Fostex HP-P1 Portable Amplifier and DAC for iPod/iPhone (Short REVIEW and Impressions Thread)
Jun 27, 2013 at 9:56 PM Post #1,096 of 1,448
It IS a hobby....There is only so much time.

Oh, a hobby.......aaah, yeah that's right a hobby.

[size=medium] hob·by  [/size]


  • An activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.
  • A migratory Old World falcon (genus Falco) with long narrow wings, catching dragonflies and birds on the wing.

Wait, avocation.....


[size=medium] av·o·ca·tion  [/size]


A hobby or minor occupation.

profession - vocation - occupation 
Oh, like a job okay i got it, not like a falcon but work....well i am working at it for sure

Or working for ..."it"  (a new amp, cables, source...whatever!)  

Jun 28, 2013 at 1:48 AM Post #1,097 of 1,448
Got my Fostex back today.
Five day turnaround.

I always suspected that the headphone out was a bit imbalanced as i had to move my headphones around quite a lot to find the sweet spot. They have fixed that as well as the volume pot and it is sounding great - as it always could have.
So I am happy.

Thanks again Fostex.
Jun 28, 2013 at 1:51 AM Post #1,098 of 1,448
The volume pot on my Fostex hp_p1 seems to have gone funny.
I gets static or louder in one ear when tapped to the side.
I think I need to send it in for servicing, anyone else had a similar problem?

Hi Expat,
Got to this one a bit late, been O/S. I had this problem late last year and it was a bugger to get repaired. What transpired is that inserting a RCA into the line-out at the rear may dislodge the socket from the board and short some of the componentry. My Fostex  went back and forth to the repairers three times before the issue was resolved. No problems since then (using it as a digital transport into a desktop dac/hp as we type - James Brown getting funky!).
Jun 28, 2013 at 7:35 AM Post #1,099 of 1,448
Software update!!??!!

It seems i may have an update.

Firmware 1.1,2
Hardware 1.1.2

The volume bar has disappeared,
it sounds 'better'?,
It sounds better with the stock cable now rather than my custom cable.

I will post pictures later.
Jun 28, 2013 at 8:15 AM Post #1,100 of 1,448
There is nothing about it on the Fostex website....You may have something from lab...

Jun 28, 2013 at 9:40 AM Post #1,101 of 1,448
Well I had a good listen today.
I bought a pair of ATH-ES10 (equipped with ESW11 leather earpads - upgrade) last week or so and found them not be what I was expecting. Even with the Fostex.
I had been pleased with the Fostex but had a few things I want 100% about , for example:
-I found that it did sound better with my custom piccolino USB/LOD even though some people said it being just 1 and 0s that it shouldnt matter etc, but it did make it cleaner and clearer to my ears.
-Also the sound seemed to be ever, EVER so Slightly to the right, I was not convinced it wasnt just my ears, my ear canal or my hearing that was causing this and had to spend time Constantly finding the sweet spot to get an even sound. I did read of low level volume channel imbalance but I was getting it at 1 and 2 o`clock on the volume pot.
-I have never understood why with basic portable amps the volume bar disappears but on the Fostex, CLAS and upcoming Hifi-M8 the volume bar stays there, although disabled.
Today I got my serviced Fostex back and was quite surprised, to quote the email;
`We completed the repair of your HP-P1.
We replaced the volume pot with the new one.
Also we added some more soldering to eliminate a static / crackling
noise at the headphone jack.`
This seemed enough to make it sound uber good.
The few things I wasnt 100% about seemed to have cleared up too.
-It now sounds better to my ears With the stock Fostex USB/LOD. This is trying with my ATH-ES10 and the more mid centered ATH-ESW9.
-The sound is even on both ear cups and seems to be all through the volume pot (need to test further at low levels with some IEMs admittedly).
-The volume bar now recedes/disappears when synced with the Fostex hp_p1.
And the ATH-ES10 now sound awesome! 

And the sound seems better to me, less `murk` and more clean. More impressions to come on the sound with the new firmware.
Screenshot of new Firmware (I think hardware is the same?)

Stock Apple music player (no volume bar).

Flacplayer app (also no volume bar)

Jun 28, 2013 at 9:50 AM Post #1,102 of 1,448
Great report Expat! I wonder when they will make the 1.1.2 available for general upgrading?
Jun 28, 2013 at 10:03 AM Post #1,104 of 1,448
Great report Expat! I wonder when they will make the 1.1.2 available for general upgrading?

No idea, I emailed Fostex just now thanking them again for the repairs and quoted the above post,
and also enquired about getting more information regarding the new Firmware.
Exciting to have some new News on an `older` product that many of us still use and love.
My incoming Hifi-M8 now has its work cut out for it.
Jun 28, 2013 at 10:17 AM Post #1,105 of 1,448
On a side note: K&D Sessions -- very nice album :)
My hardware revision is 1.1.2, software is 1.1.1 and my unit is quite new. So yes, you seem to have got early access to a new software revision...

Mine is the same as yours plakat....No worries, it sounds great!
Jun 28, 2013 at 10:37 AM Post #1,107 of 1,448
Mine is the same as yours plakat....No worries, it sounds great!

Yes, yes...keep telling yourselves that.
It wont help you sleep at night ...imagining....what If expats Firmware does sound better?..what am I missing out on??


Bad Expat! Naughty Expat!  

Jun 28, 2013 at 3:43 PM Post #1,108 of 1,448
As I'm working in IT I'm always a bit hesitant to install updates as my second question is inevitably 'What new problems are now included?' :wink:
Nevertheless I'm quite content with the HP-P1 as is. But its nice to hear that Fostex does care about their products... especially since I'm about to look into the HP-A8.
Jun 28, 2013 at 11:35 PM Post #1,110 of 1,448
Meanwhile I'm on 1.1.0 firmware. Volume bar disappears on iPod Touch 2G but not on the 4G. 
I have no idea how I would firmware update in Australia?

Hmm, that is interesting too.
Maybe the volume bar disappearing was attuned to an earlier Apple OS and Fostex firmware.
I will have to dig out the old iphone3 or is it 3G(?).

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