Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread
Mar 1, 2015 at 2:16 AM Post #9,271 of 18,776
I live in LA area and I just got my th900. I really love it. imo, I think in many way is much better than my LCD-2 Rev 2.( it's heavier and kind of dark). The th900 is just so light in weight and sound quality. It's very relaxing feeling and you lost in the music not the head gear. I just got my photo for Avatar but I have not been able to post it( waiting to get permission) I am using Yulong DA8 for DAC/Amp and LD lV SE tube Amps and mac mini.Quite happy with the result. joesmokey e-mail me if you live close by. 

I heard the same when I had an LCD2. I disliked the sound so much I decided to discard orthos altogether. I can see what you mean when you describe the TH900's sound but I would like to add that it has a lot of deep, punchy bass.
I've been listening to the stock TH900 with my new Marantz HD-DAC1 because I wanted to see what effect the amp has on the somewhat recessed mids of the TH900. I must say I'm really pleased with the amp, it brings out the mids nicely, something I missed with the HP-A8. I must add that I always used the HP-A8 on minimum gain.
The Marantz is a powerful little amp. At 12 O'clock it's plenty loud on the lowest gain setting with the TH900.
Nice amp, I'll be experimenting with it some more today.
Mar 1, 2015 at 2:49 AM Post #9,272 of 18,776
I heard the same when I had an LCD2. I disliked the sound so much I decided to discard orthos altogether. I can see what you mean when you describe the TH900's sound but I would like to add that it has a lot of deep, punchy bass.
I've been listening to the stock TH900 with my new Marantz HD-DAC1 because I wanted to see what effect the amp has on the somewhat recessed mids of the TH900. I must say I'm really pleased with the amp, it brings out the mids nicely, something I missed with the HP-A8. I must add that I always used the HP-A8 on minimum gain.
The Marantz is a powerful little amp. At 12 O'clock it's plenty loud on the lowest gain setting with the TH900.
Nice amp, I'll be experimenting with it some more today.

That's good feedback, I was wondering how the Marantz HD-DAC1 compares to the Fostex HP-A8.
Can you elaborate a little more on the SQ differences?
Mar 1, 2015 at 3:26 AM Post #9,273 of 18,776
Mar 1, 2015 at 5:58 AM Post #9,275 of 18,776

The HD-DAC1 has a better DAC, but the HP-A8 is better headphone amp: more spacious and natural.

I think it's the opposite, the A8 having a better Dac, the Dac 1 having a better amp.
The Marantz does have better Dac specs but the A8 is more delicate to me.
The Marrantz does have the punch to really unlock the TH900 and it's warmer character suits the mids-shy TH900 really well.
All IMO of course. I do understand what you mean, see below.
  Listening now to the Fostex HPA8 (selling now at $1000 on amazon), and I like it more than the Marantz, but that is perhaps because the headamp section: more spacious, effortless sound, even more fluid, even more organic. The Marantz has perhaps a bit more snappy and upbeating bass, more prominent clear treble (the typical Marantz sound), but I find the Fostex more natural. As a DAC the Marantz may have an advantage with high res DSD files. Both of them outclass the Herus in musicality, which needs an outboard USB power supply and an outboard headphone amp to compete, otherwise it's  more rough and nothing more than with more loudness and treble (typical "stock-Sabre" sound; IMO Sabre needs much more sophisticated implementations to sound good). When we take price into account, the Herus is a no-brainer. I recommend listening to it, whether is it your style or not, and know that it can be improved if needed. These systems already attain the "good enough to enjoy" level, just select a matching headphone, and enjoy. A NOS DAC with a separate amp will beat these, at a price, and with the right headphones, but not by much.

Yep, I hear the same things. I do prefer the more deep, powerful sound of the Dac1with the typical Marantz mid warmth, it takes away my only gripe with the TH900. I found the Fostex to be more fluid indeed but a little too resolving in the highs and missing some punch and power.
That's good feedback, I was wondering how the Marantz HD-DAC1 compares to the Fostex HP-A8.
Can you elaborate a little more on the SQ differences?

See above and Zolkis links. I think we both hear the same things, we just prefer a different sound.
I am very curious about how the TH900 will sound with the GS-X. I have been PM-ing with people who have the amp and I have really high hopes for it.
Mar 1, 2015 at 12:23 PM Post #9,278 of 18,776
  Ive also just joined the club.


