Focal Utopia General Discussion
Nov 3, 2022 at 2:17 PM Post #18,706 of 20,868
IMHO there is absolutely no need for OG Utopia users to upgrade to the 2022 model. We should wait for 2028 model (if there are indeed big improvements in SQ). :beyersmile:
Nov 3, 2022 at 4:06 PM Post #18,708 of 20,868
IMHO any of the current TOTL headphones are very good transducers. Focus on source and amplification, cabling, fuses, socket, isolation plinths for each component.

I don’t understand this constant change of flavour in the headphone world. For example if you have a mediocre source/amp or poor interconnect & headphone cables it will be holding your entire system back. Avoid equalisation and learn and implement which amplification and cables will give you the tonal balance you prefer.
Nov 3, 2022 at 4:43 PM Post #18,709 of 20,868
I don’t understand this constant change of flavour in the headphone world. For example if you have a mediocre source/amp or poor interconnect & headphone cables it will be holding your entire system back. Avoid equalisation and learn and implement which amplification and cables will give you the tonal balance you prefer.
How does change of flavor in headphones differ from changing sources, amps or cables? Certainly there is one crucial difference. Differences between headphones are real whereas difference between sources, amps and cables are very small and usually products of one's imagination. Avoiding eq is particularly bad advice since it actually does something.
Nov 3, 2022 at 5:45 PM Post #18,710 of 20,868
How does change of flavor in headphones differ from changing sources, amps or cables? Certainly there is one crucial difference. Differences between headphones are real whereas difference between sources, amps and cables are very small and usually products of one's imagination. Avoiding eq is particularly bad advice since it actually does something.
Completely agree with your point on EQ. It’s no different that changing sources, amps, and cables. They are all a way of tweaking the sound to obtain a sound signature you prefer. EQ is actually the cheapest way to do it. I’ve had a Loki and now a Lokius in my reference setup since it was announced. It’s one of the best tweaks I’ve added.
Nov 3, 2022 at 8:44 PM Post #18,711 of 20,868
Eq is definitely a lot cheaper. I just got a pair of adapters so that my Lcd5 and utopia can share the same cable.

The adapters were $150. Eq is free

The cable … well …

Your brain also gets used to things. Try using a thick diameter pen for a fortnight. Next time you pick up a normal pen, you’d think it was too narrow. Then you get used to it again
Nov 3, 2022 at 11:23 PM Post #18,712 of 20,868
I insist on pretending that they never released the 2022 model, because I’ve always loved the 2020 model I have, and until this mess every review on the planet assured me that I had one of the best headphones ever designed. The only reason for me to revisit that confidence is FOMO in my book.

I still haven’t seen any evidence that this “improvement” was intended to benefit anyone other than Focal, so they won’t have to fix any more failed voice coils—and my coils still seem to be working just fine. The initial marketing materials for the 2022 version didn’t say anything about a better sounding headphone, they said a more reliable headphone. It’s only of late that folks are talking about “better bass” and other vague improvements—and it is mainly corporate-funded reviewers claiming this, not the manufacturer themselves.

It’s funny to me that folks are debating which model looks better aesthetically, since I strongly believe that Focal made those superficial changes to further justify calling this an “upgrade”. I imagine somewhat cynically that they’d have had a much harder time moving units for an extra grand if the cans looked exactly the same, and only had a manufacturing flaw fixed that they should have offered existing owners for free to begin with. We did part ways with four thousand dollars for these things after all, and Focal sure loves to coast on the reputation of their build quality.

