Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...
Dec 4, 2018 at 8:03 PM Post #5,116 of 11,509
Scutey, well said, he did us all proud although at the rate I'm going under these phones tonight I will probably have to go sit in a dark quiet room with no sound for a couple of days to give my ears arrest!
Dec 5, 2018 at 3:59 AM Post #5,117 of 11,509
Many thanks @Scutey ...I get as much pleasure from seeing others appreciate and enjoy the fruits of my efforts as I do myself...makes the whole thing worthwhile IMO.

And thanks must go to you too on behalf of all Elise owners for taking up the challenge, and being their trailblazer for this latest tube that both amps are able - somehow! - to not only just play, but do so to a level that would certainly appear to be its absolute optimum...as triode-strapped, at least (which does help give a more linear performance compared to straight pentode - the best of both worlds IMHO! :gs1000smile::gs1000smile:).

ps. (And to @connieflyer )...Just couldn't help myself I'm afraid. Those 2 grotty-looking 'balloon' EL38s mentioned previously would appear from the photos to in fact have black plates, so I've gone for them...for better or worse! Hopefully they'll clean up nicely and still have plenty of life left in them?!!! Will keep you updated...:ksc75smile:
Dec 5, 2018 at 8:20 AM Post #5,119 of 11,509
H it was an easy confirmation. Almost from the first note, it was obvious that these tubes were going to be different, and that thought has not left. No problems, just musical pleasure beyond anything that Euforia has done for me before. An excellent design that has matured into a very substantial amplifier. I am more than pleased. Thanks H
Dec 5, 2018 at 3:25 PM Post #5,120 of 11,509
OK then guys...it's now official - those men in white suits will be knocking on my door tomorrow, complete with at least one straitjacket lol! :wink:

Why?...these EL38s are scrambling my brain even more than the EL32s!!

With yet another 24hrs on all of them, your use of the word 'scalpel', @Scutey , is most apt regarding dissection of bodily material in the finest detail (and yes indeed, minus any obvious 'clinical' procedures!!)...viz a return to the tracks in Genesis's album 'Duke' where all Hell breaks loose. Although I've heard these literally hundreds of times - as prime testing material - this afternoon I thought I was listening to a totally different recording. That 'scalpel' was finding more fine detail than I ever knew existed on this album, and presenting it in an impressively cohesive, controlled manner...spooky lol!
And although this kind of experience is common when upgrading any item of equipment - not just tubes - I personally have never had one to this degree... from tubes, that is!....(and there are those who question the whole concept of 'burn-in'?...unbelievable lol! :ksc75smile:).

So, folks, just another confirmation that plenty of time on these tubes will bring surprising rewards! :gs1000smile::gs1000smile:...(however, just be warned those men in white suits may well be knocking on your door!!:astonished: :slight_smile:)...
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Dec 5, 2018 at 3:51 PM Post #5,121 of 11,509
just think by time we get eight or nine thousand hours on these tubes we will be so far into Nirvana that we won't even be on this thread anymore! We may not even be on this planet anymore. that's pretty incredible how many hours did you say you had a little over a hundred now? I think I'm coming up on about 15 on these but I can see where it's going to add up fast because I can't get enough of these stupid things! started listening yesterday afternoon didn't even want to bother stopping for dinner, I finally did if you can call grabbing a bagel dinner but that was about the extent . Well I hope I get the same results, and I don't see why I wouldn't cuz I got the same exact type of pattern with the e l 32 so I would imagine that if you're experiencing this with the 38 I'll be doing the same thing. Can't thank you enough, I'm not sure I want to know about the balloon tubes! Although is rare as they are trying to find a couple more of them would be very hard so probably not going to worry about it after all. Take care of CJ
Dec 5, 2018 at 4:39 PM Post #5,122 of 11,509
Many thanks @Scutey ...I get as much pleasure from seeing others appreciate and enjoy the fruits of my efforts as I do myself...makes the whole thing worthwhile IMO.

And thanks must go to you too on behalf of all Elise owners for taking up the challenge, and being their trailblazer for this latest tube that both amps are able - somehow! - to not only just play, but do so to a level that would certainly appear to be its absolute optimum...as triode-strapped, at least (which does help give a more linear performance compared to straight pentode - the best of both worlds IMHO! :gs1000smile::gs1000smile:).

ps. (And to @connieflyer )...Just couldn't help myself I'm afraid. Those 2 grotty-looking 'balloon' EL38s mentioned previously would appear from the photos to in fact have black plates, so I've gone for them...for better or worse! Hopefully they'll clean up nicely and still have plenty of life left in them?!!! Will keep you updated...:ksc75smile:
OK then guys...it's now official - those men in white suits will be knocking on my door tomorrow, complete with at least one straitjacket lol! :wink:

Why?...these EL38s are scrambling my brain even more than the EL32s!!

