FiiO’s 2015 Slogan Translation Contest--Edit 2015-10-23: FiiO X7 awarded to Brandan Lynch
Sep 27, 2015 at 9:42 PM Post #61 of 428

FiiO - Your endless music alive!

FiiO since the beginning has recognized the importance of the consumer, so adding the word 'Your' to the slogan will reflect the user experience with the company products, so in a way, the word 'your' will complement the word 'endless'.
The endless word not only reflects the quality of the devices made by FiiO and the numerous sonic abilities of their products also reflects a special care for 'continuing improving' all the aspects of the service (manufacturing-design -sales-information) even with the cheapest products of the brand.
Music is the expression art in sound so i believe should stay that way.
The word fun is a nice attributive adjective of a state of joy but sometimes even the saddest song can draw a smile in my face so I think the word 'alive' is a better definition of  'listening music through a FiiO device" is to me.
Every FiiO device has a special sound signature so the word 'alive' can express in a better way that distinct sound that arrives to the consumer ears (the multiples reviews of devices like fiiO e12, e17k, e10k , x3, x3ii, x5, x5ii can support that fact)

Sep 27, 2015 at 10:24 PM Post #62 of 428
  I think an acronym would work great for your products. It would incorporate and help connect your slogan to the product.
Fidelity Inspired, Intelligence Optimized
Fidelity Inspired, Interface Optimized

Hisoundfi, Thanks a lot , i really like the slogan is made by our logo.
Sep 27, 2015 at 10:25 PM Post #63 of 428
"The Pure Joy of Music"
Why: Music is about pleasure, but not just "fun". Even the saddest music is a celebration of our ability to think and feel. I think this is beautifully summed up by evoking the image of one who is singing for the sheer joy of being alive. That, ultimately, is what music is about.
Purity is a word of much improtance to the audiophile (as we seek purity of sound), but also makes clear that the focus is on what we want: devices uncomplicated by confusing interfaces, irrelevant features, excessive price tags, shoddy build quality, lack of compatibility or abberent audible characteristics. Married to the word joy, we have a beautiful interplay of meaning. The joy is pure because it comes without compromise or effort by the user. We can revel in our music and our love for it. That is all that we really want.
I believe this is a good slogan because it is short, direct, evocative and dense with meaning. That further enhances it's impact, because the slogan itself is as pure, simple and elegant as the idea it is trying to convey. finally, it retains the essential meaning of the original and thereby maintains continuity.
Sep 27, 2015 at 10:28 PM Post #64 of 428
  "The Pure Joy of Music"
Why: Music is about pleasure, but not just "fun". Even the saddest music is a celebration of our ability to think and feel. I think this is beautifully summed up by evoking the image of one who is singing for the sheer joy of being alive. That, ultimately, is what music is about.
Purity is a word of much improtance to the audiophile (as we seek purity of sound), but also makes clear that the focus is on what we want: devices uncomplicated by confusing interfaces, irrelevant features, excessive price tags, shoddy build quality, lack of compatibility or abberent audible characteristics. Married ot the word joy, we have a beautiful interplay of meaning. The joy is pure because it comes without compromise or effort by the user. We can revel in our music and our love for it. That is all that we really want.
I believe this is a good slogan because it is short, direct, evocative and dense with meaning. That further enhances it's impact, because the slogan itself is as pure, simple and elegant as the idea it is trying to convey. finally, it retains the essential meaning of the original and thereby maintains continuity.

Good idea - I'd shorten it more though
Fiio - "Pure Music" or Fiio - "Purely Music"
Sep 27, 2015 at 10:43 PM Post #65 of 428
Good idea - I'd shorten it more though
Fiio - "Pure Music" or Fiio - "Purely Music"

