Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...
Feb 25, 2019 at 4:44 PM Post #5,626 of 11,519
H, just wanted lt let you know, after taping up the offending micro phonic-noisy tubes, I have the EL38 balloon tubes and the El 11 one a mesh plate, now working to perfection. Seems this silcone tape has helped out in this case, lucked out!

That's fantastic news cf...hope you find this combo as special as I do. But I do realise all ears are different lol! :wink:...

Just a quickie on another note...it's been a very tiring and intense day!! - remedying a loose connection in what I thought to be just one channel of my T1s (have wired the replacement cable direct to the drivers' connections...tricky!!). And although a couple of the six wires per each earcup had indeed come loose - the bane of using solid wires alas! - it actually turned out not to be the real problem...both drivers were dodgy!!! :fearful:. And just loitering in the area to resolder was enough to finally kill the first one! So out came the driver from my spare set of T1s I bought used just for this eventuality...thankfully!

Anyway, realising the same connection problem might be in the offing in the other channel, I popped out the driver and...yep, one wire come loose. Not a problem really, as the other 5 were OK. But blow me down, if the same thing doesn't happen while remedying...another dead driver!! :triportsad:. And this was being ultra careful...even to keeping the extension from the driver itself cooled while soldering, just in case. So what on Earth was going on?...Well, all I can say is that I now know what must be one of the main reasons for headphone drivers failing, apart from blowing them lol!! :ksc75smile:...especially if this is the norm for said drivers - ie. the tiny wires that come from the driver itself to the shell are infinitesimally small. So small you can hardly even see them...and then only with high magnification readers lol! And so fragile that the merest touch will break them in an instant...why?...crazy!! No way can they be assured of a good, long life methinks). And what's worse is that in these T1s at least, they are soldered to the extension...with no proper protection...ie a disaster waiting to happen!...(as I found to my cost - with one at least!!).

And so to try and make things much more secure for the future, I used epoxy resin not just to encase the new wires' soldering, but also those darn tiny driver wires! :smile_phones:.

Suffice to say that with a great deal of patience, blood, sweat and tears - plus a good dose of luck! - everything is now working fine once more. And hopefully this time it'll stay that way forever(?!! :wink:).
For anyone interested in the insides of their headphones, a photo of the tiny wires that just might be lurking therein :


The offending wires jutting out the top...and the whole driver is only about an inch and a quarter in diameter!!
I know everything must of necessity be miniaturised, but surely, something a bit more substantial wouldn't go amiss lol?!! :beyersmile:...time for an early night after all this excitement(?!)...BFN...CJ
Feb 25, 2019 at 10:34 PM Post #5,627 of 11,519
That's fantastic news cf...hope you find this combo as special as I do. But I do realise all ears are different lol! :wink:...

Just a quickie on another note...it's been a very tiring and intense day!! - remedying a loose connection in what I thought to be just one channel of my T1s (have wired the replacement cable direct to the drivers' connections...tricky!!). And although a couple of the six wires per each earcup had indeed come loose - the bane of using solid wires alas! - it actually turned out not to be the real problem...both drivers were dodgy!!! :fearful:. And just loitering in the area to resolder was enough to finally kill the first one! So out came the driver from my spare set of T1s I bought used just for this eventuality...thankfully!

Anyway, realising the same connection problem might be in the offing in the other channel, I popped out the driver and...yep, one wire come loose. Not a problem really, as the other 5 were OK. But blow me down, if the same thing doesn't happen while remedying...another dead driver!! :triportsad:. And this was being ultra careful...even to keeping the extension from the driver itself cooled while soldering, just in case. So what on Earth was going on?...Well, all I can say is that I now know what must be one of the main reasons for headphone drivers failing, apart from blowing them lol!! :ksc75smile:...especially if this is the norm for said drivers - ie. the tiny wires that come from the driver itself to the shell are infinitesimally small. So small you can hardly even see them...and then only with high magnification readers lol! And so fragile that the merest touch will break them in an instant...why?...crazy!! No way can they be assured of a good, long life methinks). And what's worse is that in these T1s at least, they are soldered to the extension...with no proper protection...ie a disaster waiting to happen!...(as I found to my cost - with one at least!!).

And so to try and make things much more secure for the future, I used epoxy resin not just to encase the new wires' soldering, but also those darn tiny driver wires! :smile_phones:.

Suffice to say that with a great deal of patience, blood, sweat and tears - plus a good dose of luck! - everything is now working fine once more. And hopefully this time it'll stay that way forever(?!! :wink:).
For anyone interested in the insides of their headphones, a photo of the tiny wires that just might be lurking therein :

The offending wires jutting out the top...and the whole driver is only about an inch and a quarter in diameter!!
I know everything must of necessity be miniaturised, but surely, something a bit more substantial wouldn't go amiss lol?!! :beyersmile:...time for an early night after all this excitement(?!)...BFN...CJ
Hi h1,
I had one driver go out in my T1 from a defective tube. I was very impressed by the US Beyerdynamic Service Repair Center. A new set of drivers cost $250, but they offered to match a used driver to the one that was working. The cost for the used driver was $10 + $40 labor and additional shipping. Everything sounds fine.
Feb 26, 2019 at 5:46 AM Post #5,628 of 11,519
Hi h1,
I had one driver go out in my T1 from a defective tube. I was very impressed by the US Beyerdynamic Service Repair Center. A new set of drivers cost $250, but they offered to match a used driver to the one that was working. The cost for the used driver was $10 + $40 labor and additional shipping. Everything sounds fine.