With yet another 24hrs on all of them, your use of the word 'scalpel', @Scutey , is most apt regarding dissection of bodily material in the finest detail (and yes indeed, minus any obvious 'clinical' procedures!!)...viz a return to the tracks in Genesis's album 'Duke' where all Hell breaks loose. Although I've heard these literally hundreds of times - as prime testing material - this afternoon I thought I was listening to a totally different recording. That 'scalpel' was finding more fine detail than I ever knew existed on this album, and presenting it in an impressively cohesive, controlled manner...spooky lol!
And although this kind of experience is common when upgrading any item of equipment - not just tubes - I personally have never had one to this degree... from tubes, that is!....(and there are those who question the whole concept of 'burn-in'?...unbelievable lol! :ksc75smile:).

So, folks, just another confirmation that plenty of time on these tubes will bring surprising rewards! :gs1000smile::gs1000smile:...(however, just be warned those men in white suits may well be knocking on your door!!:astonished: :slight_smile:)...
Hi h1, It would certainly be interesting to hear of any more Elise owners trying these El38's out to get the same level of sound that I'm experiencing. One thing I've noticed with these tubes is how good they sound with older recordings. I have an old Decca recording of Beethoven's Piano concertos, wonderful performances, but with the tubes I've been using it sounded rather dull and dated, cue EL38's and wow!, it sounds as if it's been remastered, much more detail, clarity and energy, wonderful!. You mentioned Genesis's Duke album, well I had the same experience last night with, Pink Floyd's Meddle and Dark Side of the Moon albums, although I've heard both countless times, because of the way they were presented in such a different and much better way it really did feel like hearing them for the first time, magic! :o2smile:.

ps if those "men in white coats" come knocking, I'm going to barricade my self in! :wink:.
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Dec 6, 2018 at 7:09 AM Post #5,123 of 11,509
just think by time we get eight or nine thousand hours on these tubes we will be so far into Nirvana that we won't even be on this thread anymore! We may not even be on this planet anymore. that's pretty incredible how many hours did you say you had a little over a hundred now? I think I'm coming up on about 15 on these but I can see where it's going to add up fast because I can't get enough of these stupid things! started listening yesterday afternoon didn't even want to bother stopping for dinner, I finally did if you can call grabbing a bagel dinner but that was about the extent . Well I hope I get the same results, and I don't see why I wouldn't cuz I got the same exact type of pattern with the e l 32 so I would imagine that if you're experiencing this with the 38 I'll be doing the same thing. Can't thank you enough, I'm not sure I want to know about the balloon tubes! Although is rare as they are trying to find a couple more of them would be very hard so probably not going to worry about it after all. Take care of CJ

Oh dear, cf...looks like I might well be the cause of not only a few bankruptcies, but death by starvation - or malnutrition, at least lol!! :wink:

And in Nirvana?...honestly thought I was there already before yesterday with these CV450s (EL38)...well, 3 plus a 'balloon' (shan't know for sure yet whether it's this that brought the extra magic yesterday...will need to do more comparison once I've given it the full adapting works). And then those extra hours - taking them to well over 100 hrs - had me in disbelief...again lol!...so what else is possibly in store yet?!!!:ksc75smile:...will keep you informed...:gs1000smile:

ps. Sorry ol' friend, but if it turns out to be that oldie tube after all, I'm afraid I shall just have to sing its praises here some more!...:smile_phones:...but it's more likely to be the extra burn-in all round...???!!!...CHEERS!...CJ

pps More on this subject below...
Dec 6, 2018 at 7:27 AM Post #5,124 of 11,509
Well, what can I say? If it is to be another discovery, then so be it! I am still getting my head around these tubes. Have about 30 hours on them now, I run these a lot longer than I usually do. The heat build up is not enough to be concerned about at all. Not quite as cool as the St32, but still the amp after 8 hours is just barely warm. So I am not seeing any problems so far, except that spending toooooo much time under the phones! I think now that the newness is wearing off, and the constant checking familiar pieces is showing that there is more to like with these El38's, I will be able to commence with normal routines now. Still hearing things in the music that has not been obvious before. Hopefully Scutey with his Elise is still experiencing gains as well. This could be a way for the Elise owners to get a very inexpensive upgrade to their amps.
Dec 6, 2018 at 7:33 AM Post #5,125 of 11,509
Hi h1, It would certainly be interesting to hear of any more Elise owners trying these El38's out to get the same level of sound that I'm experiencing. One thing I've noticed with these tubes is how good they sound with older recordings. I have an old Decca recording of Beethoven's Piano concertos, wonderful performances, but with the tubes I've been using it sounded rather dull and dated, cue EL38's and wow!, it sounds as if it's been remastered, much more detail, clarity and energy, wonderful!. You mentioned Genesis's Duke album, well I had the same experience last night with, Pink Floyd's Meddle and Dark Side of the Moon albums, although I've heard both countless times, because of the way they were presented in such a different and much better way it really did feel like hearing them for the first time, magic! :o2smile:.

ps if those "men in white coats" come knocking, I'm going to barricade my self in! :wink:.

