Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...
Aug 12, 2019 at 4:56 PM Post #6,481 of 11,501
On the WIRAG, it is the letter A that makes them WIRAG. The MS is the type code (EL3N) here.

The Mullard has an older type of Mullard code. I cannot explain the MS-. This is still a Mullard only code.

Yes, you are right Oskari, I have not checked the pic. "MS" as a type code is a strange coincidence however, so the mystery around the Mullard factory continues...
Aug 14, 2019 at 8:39 PM Post #6,482 of 11,501
Received my Mazda El38 and Miniwatt El38 today. Have about four hours on them now, and they are sounding excellent. Used one El38 along with an El39 powers and a pair of Mesh plate El11's. Using JRiver MC25 along with Sonarworks 4, and Sennheiser 800 and Schitt Gungnir Dac. The interplay between the El38 and El39 seems to be more than the sum of either. The bass has increased, which with the Senn 800 is very noticable, in a good way to be sure. Vocals are exceptional across the tonal range. Watching the music trace on the analyzer, the levels have increased over a pair of El39's and watching the two channel traces, was interesting how they seem to interact. Listening to solo piano, the notes are crystal clear, no ringing on the signal at all, and the rise time seems faster. Almost bigger than life. Almost. I only have one El38adapter so will have to order another before I can try a pair of these special tubes together. But according CJ, the El38 and El39 seem to work so well, but still want to know what if any difference a pair of the Mazda tubes will make. Could not discern any difference on the analyzer display between the Mazda and the Miniwatt tubes, so I think CJ was right about being the same except in name.
Aug 15, 2019 at 4:18 AM Post #6,483 of 11,501
Received my Mazda El38 and Miniwatt El38 today. Have about four hours on them now, and they are sounding excellent. Used one El38 along with an El39 powers and a pair of Mesh plate El11's. Using JRiver MC25 along with Sonarworks 4, and Sennheiser 800 and Schitt Gungnir Dac. The interplay between the El38 and El39 seems to be more than the sum of either. The bass has increased, which with the Senn 800 is very noticable, in a good way to be sure. Vocals are exceptional across the tonal range. Watching the music trace on the analyzer, the levels have increased over a pair of El39's and watching the two channel traces, was interesting how they seem to interact. Listening to solo piano, the notes are crystal clear, no ringing on the signal at all, and the rise time seems faster. Almost bigger than life. Almost. I only have one El38adapter so will have to order another before I can try a pair of these special tubes together. But according CJ, the El38 and El39 seem to work so well, but still want to know what if any difference a pair of the Mazda tubes will make. Could not discern any difference on the analyzer display between the Mazda and the Miniwatt tubes, so I think CJ was right about being the same except in name.

Hi CF, and I wonder where in the world (other than from @hypnos1 LOL) you managed to get those ultra rare Mazdas and Miniwatts EL38s ! Interesting the analyzer data !
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Aug 15, 2019 at 4:31 PM Post #6,485 of 11,501
Received my Mazda El38 and Miniwatt El38 today. Have about four hours on them now, and they are sounding excellent. Used one El38 along with an El39 powers and a pair of Mesh plate El11's. Using JRiver MC25 along with Sonarworks 4, and Sennheiser 800 and Schitt Gungnir Dac. The interplay between the El38 and El39 seems to be more than the sum of either. The bass has increased, which with the Senn 800 is very noticable, in a good way to be sure. Vocals are exceptional across the tonal range. Watching the music trace on the analyzer, the levels have increased over a pair of El39's and watching the two channel traces, was interesting how they seem to interact. Listening to solo piano, the notes are crystal clear, no ringing on the signal at all, and the rise time seems faster. Almost bigger than life. Almost. I only have one El38adapter so will have to order another before I can try a pair of these special tubes together. But according CJ, the El38 and El39 seem to work so well, but still want to know what if any difference a pair of the Mazda tubes will make. Could not discern any difference on the analyzer display between the Mazda and the Miniwatt tubes, so I think CJ was right about being the same except in name.

Ah so, cf...looks like I shan't be getting those tubes back now lol!! :wink:...unless mine give up the ghost (Heaven forbid!).

Glad that once again my ears haven't been deceiving me...one can never be 100% sure! :ksc75smile: And, of course, it's still early days for your own listening sessions. I myself am still discovering new delights with each and every one of my favourite test pieces I revisit. And it's interesting to see the results from your analyzer - it's always nice to get visual indication of what one is hearing.

