Focal Elear and Utopia Review / Preview With Measurements - Head-Fi TV
Jul 31, 2016 at 11:38 AM Post #1,426 of 5,632
The Chord Mojo seems to be slightly tuned on the warm side. I'm not sure if that works best with a headphone like the Elear judging by it's frequency response. Maybe the Utopia is better suited for the Chord Mojo?

Go ahead buy Utopia and be happy. It's only 4k,just a number. Work hard for the number. Pay hard by the number.
Just kidding. It's up to you to decide what is happy for you.
Jul 31, 2016 at 11:42 AM Post #1,427 of 5,632
Go ahead buy Utopia and be happy. It's only 4k,just a number. Work hard for the number. Pay hard by the number.
Just kidding. It's up to you to decide what is happy for you.

Once you start justifying expensive purchase like that, you end up spending waaaaayyyyyy more than you should. But hey, it seems like we're all here to do that arent we?!
Jul 31, 2016 at 11:52 AM Post #1,428 of 5,632
  So since it looks like you have a Stax SR009, would you say the Utopia is in this sonic family, very resolving but sometimes unforgiving, say in the upper mids/vocals/highs?
Side notes:
I think you used to have the Rudistor RP010B that I have, so maybe this is a match for it...
I am also thinking of my former Sony R10s (bass-light), which also revealed a lot of sonic information, but also revealed digital or any upstream glare to a fault, and sounded best with my Rudistor amp.
Thank you .

IMO the Utopia are close to the SR009 in definition and detail (not 100% there but very close) but with much better bass (unless you are using the SR009 with the MSBSelect DAC/Amp combo or Jude's Cotter tube amp 
if your Rudi has silver ViaBlue fosters instead of the stock rubber ones then yes, I was the original owner of that one. The Rudi is on the warmer side of SS so I do believe it will be a good match for the Utopia and if you drive them balanced with a good OCC Copper cable IMO will be killer.
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Jul 31, 2016 at 12:15 PM Post #1,429 of 5,632
Jul 31, 2016 at 12:52 PM Post #1,431 of 5,632
I had a chance to listen to the Elear and Utopia yesterday as part of the Cavalli Audio presents The Source AV’s Summer Series 2016 event and here are my impressions (they're in the Summer Series thread as well - apologies for not knowing how to cross-link to another forum):
  1. Focal Elear via Cavalli Liquid Gold and A&K 500N player. First, the build quality on these is really good! They feel nicely and solidly built. Second, the sound is very dynamic and musical and not bright at all. I've heard these described as an "HD 650+" and there's something to that. They have some of the same musicality that I love about the HD 650. Am I ready to replace my beloved HD 650? Not yet, I need to listen quite a bit more, but if you're in the market for headphones around the $1K mark you need to listen to the Elear before deciding what to purchase.
  2. Focal Utopia via Cavalli Liquid Gold and A&K. Impressive build quality. We're talking carbon fiber, aluminum and nice leather. These look and feel like a luxury item. The sound is spectacular: Dynamic, transparent, and detailed while still being very musical. I'm impressed. I've heard most of the top headphones but I haven't spent significant time with each so I can't say that the Utopia is better than the competition. However, if you have $4K to spare and are looking for reference-level headphones you need to listen to these.
Jul 31, 2016 at 12:55 PM Post #1,432 of 5,632
The point being that listeners haven't all moved on to digital.

$40 for an LP? Where are you shopping?

Personal preference, after hearing the same song in DSD or dxd how do you not notice all the details, separation and missing bass when you listen to it on a record? My father still uses a record player for his set up and loves it, I just feel too much is missing and records don't mesh well with a lot of high end speakers unless you place with a tube amp. Then finding a tube amp with enough power to power hi end speakers is another challenge. Not sure what would power my nautilus well in tube since they already are using two amps per a speaker in solid state, biamped is highly recommended by b and w or at least using one two channel high power amp per speaker. Only thing I can get with records is they sound better than a cheap DAC system.

Only record I purchased any time recently was a miles Davis record for my father at a local hifi shop and it was $40.
Jul 31, 2016 at 3:41 PM Post #1,433 of 5,632
The Chord Mojo seems to be slightly tuned on the warm side. I'm not sure if that works best with a headphone like the Elear judging by it's frequency response. Maybe the Utopia is better suited for the Chord Mojo?

That's definitely possible -- to be clear, I haven't heard the Elear, Utopia, or the Mojo, I was just running the numbers. They don't prove much, just that the Mojo should have enough power to drive both of those headphones to very loud volumes. I'll leave subjective impressions of the pairing to those who have first-hand listening experience.
Jul 31, 2016 at 4:24 PM Post #1,434 of 5,632
That's definitely possible -- to be clear, I haven't heard the Elear, Utopia, or the Mojo, I was just running the numbers. They don't prove much, just that the Mojo should have enough power to drive both of those headphones to very loud volumes. I'll leave subjective impressions of the pairing to those who have first-hand listening experience.

If Mojo is powerful enough similar to WA8 or CDM then you have a chance to be mobile. I doubt it. Maybe Hugo is better.
Jul 31, 2016 at 4:33 PM Post #1,436 of 5,632
If Mojo is powerful enough similar to WA8 or CDM then you have a chance to be mobile. I doubt it. Maybe Hugo is better.

Mojo outputs more power than WA8.
Mojo max 720mW, WA8 max 350mW. 

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