FiiO&JadeAudio Dynamic Driver IEMs Discussion & Impressions Thread
Jan 19, 2021 at 12:05 PM Post #527 of 1,952
Jan 19, 2021 at 9:03 PM Post #529 of 1,952
FiiO FD5

I actually welcome the 11 grams (per piece); they’re not heavy, like the iKKo OH10 (16 grams). I have a serious dislike for the lighter weight, all plastic shells, like the CCA CA16. Where if the shell isn’t a near CIEM fit for you, the lighter shells require constant re-adjustment.

Burn in
It's real. Doing a quick check for DOA, the FD5 is dark, due to a lack of upper frequency response; a few hours later, they've more than opened up (more to follow on their being too bright for me).

(You’ll see me repeat myself over and over, on how the FD5 hits the right balance for a section of notes)
The FD5 has the ability to project both macro and micro details, to a high level. I don't have a measuring rig (outside of my ears), but I would guess (from my experience with other IEMs, that feel like a needle is poking me) that the 2K - 4K bump is just on the cusp of my tolerance, as I did not find the FD5 sibilant. Yet that spike/bump, in the upper frequency response (in the 2K - 4K range) is the danger zone for my overly sensitive ears. Using the stock (wider) nozzle, I find the FD5 to be easily fatiguing. I remedied the "bump" by applying 2 plys of foam, to the inside of the (default) larger nozzle. But that's just me, others may only need 1 ply or none at all. It's always better to start with more than you need (in this case, upper frequency range) and find the right amount of cut, for your needs.


I found that it’s critical that the filters be “rammed” home evenly. Using a large toothpick created an uneven seating, against the inside of the nozzle’s screen. A plastic coffee stirrer turned out to be the right width, for an even seating.

Foam insertion.jpg

HA FD01 vs. FD5
They definitely share DNA , but the FD5 is the equivalent to the rich uncle, vs. the FD01 representing the well to do, weekend Dad. The FD5 plays wider and with an added weight, while not sacrificing detail, for the weightier floor. I had resigned myself to certain genres (like my re-discovery of 70’s Rock) just play kinda flat. As recordings from 40 yrs. ago just weren’t meant to replicate the live concert experience. Now listening to Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven” on the FD5, I’m there, in the 1st tier of the crowd.

For the bassheads
Using Ying Yang Twins (Get Low), I can feel it and it’s clean. The FD5 is neither fast (to recover a deep bass note) or drops off a sheer cliff, there’s a good amount of resonance.

Like everything else, they're clean, but not neutral. The FD5 doesn't exhibit any appreciable mid bass bleed, which allows male vocals (like Sinatra, Nat King Cole) to stand on their own, while remaining true to the artist.

Audio chain:
Samsung Note 20 (the one that everyone pisses on), set to LDAC, 990 kb --> Tidal HiFi/Master --> Qudelix-5K

[edit, forgot to add PEQ settings]

At some point I'll try the stock cable, but for now, I'm on a high purity copper cable

FiiO vs JVC.jpg
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Jan 20, 2021 at 10:28 AM Post #530 of 1,952
Ordered one from Bright Audio Store on AE. They said "we have it in stock", will see if they're lying or not.
Jan 20, 2021 at 1:34 PM Post #533 of 1,952
Can it compete with IER-Z1R ?

in my opinion definitely not.
The FD5 are very dependent on sources, if it fits then you have a great spatiality. The bass is a little too indifferent for me, bloody ... difficult. In any case, very good for the price, for example the FH7 make everything a little better, more harmonious in my opinion.

Sony Z1R is a different division :slight_smile:
Jan 20, 2021 at 5:28 PM Post #534 of 1,952
I would have said IER-Z1R is the source picky one, you need massive power to drive them well
Jan 20, 2021 at 6:06 PM Post #535 of 1,952
Jan 20, 2021 at 7:34 PM Post #536 of 1,952
No. Sound tuning is different. Materials are different. SQ level is different.
Would be amazing if a $300 earphone was comparable to a $1700 earphone.
But that is by no means a knock against the FD5. The level of SQ and build quality you get for $300 is honestly amazing to me. Plus, it comes with a really nice cable that has switchable 2.5/3.5/4.4mm connectors, removable nozzles for easy cleaning &/or modding, a huge assortment of eartips, and the list goes on!

IMHO, the FD5 is currently one of (and one could even argue it's) the best value going in the @$300 IEM category. :sunglasses:
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Jan 20, 2021 at 11:09 PM Post #537 of 1,952
FD5 is currently one of (and one could even argue it's) the best value going in the @$300 IEM category
We'll sea what the DM8 has to say about that soon..! I really don't know very many IEMs in the $300's lol. FD5, A7, uh... ALMOST the Tea, but nope! L4 custom, shrug.
Jan 21, 2021 at 9:32 AM Post #539 of 1,952
Today i got my FD5 and i must say i like it, kinda. The stage is absolutely fantastic, very wide, deep and tall. But! It sounds a bit too sharp for my taste. Does it change with a long burn-in? Does anyone hear a difference?
I’ve got about 125 hrs. in
The clarity (in the upper frequency range) doesn’t diminish. I would recommend you look into a way to make the appropriate cut. e.g. foam tips, foam filter, pure copper cable or PEQ.

I’m doing a combination of foam filters and (to precisely dial in the most, of the upper frequency range that I can tolerate) PEQ, on my Qudelix-5K
Jan 21, 2021 at 9:38 AM Post #540 of 1,952
If you guys find the upper registers a bit on the aggressive side. Try using one of your older sources. One of the reasons why I use a variety of sources when I do my reviews is to see how well a sound tuning synergizes to different sound profiles. The reason why we have such differences in how we are percieving the sound of the FD5 beyond the differences and tollerances of an individuals hearing but actually has a lot to do with your sources as well. Try this try that. The good news is you can dial down the sound of the FD5 with a bit of trial and error. Which in of itself is kinda fun to experiment.
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