:flag_gb: CanJam London 2015 Is Official! August 29-30, 2015!
May 24, 2015 at 10:54 AM Post #243 of 838
May 24, 2015 at 12:27 PM Post #244 of 838
May 24, 2015 at 1:16 PM Post #246 of 838
Good to see that CanJam is gaining momentum :)

My own Head-Fi interest was waning due to heavy investment in both my PC and AV setups, but - with the combination of being a participant at the event, getting a 1Plus2 on extended loan (I cannot see any reason why I won't keep them!), and - today, getting a Sony ZX2 DAP, I'm very much back in the Head-Fi mood :)
May 24, 2015 at 1:26 PM Post #247 of 838
Good to see that CanJam is gaining momentum :)

My own Head-Fi interest was waning due to heavy investment in both my PC and AV setups, but - with the combination of being a participant at the event, getting a 1Plus2 on extended loan (I cannot see any reason why I won't keep them!), and - today, getting a Sony ZX2 DAP, I'm very much back in the Head-Fi mood :)

Back with a bang by the sound of it! :)
May 24, 2015 at 2:29 PM Post #248 of 838
For people looking for cheap (for London) rooms in central London, I suggest looking at university halls, many of which are within walking distance of the venue.
These are university "dorm" rooms that are used as bed and breakfast places during vacations. The standard is that of typical B&B.


great links!
Way cheaper than hotels at that time

Wow, good score!  

I've also been looking into local alternates for lodging as I expect the Hotel Russell to sell out.  Seems like there are a few surrounding hotels that - while not on par with the Russell in terms of luxury or convenience - are nonetheless fantastic deals.  For example, the Tavistock Hotel (only a few blocks away) has single rooms for only 78 pounds:  http://www.mylondonhotel.com/imperial_london_hotels.htm
today, getting a Sony ZX2 DAP

Really?  I haven't heard it, but have heard good things about its sound.  How's the pairing with the 1p2?
May 24, 2015 at 3:00 PM Post #249 of 838
Really?  I haven't heard it, but have heard good things about its sound.  How's the pairing with the 1p2?
Very early in the ZX2 cap burn-in phase, however - the DAP lifts the mids of the 1Plus2, and - bass, oh - that bass...

Even more compelling than tonality though is the imaging, fantastic little combination - and, one-box, too :)
May 24, 2015 at 4:09 PM Post #250 of 838
Really?  I haven't heard it, but have heard good things about its sound.  How's the pairing with the 1p2?

Very early in the ZX2 cap burn-in phase, however - the DAP lifts the mids of the 1Plus2, and - bass, oh - that bass...

Even more compelling than tonality though is the imaging, fantastic little combination - and, one-box, too

Sounds like you've got a winning combo mate!  

Yeah, that expansive presentation in the 1p2 is really something.  And taken together with the bass, I found it akin to a D7000, albeit slightly less airy at the top end.  Well, I think you know what must me done (if you like it, then you should put a ring on it 
May 24, 2015 at 7:08 PM Post #251 of 838
I think i will be able to come :smiley: hope to meet many European HeadFiers there :smiley:
May 24, 2015 at 7:30 PM Post #252 of 838
I think i will be able to come :smiley: hope to meet many European HeadFiers there :smiley:

And some of us from the States as well?  BTW, it was nice to finally meet you in Munich.  :smiley:
May 24, 2015 at 7:43 PM Post #253 of 838
Yeah meeting headfiers was,the main reason why I wanted to attend, especially putting faces behind the names. So I figured the best way to to do that was to volunteer for Can Jam staff :D
May 24, 2015 at 7:48 PM Post #254 of 838
Good to see that CanJam is gaining momentum :)

My own Head-Fi interest was waning due to heavy investment in both my PC and AV setups, but - with the combination of being a participant at the event, getting a 1Plus2 on extended loan (I cannot see any reason why I won't keep them!), and - today, getting a Sony ZX2 DAP, I'm very much back in the Head-Fi mood :)
looking forward to share impressions about the zx2 there
May 25, 2015 at 10:02 AM Post #255 of 838
Yeah meeting headfiers was,the main reason why I wanted to attend, especially putting faces behind the names.....

Exactly same for me.
So... I have a suggestion:  since many of us are known here by their avatars and their Username rather than by their real name, I believe we should all of us wear a Badge with AVATAR + Username so that we can reconise each-other.  Badges with only "real" name will not help to reconize us ...
something like this...
What do you think ? may be CanJam's people can organise this or send a template or send the suggestion with each registration ? 

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