[FiiO Q5s Type C ‖ Q5s] Bluetooth DSD-capable Amplifier,AK4493x2,768k/32bit
Jul 18, 2019 at 9:25 PM Post #346 of 3,235
Hello , my thoughts were between M11 or Q5s ( when will be available in Europe).I make my decision with help from colegs on this forum , and il pick Q5S . M11 its just too much for my needs. I have Q5 with amp stock and its sound fabulous with FA7. For streaming , because i do not have everywere wi-fi Spotify , Qubuz i think il go with Q5S .Thanks for helps.
Glad that the community was helpful for you. I am personally looking forward to the Q5s quite a bit.
Jul 20, 2019 at 10:23 AM Post #348 of 3,235
So... it's way past the end of May. The M11 has been available for some time... what's taking the Q5s so long? I've been waiting for it and the AM3D since its announcement.

I don't think fiio wants to rush a product and deliver something that is subpar. Hell they have been extremely active on this thread and another month is not such a big deal especially for a product I know they care a lot about.
Jul 20, 2019 at 11:07 AM Post #349 of 3,235
I don't think fiio wants to rush a product and deliver something that is subpar. Hell they have been extremely active on this thread and another month is not such a big deal especially for a product I know they care a lot about.

I disagree. I highly doubt this is about 'rushing' a product, especially when it's a 2nd generation offering that uses essentially the same chassis as the original Q5, and shares a huge amount of similarity in PCB layout and parts bill with the M11, Q5, and multiple other FiiO DAC/DAP models. The Q5s does not require software changes like DAPs do, only firmware, which can be highly similar to the Q5's. Unless @FiiO can state otherwise (e.g. cite some kind of Q5s specific parts shortage, like the XMOS chip or whatever else), to me, these differences are minor changes that can be rectify with a few lines of code here and there. There's nothing here that a single electrical engineer a couple of years out of undergrad and a process engineer can't rectify in a few weeks' time. If you ask me, I think this is about profit, profit, profit (for both @JamesFiiO and his downstream distributors). The natural demand for the M11 is higher, and I feel they've allocated more of their parts orders to fulfill stock of the M11. Additionally, other higher volume, lower cost products (e.g. Q1 Mark II, M5, etc.) move faster and better than a relatively high cost, lower volume unit like the Q5s. It's natural for high volume chips like the Qualcomm parts to be allocated toward those units. If FiiO wants to make money with the M11, so be it --- it's their prerogative. However, it leaves us potential Q5s customers in the lurch.
Jul 20, 2019 at 1:20 PM Post #350 of 3,235
I don't think fiio wants to rush a product and deliver something that is subpar. Hell they have been extremely active on this thread and another month is not such a big deal especially for a product I know they care a lot about.
The main issue is that FiiOs “release date” was for May. No need to make up excuses or invent reasons for FiiO’s time slippage.
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Jul 20, 2019 at 1:24 PM Post #351 of 3,235
The main issue is that FiiOs “release date” was for May. No need to make up excuses for FiiO’s time slippage.

I didn't realize I was going to get burned at the steak for saying something.. I to have been waiting for this to release, but as far as I have seen the only mention of a possible release date was on this thread and never posted officially else where else except for 1 or 2 Asian retailers.
Jul 20, 2019 at 1:54 PM Post #352 of 3,235
I managed to get hold of a AM3D when there was a limited release on Ali Express, my plan was to use it with the Q5s. Every time I have asked Fiio about a Q5s released date it gets pushed back a month. My feeling is also that there is product issue needs based on profit. There is the M11, the M5, the M11 pro, the new K5, the bluetooth headphones, the more driver IEMs. Fiio have much lined up, that people will want and fits into a wider market, the possible small market product like the Q5s is just not something Fiio feel to be getting behind, or needs to. It's a pity as I am really pushing for a Q5s. Fiio are showing the Q5s at the London Can jam, and when I asked if it was possible to order from then during the show, they said no. As the Can Jam is in late July. I do not think we will see the Q5s until September.
Jul 20, 2019 at 4:12 PM Post #354 of 3,235
Jul 20, 2019 at 9:53 PM Post #355 of 3,235
did you know what 400 euro are. hell no i asked fiio personaly they give me no answer man 400 euro. do they think euro are less worth then dollar 400 euro commutes between 450-500 dollar why everbody els out of europe pays 350 dollars

VAT? VAT is usually included in price listings over there innit?
If it makes you feel any better the US will soon be getting increased tarrifs on all Chinese electronics that aren't painted orange.
Jul 22, 2019 at 8:34 AM Post #359 of 3,235
YAAAAS Buy Now button is live!

**Edit** is it? Clicking seems to do nothing. At any rate, the release seems imminent.
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