most expensive splurge I've done in this hobby, but I don't know if it will be worth it. 

I currently have the LCD 2.2, T1, and HE-500. I love the ortho sound and I love the T1 for certain genres. I have the Lyr and the Soloist and PanAm to drive them (and the TH-900 if I get them). More than anything, I'm looking for an excuse to pull the trigger. 

 What is holding me back is the thought of maybe keeping the cash and saving extra for an LCD 3. 

My advice; sell the LCD 2.2 & HE-500, keep the T1. Then, get the W3000ANV (in lieu of TH-900) and HD800.

My 'dream' collection:
HD800 - Jazz
W3000ANV - Acoustic
T1 - All rounder.

Never look back.
Aug 7, 2013 at 11:36 PM Post #4,992 of 18,792
no lol. the T1 should stay. its way different.

the TH-900 is basically a closed bass monster version of the T1 (more bass, not as much detail and clarity)

I fully agree.
Aug 7, 2013 at 11:39 PM Post #4,993 of 18,792
Yes the TH-900 does do well in that department.  However, I'm with the T1's on this one, when compared to the TH-900s:basshead:

Aug 8, 2013 at 12:01 AM Post #4,994 of 18,792
My advice; sell the LCD 2.2 & HE-500, keep the T1. Then, get the W3000ANV (in lieu of TH-900) and HD800.

My 'dream' collection:
HD800 - Jazz
W3000ANV - Acoustic
T1 - All rounder.

Never look back.

You know what? I did indeed look at the W3000ANV. Very, very purrrty. :) And of course all impressions say they are awesome. However, I decided against it as the headband style did not suit my noggin. :) Tried a phone with the same band, and it was not an ideal match for my head. 
Aug 8, 2013 at 12:09 PM Post #4,995 of 18,792

Booked the day off work to collect my Clas -dB from hifiheadphones but mainly to demo the TH900 and W3000ANV. Ended up also giving the HD800 another shot. Currently waiting for train home so will write more later but wanted to upload the snaps :) And to say the TH900 has changed my life...

Edit: Apologies if the photos are huge. On Nexus 4 so cannot tell!

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