I see what you're getting at, but I think that puts too much emphasis on the music itself. The current slogan is about an experience we have with music, namely fun. I think that is a good idea because it is an experience, not a mathematical construction, that the listener is looking for. That is something which is oft forgot.
Sep 27, 2015 at 10:58 PM Post #66 of 428
How about...
FiiO- Musically Solid
FiiO- Musically Sound
FiiO- Not Sorry For Your Wallet
Not (So) Sorry For Your Wallet
FiiO- 'Nuff Said
Sep 27, 2015 at 11:42 PM Post #67 of 428
My lame attempt, here goes nothing :p  (I grouped all my ideas as bullet points)
  1. FiiO we dream it, you hear it
  2. FiiO we dream it, so you may hear it
  3. FiiO we dream it, so you can hear it
  4. FiiO touch your music
  5. FiiO feel your music
  6. FiiO Live in your world, Listen to ours
  7. FiiO Bring music to life
Does each post count as an entry? @FiiO-Shadow To add more ideas, can we make more posts, or just edit the initial post? Thank you :)
Sep 27, 2015 at 11:50 PM Post #69 of 428
  I don't know anybody remembers this, but that was also a slogan for the PS2.

#90s kids high five man. Dammit I thought I was being original lol 

Sep 28, 2015 at 5:36 AM Post #74 of 428
.. Enjoy/Discover music.

After giving it some more thought, at least for the time being, I'm under the impression the slogan should be: "Enjoy Music" (or if not applicable due to copyright limitations - "FiiO. Enjoy Music.").
Here's the breakdown (some subjective yet technical mumbo-jumbo):
  • I took the 4 points of the intended message (from the first post) and simplified/analyzed them - separating technical and philosophycal concerns for a "clearer view":
    1. High quality products.
    2. Usable products (as an extension of self).
    3. Diverse and affordable products.
    4. Customer confidence in products.
    5. Philosophy: Music is meant to bring joy. To achieve this, FiiO strives to make the experience fun while providing a myriad of solutions - meant to give birth to harmony between one's lifestyle, tastes and wallet (through 1-4).
  • Then I made a further simplification of the message, to see what sticks out and what says the most using the least amount of words. What I got was:
    FiiO strives to ensure customers:
    1. Enjoy music.
    2. Do so how they see fit\like.
    3. Do so free of worries.
  • At this point it became clear to me that ,at its core, the message is about enjoying music, while the rest of the points are present as support (not what FiiO means to achieve, but rather how).
  • In my opinion, FiiO's previous slogan (Love Music, Love FiiO) was meant as its introduction to the world (You don't know it yet, but if you love music, you'll love FiiO).
  • From a business standpoint, FiiO has come a long way and at this point in time, moving forward, I don't think it's necessary or even right for the next slogan to include supporting points, and it should instead focus on the core message/idea.
  • This approach can show how FiiO has grown - how it has confidence in its core idea, its ablity to deliver upon it, its customer base and its ability to expand it, implying the following:
    If you want to enjoy music, we have confidence we can satisfy all your needs and believe that after taking everything into consideration you'll choose us.
  • Thus, a fitting slogan should center around the idea of enjoying music, synonyms to the idea and maybe witty puns around it.
  • Lastly, I took the liberty of taking into account some cultural aspects:
    As far as my humble understanding of chinese culture goes - boasting is a negative thing and must be avoided (not sure if slogans are treated the same, a clarification from someone with better understanding of the matter would be nice
    On the other hand, in western countries - boasting is common and at the very least you are expected to have confidence in yourself.

    While FiiO chose to have 2 slogans, I'm under the impression it's still necessary for the english slogan to stay clear of unnecessary boasting (some of my earlier suggestions do not comply to this sadly..), as it may still affect the company image back at home.
  • TL;DR - All things considered, the seemingly "basic" slogan, "Enjoy Music", is clear, short, has no nonsense words/phrases, sounds great (to me 
    ) and conveys the core idea well without boasting.
  • YMMV.
So ..enjoy
Sep 28, 2015 at 5:54 AM Post #75 of 428

FiiO - Music is where the (endless) Fun begins

I thought of that one, with the Chinese slogan in mind. It is catchy and delivers the message of what your company is all about - having fun with your products while enjoying great music.


FiiO - for the joy of music
FiiO - find your inner joy
FiiO - products with soul
FiiO - we make the music

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