Anyway, since the voice coil issue is so established at this point, I’m banking on that if one of mine fails, I’m more than justified to pitch an absolute fit until they repair it! We shall see…
It is like France high fashion business practice. You pay a big price for the image. I always think that the Be driver is just for PR. Be material seems to be exquisite and unique. But Things that make the Utopia sound better than the clear, elex..are just thinner driver and must stronger magnet. Not the material of the driver domes itself
Nov 4, 2022 at 12:45 AM Post #18,713 of 20,868
It is like France high fashion business practice. You pay a big price for the image. I always think that the Be driver is just for PR. Be material seems to be exquisite and unique. But Things that make the Utopia sound better than the clear, elex..are just thinner driver and must stronger magnet. Not the material of the driver domes itself
So the BE metal does technically have significantly more rigidity/dampening properties for the same amount of other typically used metals. You can't just make a driver thinner and call it a day, it needs to be able to respond in the same way. Beryllium allows you to accomplish this.
Nov 4, 2022 at 1:09 AM Post #18,714 of 20,868
So the BE metal does technically have significantly more rigidity/dampening properties for the same amount of other typically used metals. You can't just make a driver thinner and call it a day, it needs to be able to respond in the same way. Beryllium allows you to accomplish this.
Maybe it will be different in larger speaker drivers. In 40mm drivers (actually less than that) the weight/rigidity/damper factor will be much less different between say aluminum/magnesium vs beryllium imo. If focal presses the aluminum/magnesium sheets as thin as possible and uses them on the utopia i dont think anyone can find out
Nov 4, 2022 at 1:29 AM Post #18,715 of 20,868
Maybe it will be different in larger speaker drivers. In 40mm drivers (actually less than that) the weight/rigidity/damper factor will be much less different between say aluminum/magnesium vs beryllium imo. If focal presses the aluminum/magnesium sheets as thin as possible and uses them on the utopia i dont think anyone can find out
Good info! That explains why the Utopia is indistinguishable from the Elear. :face_palm:
Nov 4, 2022 at 1:56 AM Post #18,716 of 20,868
Maybe it will be different in larger speaker drivers. In 40mm drivers (actually less than that) the weight/rigidity/damper factor will be much less different between say aluminum/magnesium vs beryllium imo. If focal presses the aluminum/magnesium sheets as thin as possible and uses them on the utopia i dont think anyone can find out
focal uses beryllium for its tweeters in its loudspeakers. the tweeter's voice coil is 20 mm in diameter. the utopia's driver is 40 mm. so it would appear that the utopia's driver is larger. according to focal: "For domes with identical masses, Beryllium is seven times more rigid than Titanium or Aluminum, the latter two well known for their rigidity. This results in a sound wave propagation three times faster than Titanium and two and a half times faster than Aluminum." i believe that beryllium is also considerably more expensive than aluminium and magnesium.
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Nov 4, 2022 at 2:25 AM Post #18,718 of 20,868
focal uses beryllium for its tweeters in its loudspeakers. the tweeter's voice coil is 20 mm in diameter. the utopia's driver is 40 mm. so it would appear that the utopia's driver is larger. according to focal: "For domes with identical masses, Beryllium is seven times more rigid than Titanium or Aluminum, the latter two well known for their rigidity. This results in a sound wave propagation three times faster than Titanium and two and a half times faster than Aluminum." i believe that beryllium is also considerably more expensive than aluminium and magnesium.
That was that focal told you. Just like it told the MG was an improvement of the og Clear, actually is is not true. I may stop replying now. Anyone can believe in whatever they want. I love focal headphones sound and I think they deserve the price but not so much with those all PR talk. Focal isn't going to tell customers about all the inside techs they gave on it headphones as well as transparent shortcomings of the designs . Magnisium beryllium may sound best on paper or specs imo.
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Nov 4, 2022 at 2:34 AM Post #18,719 of 20,868
I insist on pretending that they never released the 2022 model, because I’ve always loved the 2020 model I have, and until this mess every review on the planet assured me that I had one of the best headphones ever designed. The only reason for me to revisit that confidence is FOMO in my book.

I still haven’t seen any evidence that this “improvement” was intended to benefit anyone other than Focal, so they won’t have to fix any more failed voice coils—and my coils still seem to be working just fine. The initial marketing materials for the 2022 version didn’t say anything about a better sounding headphone, they said a more reliable headphone. It’s only of late that folks are talking about “better bass” and other vague improvements—and it is mainly corporate-funded reviewers claiming this, not the manufacturer themselves.

It’s funny to me that folks are debating which model looks better aesthetically, since I strongly believe that Focal made those superficial changes to further justify calling this an “upgrade”. I imagine somewhat cynically that they’d have had a much harder time moving units for an extra grand if the cans looked exactly the same, and only had a manufacturing flaw fixed that they should have offered existing owners for free to begin with. We did part ways with four thousand dollars for these things after all, and Focal sure loves to coast on the reputation of their build quality.

Anyway, since the voice coil issue is so established at this point, I’m banking on that if one of mine fails, I’m more than justified to pitch an absolute fit until they repair it! We shall see…
focal was a loudspeaker manufacturer last time I looked - not a benevolent society. it is not unusual for hi fi manufacturers to release a new iteration of a product that doesn't appear to be a significant upgrade over the previous model - on paper at least. i don't have a problem with focal 'refreshing' or 'updating' the focal utopia some six years after it was introduced, regardless of its motivation for doing so.
Nov 4, 2022 at 2:50 AM Post #18,720 of 20,868
That was that focal told you. Just like it told the MG was an improvement of the og Clear, actually is is not true. I may stop replying now. Anyone can believe in whatever they want. I love focal headphones sound and I think they deserve the price but not so much with those all PR talk. Focal isn't going to tell customers about all the inside techs they gave on it headphones as well as transparent shortcomings of the designs . Magnisium beryllium may sound best on paper or specs imo.
focal didn't tell me the difference in sizes between the beryllium tweeters and utopia headphone drivers that it manufactures. nor did focal tell me that beryllium is more expensive than aluminium and magnesium. the quote that i used from focal's website about beryllium's performance was acknowledged in my post. you can choose to believe it or not or better still, provide some evidence in support of your opinions.
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