Focal Utopia General Discussion
Apr 24, 2018 at 12:17 PM Post #7,112 of 20,868
I have a question about the overall reliability of the Utopia. I’ve read here on Head-Fi that many have had problems with theirs, and I wonder if this is because when the Utopia was first released, there were some design issues that needed to be sorted out by Focal. Having worked in the high end audio biz for 26 years, it wasn’t uncommon for this occurring with brand new models of electronics, even from brands such as Krell and Levinson. With transducers, not so much. Since the Utopia has been out now for, what, two years, I’m wondering if the above is the case, if recently manufactured versions have proven to be more reliable.

I bought my Utopia brand new late last year, so I’m hoping the above is the case. Of all the high end headphones I’ve owned, the Utopia is the only one that consistently brings a smile to my face every time I use them, so I envision them as my end game headphone, and I would like to think that with proper care, they will perform trouble free for many years to come.

Thanks in advance for any comments ...
Apr 24, 2018 at 12:39 PM Post #7,113 of 20,868
The Abyss 1266 do take a good 5 minutes to get fitted properly, but when they're on right, the sound they put out is absolutely worth the extra work. Also, they are extremely comfortable, don't let the design fool you. There is zero clamping on your ears, so it doesn't even feel like you're wearing headphones. I'm enjoying both the Utopias and the Abyss this week, they are totally different headphones.
Apr 24, 2018 at 1:05 PM Post #7,114 of 20,868
Apr 24, 2018 at 1:11 PM Post #7,115 of 20,868
I agree. I also do not care for the design, they look utterly ridiculous. Like a DIY project gone wrong.

Have you ever heard them, in other than show conditions? I thought the same when I was offered a pair in a trade, damn glad I decided to take the risk. The Abyss are the best headphones I’ve listened to in my system (LCD3,4,X; HD800, Clear, Utopia, Ether Flow) by a wide margin.

Yes they look unconventional, my Wife hates them, but I don’t give a flying fig what they look like, I’m in this hobby to have the best listening experience my budget (& Wife) allow.
Apr 24, 2018 at 2:53 PM Post #7,116 of 20,868
I'm disappointed my Utopias developed a problem as they are such an enjoyable headphone. It took a while (about a month) but Focal did replace my pair. I was scared it would happen again so I moved on from the Utopia. There is so much to like about the Utopia, and the few problems I had with it might not be an issue for others.

I wouldn't buy a pair of used Utopia due to the lack of warranty, and expensive repair costs if something does go wrong. With that being said if you want to experience the Utopia and can't drop 4 grand on a headphone, the used prices are very tempting. There is a pair for $2050USD on the classifieds right now, which is....interesting. However, if something goes wrong you might end up spending $4000 anyhow. A real quandary.
Apr 24, 2018 at 3:04 PM Post #7,117 of 20,868
I wish it was required for people to have a signature with their current gear inventory, or at least in the information tab of their user page.

I'm not specifically calling you out @ufospls2 but it's nice to be able to get a quick from of reference based on someones' taste with their current gear list. It also helps to answer questions such as, what headphone did you move on to from Utopia? Some of us like to know! :o2smile:
Apr 24, 2018 at 3:06 PM Post #7,118 of 20,868
I wish it was required for people to have a signature with their current gear inventory, or at least in the information tab of their user page.

I'm not specifically calling you out @ufospls2 but it's nice to be able to get a quick from of reference based on someones' taste with their current gear list. It also helps to answer questions such as, what headphone did you move on to from Utopia? Some of us like to know! :o2smile:

Hey Cskippy. Thats not a bad idea! I had never even thought of that to be honest. Well, when I sold the Utopia, I bought the LCDi4. Then I sold my LCD-4, due to owning the LCDi4, and bought the Susvara after saving for a bit. :)
Apr 24, 2018 at 5:26 PM Post #7,119 of 20,868
you do yourself a disservice here...i have both and not only is the abyss quite comfortable once you find the proper fit for you but it is IMHO a step up from the utopia....

Hey if it floats your boat then sweet. I remember giving up both build quality and comfort for sound with the he-500. That was a bit easier pill to swallow at $500 and fixable with th-600 ear pads and a deerskin headband wrap from headphile. The bhse takes longer to warm up than 15 min. Not my cup of tea either but I do not see that as a design flaw. Just the way it is with most tube amps and since the bhse is one of the best tube amps ever made it gets exaggerated. I think even you would not mind seeing a more conventional headband on the Abyss.
Apr 24, 2018 at 9:28 PM Post #7,120 of 20,868
The Abyss 1266 do take a good 5 minutes to get fitted properly, but when they're on right, the sound they put out is absolutely worth the extra work. Also, they are extremely comfortable, don't let the design fool you. There is zero clamping on your ears, so it doesn't even feel like you're wearing headphones. I'm enjoying both the Utopias and the Abyss this week, they are totally different headphones.
i auditioned the abyss 1266 (not the phi) a couple of times and liked what i heard. while it wasn't uncomfortable, it felt like a superstructure atop my head.
We all have the right to be wrong!
there is no right or wrong here, just misunderstandings :wink:
Apr 24, 2018 at 11:10 PM Post #7,121 of 20,868
Any Utopia owners also a fan of ZMF headphones? Been eyeing the Eikon to complement my Utopia...
Are you looking for a closed headphone or for a different headphone? I was looking for a closed headphone myself, and I sold my Eikon after spending a few months with it because in the end I just could not deal with its relatively prominent midbass coloration (it's all that wood). Also, as a Utopia owner, I found it way too boring in the long run. I'll admit that it may be more neutral than the Utopia, sure, but it was not for me.

Since I still needed a closed headphone, I recently picked up an LCD-XC on a whim, and so far I find it much more to my liking. It does not have as even a response as Eikon, but to my ears it has no wooden colorations and it does not sound closed. And, you know, it's still a high-end LCD headphone, so it has all the right technicalities when paired with a halfway decent amp.

One thing I had to do with the LCD-XC right away, however, was replace the awful standard headband with the new suspension headband like the one on LCD-2C. This adds $125 to the cost, but makes it infinitely more comfortable. Eikon has the advantage of being comfortable out-of-the-box.
Apr 24, 2018 at 11:22 PM Post #7,122 of 20,868
Hey, I got an LCD-XC after my wife ended up having the Utopia; she can hear it from upstairs with the bedroom door closed. I wish I had her hearing. It's such a waste because she does not like music.

I think the LCD-XC is the perfect counterpoint to the Utopia and adds variety to my headphone rotation. I love variety. By rotating between the headphones that I love, everything stays fresh and interesting. That's probably another thing my wife would hate hearing.
Apr 24, 2018 at 11:26 PM Post #7,124 of 20,868
Or always be wrong when you think you are right.

My Wife informs me quite frequently that this is a special talent of mine.
Apr 26, 2018 at 7:20 PM Post #7,125 of 20,868
Hi All,

A little off topic here.
I am wondering if any member of this forum or Utopia owners know of a good dedicated DAC " for the money " around 3k to 5k usd.

I have Studio-Six tube amp, Esoteric k05 cd/sacd/dac, Utopia or another way as
MBP/PC later to a dedicated DAC, Studio Six.

I will want to use this dedicated DAC for the 2 channel setup as well.

Music will be cd quality, hi rez, dsd.

Thank you and appreciate for your feedback.

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