Headphoneus Supremus
Having just received a pair of these brilliant new IEMs, I couldn't find anywhere to discuss them so here's that place...

Noob question, but these IEMs would be able to take Shure after market cables?
I just received mine and immediately noticed hiss out of my HTC One. No hiss through desktop via FiiO E18 though. Definitely brighter than neutral but not as bright as the H-300 from what I remember. I observed a spike around the 7kHz and I'm sure theres another one somewhere in the highs. Noticeable amount of sibilance as well. Vocals are not as forward as I'd like them to be as I like very vocal forward signatures. I won't say they are veiled at this point. Mids to lower mids are boosted slightly more than what I am use to giving it a 'hollow' feel which I feel is a plus for acoustics but some might call it muddy. Bass is tight and subbass comes across smoothly at an acceptable speed. Wonder if it will change for the better.
Sounds pretty much like what I'm hearing, jonyoo. I do think it settles a little with some burn-in, but I'm still trying to find the perfect tips for my ears with the hope that some Comply tips I've ordered will be perfect for both fit and to tame a little of that treble and help the mids shine through.
Yesterday, listening with my old, cheap Sony Walkman I really enjoyed the A83s. The Walkman has a slightly warm signature which enhanced the A83's sound overall and allowed more of the mid-range details to shine through. I was really amazed at the things I was hearing from MP3s played via the Walkman compared to my normal setup of FLACs via Miracles, T1s, or LCD-2s!!