Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...
Jan 6, 2020 at 8:58 AM Post #7,681 of 11,509
Hi bt...and congrats on biting the bullet re. this GU50 project. With @connieflyer also interested I'll get under way with contacting Mrsx and giving precise instructions for the adapter. And of course I'll give more details on the 12V power supply...cheap, and a piece of cake...if you can strip a piece of wire and stick it in a connector lol! :ksc75smile:

And to whet your appetite even further, with well over 100 hrs on both mine as powers, I can now officially say that IMHO :


And is something I'm still trying to get head around lol! :wink:...CJ
Many thanks once again H1. Is this the end of a journey I ask myself?
Jan 6, 2020 at 8:59 AM Post #7,682 of 11,509
Ah, how you guys make upgrading such a challenge with all these options! I almost can’t believe the soundstage could be wider than with the EL39s. It’s nice that this thread is circling around to a lot of tubes that are readily available. I searched for a month before I could find a pair of 39s and I’ve been looking for some EL11s to show up since before my Euforia delivered in July! Have any of those you’re trying to get rid of? :wink:

Hi Mh996. Will get searching through my EL tubes and PM you when sorted...CJ
Jan 6, 2020 at 9:11 AM Post #7,683 of 11,509
Many thanks once again H1. Is this the end of a journey I ask myself?

Have been asking myself this for years now, bt...along with a good few others no doubt!! :wink: Perhaps there just might be other tubes out there that our amps can miraculously use so wonderfully, but I'm glad to say that in all my extensive searches in DIY land there seems nothing that stands out as a possible candidate...(that we could use, at least). In fact, I get the impression that the only tubes worth upgrading to from the GU50 are the direct-heated 2A3/300B/45, which of course are different animals entirely...and $$$$$ for good tubes alone, not to mention good amps that can use them well!!

So I'm sure the GU50 will indeed be my swansong....hopefully!! :ksc75smile::ksc75smile:...CHEERS!...and BFN...CJ
Jan 6, 2020 at 9:14 AM Post #7,684 of 11,509
Good morning CJ, as far as the journey goes, it's as far as you care to take it I would imagine. I think it also depends on what you become satisfied with. If after a period of time the GU 50 starts to seem lacking in some way , then the journey would begin all over. Perhaps with a different amplifier, no sense in making it too easy! Either way I thank you very much for guiding us down this path it has been great and hopefully it can infect yet better!
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Jan 6, 2020 at 11:33 AM Post #7,685 of 11,509
Jan 6, 2020 at 12:04 PM Post #7,686 of 11,509
This might be also:

I found also a dedicated thread here:

Check the "Parameters tab":


If I understand correctly, based on "Ultra linear" or "Triode mode" selection you can use all those types of tubes, including KT66, KT77, KT88 and so on.
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Jan 7, 2020 at 11:33 AM Post #7,689 of 11,509
Good morning CJ, as far as the journey goes, it's as far as you care to take it I would imagine. I think it also depends on what you become satisfied with. If after a period of time the GU 50 starts to seem lacking in some way , then the journey would begin all over. Perhaps with a different amplifier, no sense in making it too easy! Either way I thank you very much for guiding us down this path it has been great and hopefully it can infect yet better!

Hmmm cf, you're intent on leading me down another rabbit hole methinks, no?!! :wink: But if I should be tempted at a later date, it would probably be with something not too expensive that I could play around with, replacing wire/caps/resistors!!

But, mon ami, the way my Euforia is now sounding with TT21s driving the GU50s, it could well be a fruitless exercise! (but possibly an interestting one at least). I reckon it would need to be something rather expensive to surpass this sound by much of a margin...more hours on my 50s have brought yet another surprise - notes that don't just 'sustain and decay' but hang and then dissipate into 3D space like I've never heard before :). All of which - once again - confirms that power tubes in an OTL amp (as with trafo quality in an SET amp) do in fact have a much greater influence on final sound delivery than conventionally regarded...(drivers traditionally given most of the credit lol!). However, no doubt the prowess of the rest of one's system is also a deciding factor in this...

Anyway - @barontan2418 also - I've started the ball rolling with Mrsx re. GU50 adapters. And as you're here in the UK, bt, I shall order some so that I can try them myself first...then, posting them to you won't cost much more, if that's OK....CHEERS!...CJ
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Jan 7, 2020 at 12:21 PM Post #7,690 of 11,509
Hmmm cf, you're intent on leading me down another rabbit hole methinks, no?!! :wink: But if I should be tempted at a later date, it would probably be with something not too expensive that I could play around with, replacing wire/caps/resistors!!

But, mon ami, the way my Euforia is now sounding with TT21s driving the GU50s, it could well be a fruitless exercise! (but possibly an interestting one at least). I reckon it would need to be something rather expensive to surpass this sound by much of a margin...more hours on my 50s have brought yet another surprise - notes that don't just 'sustain and decay' but hang and then dissipate into 3D space like I've never heard before :). All of which - once again - confirms that power tubes in an OTL amp (as with trafo quality in an SET amp) do in fact have a much greater influence on final sound delivery than conventionally regarded...(drivers traditionally given most of the credit lol!). However, no doubt the prowess of the rest of one's system is also a deciding factor in this...

Anyway - @barontan2418 also - I've started the ball rolling with Mrsx re. GU50 adapters. And as you're here in the UK, bt, I shall order some so that I can try them myself first...then, posting them to you won't cost much more, if that's OK....CHEERS!...CJ

Sounds good to me CJ. Just PM me the cost.
Jan 7, 2020 at 3:13 PM Post #7,692 of 11,509
Actually bt, while I'm at it I wonder if it would be a good idea for me to get the necessary 12V power supply also, and perhaps make a video of the whole procedure lol?...just an idea...:wink:...CJ

Go for it CJ.
Jan 7, 2020 at 7:10 PM Post #7,695 of 11,509
Things happen so fast - did you decide on 2 or 4 GU50’s? Or only use them as power tubes?

Yo mordy...can hardly keep up myself lol! :wink:. Unable to wait for my second pair of GU50s to try as drivers (thus a quad) - they're waiting at the postal sorting office :triportsad: - this evening I swapped over with my GEC TT21s and am still unsure what's going on. As drivers to the 21s, I get a light buzz with the vol knob between 10 o'clock and 5 o'clock, but silent before and after...with and/or without music playing...very strange indeed! Luckily, I can vary the signal output from my Hugo2, with by far the best result being with the latter turned right down and Euforia's vol knob one section off max (ie. '5 o'clock'). The other way round brings more harshness, with H2 near max output. And so this anomaly will obviously depend upon each person's own signal input level alas...

Anyway, with the GU50s as drivers, and the GECs back in the power slot, the sub-bass 'thud' is back and have yet to determine if it's at the expense of overall bass delivery. But what I will say at this early stage is that the sound is very impressive indeed...perhaps a tad less smooth, but a shade more dynamic. But not a lot in it actually...need much more time and different test pieces to be certain. And so this is going to make the quad of GU50s even more interesting of course!!...so stay tuned lol :ksc75smile:...

Time for zzzzz, so BFN...CJ

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