Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...
Jan 12, 2017 at 9:39 AM Post #47 of 11,509
Hi guys...for anyone who may not yet have noticed, I've now included some photos (incl. internal shots) on post #1.
And by the way, the sound from this amp just keeps surprising me more by the day...that old cliche "hearing things I've never heard before" kicks in with every one of the many dozens of tracks I have used for testing hundreds of times over the past 2 years with Elise alone, and could have sworn there was nothing more to come lol!!
Mind you, sometimes it is, actually, more down to the notes - complete with additional tones/harmonics - being positioned/separated more precisely, so as to enhance the 3D 'holographic' effect beyond anything I've ever heard before. And as for the placement of voice - especially female... when in the hands of a clearly masterful recording engineer, I would swear the performer is singing just for me, and me alone...wonderfully intimate, without being "in yer face"! : I have always loved most of Beverley Craven's work, but last night we almost made love lol!!...
...I have never experienced anything like this before...(and certainly haven't told "She who must be Obeyed" this...yet, anyway - sometimes they just don't understand, do they...bless 'em?!). 
Here's just one of those tracks I'm talking about...especially for you @UntilThen, @pctazhp, @Oskari, @HOWIE13 and @connieflyer...but probably won't sound anything like what was caressing my ears last night!
...(as I thought, only half the notes are there lol!!
Hope you enjoy, guys....CHEERS!...
Edit...looks like this link is u/s for the US!...but hopefully you should find this (Promise Me) and other tracks on your own youtube lol!....(but she's MINE!!!
Jan 12, 2017 at 9:50 AM Post #48 of 11,509
Unfortunately this video is not available to the U.S. market.  I will have to have a look around for her.  I do know what you mean, with the Elise fully burned in, some recordings will just grab you, in a good way to be sure.  Now that the new amp is on order, listening to the Elise, and appreciating it more, I wonder if it can get that much better. Is it just that I am going to be losing a good "friend"?
Jan 12, 2017 at 10:52 AM Post #49 of 11,509
  Unfortunately this video is not available to the U.S. market.  I will have to have a look around for her.  I do know what you mean, with the Elise fully burned in, some recordings will just grab you, in a good way to be sure.  Now that the new amp is on order, listening to the Elise, and appreciating it more, I wonder if it can get that much better. Is it just that I am going to be losing a good "friend"?

OH NO, cf...you must try to find it somewhere - or at least the song - but her on video is gorgeous lol!!

I hear you re. going back to music again after a good long while...tracks can indeed sometimes sound better/different, and I have always suspected that this is not only down to simple time on the amp itself (not just tube burn-in), but putting a very wide range of tubes - and therefore frequencies - through everything in the signal line... (that notorious "sonic memory" facet notwithstanding!).
And yes, you will indeed be losing a good "friend"...but gaining a lover!!...(perhaps this will indeed necessitate Euforia's gender to remain female after all...but of the 'Amazonian' variety...you up to that, mon ami?!!!
Jan 12, 2017 at 10:57 AM Post #50 of 11,509
Whoa! Amazonian? Up to it?  So many questions, so little time!  I am switching from coffee to something stronger now, thinking of Euforia and amazonian and Sophia, I need stronger drink!
Jan 12, 2017 at 1:14 PM Post #51 of 11,509
I see from page one that the area of the original Elise that gets soooo hot, has been addressed, with the addition of an Aluminum heatsink / cooling fins in a redesigned circuit.

That's good!
Jan 12, 2017 at 2:22 PM Post #52 of 11,509
I see from page one that the area of the original Elise that gets soooo hot, has been addressed, with the addition of an Aluminum heatsink / cooling fins in a redesigned circuit.

That's good!

Yo JV...certain tubes, such as the (adapted) ECC31 (the common-cathode version of the famed ECC32/CV181, as you know!) unfortunately got Elise running too hot for my liking, and so the redesigned internals are indeed a welcome revision. In fact, the new Caddock resistor circuits in Euforia ran hotter than anticipated at first, and the designer, Henryk Feliks, made revisions to the revisions lol!...and the end result is very impressive-looking (and sounding!) indeed - even better in the flesh, as I was asked to lower the photo resolutions and blur certain circuits as design protection...All in all, a different animal for sure, even though it still looks like an Elise...
Jan 12, 2017 at 2:37 PM Post #53 of 11,509
Thank you, thank you @hypnos1 for the video. Song is lovely.
Euforia's internal looks neat and I can see the teflon-tubed silver wire.
Jan 12, 2017 at 8:42 PM Post #54 of 11,509
@hypnos1 thanks for the link she has a great voice I return the favor

Jan 12, 2017 at 8:47 PM Post #55 of 11,509
Could this be competition?
Jan 12, 2017 at 8:57 PM Post #56 of 11,509
And for those that have never heard the full version of Taps or Il Silenzio

Jan 13, 2017 at 7:10 PM Post #57 of 11,509
Well, lucasz could not do the upgrade I wanted, so Im getting a regulwr Euforia. If there is such a thing. My invoice is #101.
Jan 14, 2017 at 7:26 AM Post #59 of 11,509

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