I'm also happy to say that my early slight concerns that the superlative bass and lower mids delivery might just be a tad OTT for me are still dismissed entirely. Although such a rich and dynamic presentation leans more to what might be called the 'warm' or 'dark' side of neutral, as opposed to the 'bright' side, I personally have come to really appreciate (and love) this type of sound...the kind of 'fullness' that I was so happy to hear from Euforia when I plugged in the cans for the very first time. Ever since, I have never wanted to go back to a 'thinner' type of sound...hence my continued love of the EL family of tubes. Having said that, perhaps the 'special' EL38/39 combo might just be a little too much in an already dark system, especially re. headphones...but boy, that would have to be a very unbalanced setup IMHO!! :triportsad:

Anyway, mon ami, I wish you continued joy with these tubes...and I promise folks here to do my utmost to try and find more of these particular EL38s (but as @Johnnysound so rightly said, these are no doubt even more rare than the wonderful EL39!)....CHEERS!...CJ

ps. By the way cf, and anyone else lucky enough to find a 'special' EL38 (or two) and who has my EL39 adapters, this particular 38 can also be used in them...all it needs is to 'strap' (ie.link) the adapter's socket pin#1 to pin#8 using thin, stranded wire (the best you can find). And they're easy to locate, as they're the ones either side of the indent that indicates where the tube's base lug should be fitted. And hopefully this should help maximise performance over 3rd party adapters.
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Aug 15, 2019 at 4:46 PM Post #6,486 of 11,501
Ordered another El38 adapter from Mrs X last night. Thought I had two but no. The more I hear of this combo, I really wonder if two of these special El 38's might be two much "of a good thing". Will have to wait a week to see. If it is too much, then at least I will have a spare! Thanks again CJ, price was more than worth it.
Aug 16, 2019 at 8:37 AM Post #6,487 of 11,501
Hi all.
I thought myself very lucky to pick up a second mesh Telefunken EL11 but can I get them to work together in my Euforia, no way. Vocals and music in general is not centred as if one tube is weaker. However when I use the weaker tube in the Elise paired with Valvo all is good if fact very good. Any logical reason for this you guys can think of.
Euforia is now running on all light grey Tele EL11 and the very old (39) mesh Tele EL11 and is probably the best I've heard the amp sound. So all is good.
Aug 16, 2019 at 8:58 AM Post #6,488 of 11,501
Hi all.
I thought myself very lucky to pick up a second mesh Telefunken EL11 but can I get them to work together in my Euforia, no way. Vocals and music in general is not centred as if one tube is weaker. However when I use the weaker tube in the Elise paired with Valvo all is good if fact very good. Any logical reason for this you guys can think of.
Euforia is now running on all light grey Tele EL11 and the very old (39) mesh Tele EL11 and is probably the best I've heard the amp sound. So all is good.

Hi bt.

Methinks even Mr Spock would have raised an eyebrow or 2 over this one lol!! :wink: I presume you swapped the 2 meshes over to confirm it wasn't a driver/power issue? And have you tried it back in Euforia to see if it's still the same?...(I'm wondering if perhaps a pin or 2 wasn't shiny clean, and removing/reinserting in Elise improved contact?).

Otherwise, the fact that the 'weaker' one is fine in Elise, and the grey TFK fine with the other mesh in Euforia really is very strange indeed!!...GOOD LUCK!

ps. At least it's good to hear you're still delighted with the 2x TFK EL11s that do live together happily! :ksc75smile:...CJ

pps. Did you remove the tube from its adapter when transferring to Elise, or both together?
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Aug 16, 2019 at 9:04 AM Post #6,489 of 11,501
Hi bt.

Methinks even Mr Spock would have raised an eyebrow or 2 over this one lol!! :wink: I presume you swapped the 2 meshes over to confirm it wasn't a driver/power issue? And have you tried it back in Euforia to see if it's still the same?...(I'm wondering if perhaps a pin or 2 wasn't shiny clean, and removing/reinserting in Elise improved contact?).

Otherwise, the fact that the 'weaker' one is fine in Elise, and the grey TFK fine with the other mesh in Euforia really is very strange indeed!!...GOOD LUCK!

ps. At least it's good to hear you're still delighted with the 2x TFK EL11s that do live together happily! :ksc75smile:...CJ

Thanks H1.
Yes done all the above but I,m now sharing these excellent mesh 11's between both amps and loving the sound from both so a win situation. If you ever spy any more reasonably priced EL39's drop me a line, will forever be in your debt. Take care.
Aug 16, 2019 at 9:16 AM Post #6,490 of 11,501
Thanks H1.
Yes done all the above but I,m now sharing these excellent mesh 11's between both amps and loving the sound from both so a win situation. If you ever spy any more reasonably priced EL39's drop me a line, will forever be in your debt. Take care.

Aha bt, yes indeed...perhaps a blessing in disguise as now both amps can benefit!! :L3000:.

Don't know if you caught my pps in the last post, but was wondering if it was possibly down to the adapter itself...
Aug 16, 2019 at 10:05 AM Post #6,491 of 11,501
Aha bt, yes indeed...perhaps a blessing in disguise as now both amps can benefit!! :L3000:.

Don't know if you caught my pps in the last post, but was wondering if it was possibly down to the adapter itself...
Yes I coverd that possibility to no avail. Thanks. I'm happy anyway, dont believe the results would have been that much better had the two mesh tubes sat side by side.
Aug 16, 2019 at 2:23 PM Post #6,492 of 11,501
Hi mordy.
Has your Elise sold? Wonder if I'm the only one now with both.

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