Just wanted to expand on this reply with some clarifications. A83 uses a standard MMCX connector which means any replacement cable designed for Westone, Shure, UE900, Oriveti, Pinnacle 1, and other standard mmcx connector IEMs will work with A83. FiiO RC SE1 cable above is OK, but it has a really bad microphonics, and I mean really bad. The ebay cable above is from Bigbargainonline which is eBay store of Penon Audio, and indeed they are one of the official sellers of Fidue products and accessories.
But that cable above is a BALANCED wired version with 2 options of 2.5mm TRRS connection (for AK DAPs, as well as N5, PAW 5000, upcoming L3, and DX200) and an adapter for 3.5mm TRRS balanced connection for HiFiMAN balanced wired DAPs (HM series). There are a few DAPs that can work with 3.5mm TRRS HFM connection, like PAW Gold, but a lot of other DAPs and smartphones will NOT work with 3.5mm TRRS balanced because it has a different wiring of L+/L-, R+/R- instead of a signal referenced to a ground. And btw, HFM 3.5mm balanced is different from 2.5mm AK balanced, besides a physical difference also a different order of signal wiring. I confirmed that Fidue balanced replacement cable with 3.5mm TRRS adapter works with my RE600 adapter (3.5mm TRRS balanced to 3.5mm TRS single ended). So in reality this cable is NOT a direct replacement of A83 stock cable, but a balanced wired version of it. It doesn't mean that it will not work with your DAP because some can accept balanced 3.5mm TRRS connector, but many DAPs and smartphones will not work with it. Also, 3.5mm TRRS HFM wiring is implemented in new GeekOut v2 usb DAC/amp.
The official Penon Audio link to the balanced wired cable with universal MMCX connector:
http://penonaudio.com/FIDUE-A83-2.5-3.5mm-MMCX-Cable ($59). The cable is nearly identical to the stock A83 cable, the same silver plated conductors, the same finish of the shielding, the same quality housing, and memory wire. The difference is 2.5mm TRRS balanced termination and 3.5mm TRRS balanced adapter. Another BIG difference, the stock A83 cable mmcx connector has a security tab to prevent A83 shell from spinning. This also prevents use of that cable with other standard mmcx based IEMs. This new cable does NOT have this tab, thus can be used with ANY mmcx based IEM. Also, it comes with a spacer, a little ring that kind of stiffens the connection so it's not as loose. The IEM shell will still spin around, which I actually like because it's easier for over ear adjustment.