That first picture does a great job of capturing just how sexy the work on the cups is...the depth and the metal onlay.  I've understood what folks were posting and could picture it in my mind's eye but that photo brings it to life.
Enjoy....I can tell I'm not far behind you 

I was a bit disillusioned with the egg protein synthetic leather breaking down and how delicate they seem to be, but I don't think the latter will be a big issue given how I use them.
Mar 1, 2015 at 12:38 PM Post #9,279 of 18,776
Yep, I hear the same things. I do prefer the more deep, powerful sound of the Dac1with the typical Marantz mid warmth, it takes away my only gripe with the TH900. I found the Fostex to be more fluid indeed but a little too resolving in the highs and missing some punch and power.

I should note that I used my modified TH900, which is also colored (when compared to my Stax 009 and 007), but has better midrange than the stock TH900, it is less V-shaped, while having deeper bass and bigger sound stage. With that, the more effortless nature of the Fostex amp had more appeal both to me and my friend I was listening with (especially for classical, jazz, instrumental and synth music). However, I can understand why someone would prefer the Marantz, especially with certain music genres (like pop, rock and metal). From memory I preferred the Furutech ADL Esprit and Woo WA7 over both, but I didn't compare them directly. For any case, my mods (described earlier in this thread) made much bigger difference on the TH900 than any amp I have tried.
Mar 2, 2015 at 4:23 AM Post #9,280 of 18,776
I should note that I used my modified TH900, which is also colored (when compared to my Stax 009 and 007), but has better midrange than the stock TH900, it is less V-shaped, while having deeper bass and bigger sound stage. With that, the more effortless nature of the Fostex amp had more appeal both to me and my friend I was listening with (especially for classical, jazz, instrumental and synth music). However, I can understand why someone would prefer the Marantz, especially with certain music genres (like pop, rock and metal). From memory I preferred the Furutech ADL Esprit and Woo WA7 over both, but I didn't compare them directly. For any case, my mods (described earlier in this thread) made much bigger difference on the TH900 than any amp I have tried.

Thank you zolkis & AppleheadMay for these precisions. I guess which system is better as a whole is what I am trying to figure out.
I have a preference for jazz and some classical music and would describe myself as a midrange freak. That said I am leaning towards the Fostex based on zolkis' impressions.
Thanks again!
Mar 2, 2015 at 6:43 AM Post #9,281 of 18,776
I guess which system is better as a whole is what I am trying to figure out.
I have a preference for jazz and some classical music and would describe myself as a midrange freak. That said I am leaning towards the Fostex based on zolkis' impressions.

There is no perfect choice, the midrange of the Marantz is fuller... now it depends what you like. You should definitely listen to them for an extended period, if not by other means, then by buying and selling. And there are lots of other options as well.
Mar 3, 2015 at 7:16 PM Post #9,283 of 18,776
These are excellent. I actually prefer them using standard Denon pads instead of the newer eggshell pads. The Denon pads seem to give me a better fit and seal. I'm trying to buy a warmer tilted amp. I still find them too bright, my biggest complaint. Hopefully, I can tame that down with a strategic choice of amp. I went with the M1HPA for a desktop, based on reviews which I have read suggesting it is on the warm side of neutral, and it will give me a full watt of power. I'm looking at a portable setup as well, with another warmer sounding amp.
I can already hear the amazing potential that they have (even without a decent amp). So much detail through all frequencies, and the sound stage is just fantastic. Separation is wonderful, clarity is outstanding, bass goes crazy deep, comfort is superb, everything is just better.
Everything *except* the treble, which can just be too hot and sparkly. I think "sparkly" is an good way to describe the treble. That's the word that comes to mind.
It's funny, cause I let my mom try them on today, and she commented on how "smooth" sounding they are. She knows nothing about headphones, but she really liked the sound of the TH900. It might be because I am rather young (23) and have higher sensitivity to treble than her. I think I read that higher frequency detection can decrease with age. Maybe that's why I'm having a bit of an issue. Then again, I'm sure we all hear things a little differently and are more sensitive to some headphones more than others, just based on genetics and our individual ears.
All I could say, is that these are indeed in a different tier and show their superiority. I just really hope I can fine tune them to my personal listening preferences. On some recordings, I just get totally lost in the music. To me, that's the best part of our headphone hobby.
Mar 3, 2015 at 7:56 PM Post #9,284 of 18,776
The treble is also sharp in my other phones though, so it might just be because of my lack of adequate amping.
Does anyone in here own a Macbook Pro? Or some Ipod device? I'd love to see if you also hear them as rather sharp without a separate amplifier.
Mar 3, 2015 at 9:12 PM Post #9,285 of 18,776
was having a problem with the highs when i first got the th900 and thought it might be a deal breaker but that passed. still prefer the w3000anv's delicate treble tho.

hadn't done any headphone listening for almost a couple of months until last night when i broke out both cans and was surprised by the result. much preferred the w3000anv. it sounded better balanced. the th900 was sounding bottom heavy and i was missing the w3000anv's mids and highs. funny how it goes.

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