Hi Scutey...sorry, mon ami, but those scary guys use battering rams lol!!! :astonished::wink:

Yes indeed...another nice bonus that these tubes can work such wonders on some less-than-ideal older recordings :gs1000smile:

And yes again, I can only hope more Elise owners also take advantage of this fabulous tube, and transform it into something else again IMHO...before these tubes skyrocket!! :triportsad:

Ever since yesterday's latest revelation I spoke of re. some 'Duke' tracks, I've been racking my brain as to what could possibly have brought such a magical experience...over and above the obvious appearance of so much more detail, and its uncanny, controlled presentation. And on a re-listen, it hit me just what it is...grip... (not grab, which can be merely something 'quirky' or new).
This, to me, is an amalgam of the elements of pace, rhythm, timing, balance and control all rolled into one all-encompassing feeling. I have never before felt myself carried along on a wave of sound over which I had no control whatsoever...and yet it was so beautiful, it could have carried (nay...swept!) me out to sea and simply left me there to drown...seriously weird!! I can't wait to see what happens when I put on some highly emotional classical pieces once more...(I can hear those darned fellers in white suits knocking down my door yet again...and very soon!!).

And so once more, folks...be warned!!!:wink:...CJ
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Dec 6, 2018 at 12:54 PM Post #5,126 of 11,509
Hi guys...update on the latest 'revelation'.

While my older, 'balloon' shape (black plate) EL38 is still sitting in its testing adapter, I thought I'd do a quick comparison with the later CV450/EL38...and sorry @connieflyer , but I recommend y'all do keep your eyes peeled for at least one of these beauties.

Much to my amazement, a good bit of that extra magic I mentioned previously would actually appear to be down to this tube after all...and that's with just one in the right hand power slot!
And it is in fact quite difficult to pinpoint just what's behind this phenomenon...obvious first off are an even more(!!) solid, deep and detailed bass, along with more shimmer and sparkle to the treble. But something else is going on here, and it'll probably take me a good while to put my finger on it!...(perhaps what contributes to that grip I mentioned previously). But should prove a very interesting 'chore' lol! :ksc75smile:...
All I can say is that those guys way back then had some sort of 'Fairy Dust' that they secretly sprinkled over their tubes (valves!) before sucking out the air lol! :wink:. Whatever, this seems to be the case so often with our glass marvels...and one I reckon modern reproduction guys would kill for!!

And so the saga continues...:ksc75smile::ksc75smile::ksc75smile:...
Dec 6, 2018 at 2:00 PM Post #5,127 of 11,509
Hi guys, my 38/CV's are now around the 26 hour mark and continuing to open up/improve, they certainly seem to thrive with classical music, orchestras have an expansive, epic feel, just finished listening to Vaughan Williams, A Sea Symphony, well it certainly sounded epic!, it gave it a sense of scale that a full orchestra and choir deserve, but it's not just classical, they also have the agility, dynamics, timing and slam to handle rock music as well, Pink Floyd's Pulse album has been given to the full EL 38 treatment, they really do present so well the scale of an individual recording, the space around the instruments, and the size of the space in which it is being played, I really feel like I'm right there, in the centre just a few rows from the front, now what's next for this audio nirvana :o2smile:.
Dec 6, 2018 at 2:16 PM Post #5,128 of 11,509
Sounds like these are doing just fine for you, but it is kind of hard to tell, do you like these?
Dec 6, 2018 at 3:57 PM Post #5,129 of 11,509
Hi guys, my 38/CV's are now around the 26 hour mark and continuing to open up/improve, they certainly seem to thrive with classical music, orchestras have an expansive, epic feel, just finished listening to Vaughan Williams, A Sea Symphony, well it certainly sounded epic!, it gave it a sense of scale that a full orchestra and choir deserve, but it's not just classical, they also have the agility, dynamics, timing and slam to handle rock music as well, Pink Floyd's Pulse album has been given to the full EL 38 treatment, they really do present so well the scale of an individual recording, the space around the instruments, and the size of the space in which it is being played, I really feel like I'm right there, in the centre just a few rows from the front, now what's next for this audio nirvana :o2smile:.

Ah, that's easy, S....just put over 100 hours on them and you'll find out for yourself lol! :ksc75smile::ksc75smile:...CJ
Dec 6, 2018 at 5:00 PM Post #5,130 of 11,509
Ah, that's easy, S....just put over 100 hours on them and you'll find out for yourself lol! :ksc75smile::ksc75smile:...CJ
Slowly getting there CJ, 29 hours and counting!. Btw is this what tube "fairy dust" looks like? :wink:.


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