Hi mordy...a used driver for $10?...that's amazing!! And certainly extremely good service from your Service Repair Center. I doubt we'd get anything near that kind of deal here in the UK alas :triportsad: (but worth seeking out from somewhere...especially now I know what to look out for when resoldering lol! :wink:).
And at least those miniscule driver wires must surely be gold - not a hint of corrosion or discolouration. No wonder they're so fragile!! :fearful:. Still wish they were a bit thicker though! :ksc75smile:

Anyway y'all, after my somewhat frustrating day yesterday replacing both drivers in my T1s (V1), it has in fact turned out to be a blessing in disguise...they're now delivering an even better sound!! :L3000::L3000: (and that's before the new solder has burned in). The slight volume imbalance has been rectified (thank goodness!), and even more detail is coming through (both channels). Mostly, no doubt, due to the fact that the wires that came loose were silver ones, thereby making the UP-OCC copper one more dominant. Proof positive of the qualities of UP-OCC silver wire lol!

And so guys, a photo of what must surely now be my end game setup (??!!)...I certainly hope so :


ie. 1x Australian Philips mesh plate, black glass EL3NG driver (left) with 1x Valvo mesh plate, black glass EL11 (right); and 2x extra large, black internal coating Philips EL38 powers.

ps. @Johnnysound ...these mesh plate versions are mid-way between the German EL11 and Philips EL3N warmth-wise (and with better detail retrieval than the 3N)...just perfect for my personal taste. I suspect the EL32 might be a tad too warm for many folks when driving the EL38s...CHEERS! everyone...CJ
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Feb 26, 2019 at 2:59 PM Post #5,629 of 11,519
As a follow up to my last post, I can confirm that after a day's burn-in of my replacement hp drivers' resoldering (couldn't guarantee complete metal to metal contact first alas, given the need to work very fast in this location lol!), the re-connection of several loose UP-OCC silver wires has proved beyond doubt the superiority of this particular wire...even over UP-OCC copper.

The extra detail - from top to bottom - is not just minimal...to the point where I've had hours of more aahhh moments today than I've had in a very long while! Soundstage has also opened up even more, but without loss of focus or cohesion. Spatial 'air' is also greater, assisted by delicious intentional reverb that isn't overdone, and an even greater tonal range in voice and instruments than already existed before. I never dreamt that what I've been hearing for a while now could get even better still...and this has definitely cured me of any desire whatsoever to spend out on either different headphones or different hp cable. Never before (almost!) have I been so grateful for something to go wrong with my system...the rewards have been most welcome indeed!! :ksc75smile::L3000::gs1000smile:...BFN...CJ
Feb 26, 2019 at 5:09 PM Post #5,630 of 11,519
Has anyone tried/tested the Audeze LCD2 Classic with Euforia?, I only ask as I've decided to buy a pair, at a very good price, by UK standards that is, I would imagine that, with the right tubes, it should be a good fit :).
Feb 26, 2019 at 6:34 PM Post #5,631 of 11,519
I had them with my Elise. I sold them because I bought some ether C's. Big mistake. The lcds were really good.
Feb 27, 2019 at 5:06 AM Post #5,634 of 11,519
Has anyone tried/tested the Audeze LCD2 Classic with Euforia?, I only ask as I've decided to buy a pair, at a very good price, by UK standards that is, I would imagine that, with the right tubes, it should be a good fit :).

Hi Scutey.

Hate to be Devil’s advocate here, but when I heard the LCD2 hps with my Elise at our local meet a couple of years ago, they sounded much ‘flatter’/darker than my T1s...and with nowhere near the same sparkle or joie-de-vivre. Olli (Acapella11) found just the same with his HD 800s (v1) via his Questyle CMA 800 SS amp. I do hope they will sound different in your Euforia setup lol! :smile_phones:...or at least appeal to your own tastes...CHEERS!
Feb 27, 2019 at 5:44 AM Post #5,636 of 11,519
Has anyone tried/tested the Audeze LCD2 Classic with Euforia?, I only ask as I've decided to buy a pair, at a very good price, by UK standards that is, I would imagine that, with the right tubes, it should be a good fit :).
You amp is a single ended OTL tube amp. Do you have a chance to try other amp/dac/headphones in your area?

Feb 27, 2019 at 7:12 AM Post #5,638 of 11,519
Hi Scutey.

Hate to be Devil’s advocate here, but when I heard the LCD2 hps with my Elise at our local meet a couple of years ago, they sounded much ‘flatter’/darker than my T1s...and with nowhere near the same sparkle or joie-de-vivre. Olli (Acapella11) found just the same with his HD 800s (v1) via his Questyle CMA 800 SS amp. I do hope they will sound different in your Euforia setup lol! :smile_phones:...or at least appeal to your own tastes...CHEERS!
Nothing wrong in playing Devil's advocate h1!, I was after another hp to compliment my 1990's, which I still love btw, something a bit more laid back in the highs, but still with good bass dynamics, anyway it they don't fit I won't be too bothered as I picked em up for £480 New, and I'm pretty sure I can get back at least 95% of what I paid for them.
Feb 27, 2019 at 3:05 PM Post #5,639 of 11,519
Nothing wrong in playing Devil's advocate h1!, I was after another hp to compliment my 1990's, which I still love btw, something a bit more laid back in the highs, but still with good bass dynamics, anyway it they don't fit I won't be too bothered as I picked em up for £480 New, and I'm pretty sure I can get back at least 95% of what I paid for them.

Hi again S...those LCDs certainly will give you a different signature to your 1990s lol! :wink:. And should give that more 'laid back' presentation :ksc75smile:.

At that price, it's pretty well 'try before you buy' territory...so yes indeed, if not quite suitable, I'm sure you wouldn't be much out of pocket (if anything at all!) with a resale. But hopefully they'll do what you're looking for...:gs1000smile:...GOOD LUCK!...CJ

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