Feliks-Audio ELISE...(previously 6SN7 + 6AS7G/6080 prototype)

Sep 4, 2014 at 6:25 PM Post #17 of 3,428
I don't think that's something you need to worry about, and I say this as a fan of the Svetlana 6N13S...

Aah, Oskari...I go to bed a very happy man...

Cheers!  And good night...
Sep 4, 2014 at 10:08 PM Post #19 of 3,428
  Sweet tube dreams! 
normal_smile .gif

I live in London, UK. Over here, tubes are "valves", and "the tube" is a very unpleasant way to commute to work (it's our over-crowded [at rush hour], underground train network). My tube dreams are never sweet as they are usually claustrophobic and end with me arriving at work, OTOH my valve dreams....
Sep 4, 2014 at 10:41 PM Post #20 of 3,428
The valves in my country convey water...sometimes hot water..:)
Sep 5, 2014 at 12:18 PM Post #21 of 3,428
A few teaser-pics...the original model ( before the "makeover" ) :


Isnt she a beau.... :P
if it can drive LOW impedence cans too, controlling the bass,  that would be awesome... 
as it is, one of my tube amps just choke up with my D7k...couf couf.

Hi Lorspeaker.
This subject of driving low AND high impedance cans brings me nicely to the latest UPDATE from Feliks-Audio...
They have decided to use TWO 6SN7s, as opposed to some of the oppositions' ONE driver...and I myself am over the moon.
Although - as another very respected member pointed out - one may be quite sufficient to do the job sound-wise (and true, means finding 2 not-too-dissimilar tubes), the Feliks guys have found that the advantage is in helping to better drive low impedance 'phones. Which can only be a good thing for those who have 'em lol!
And also, let's face it, it will look MUCH better than "Cyclops" sitting, staring at you, no?! (Aesthetics are important to me, anyway,...as well as sound...so long as the former doesn't detract from the latter!!).
Another PLUS is a 2-YEAR WARRANTY...Nice...
Further info to follow...
Sep 5, 2014 at 12:40 PM Post #22 of 3,428
geez...i only have one pair of matching GEs. :P
Sep 5, 2014 at 1:22 PM Post #23 of 3,428
Hi Lorspeaker.
This subject of driving low AND high impedance cans brings me nicely to the latest UPDATE from Feliks-Audio...
They have decided to use TWO 6SN7s, as opposed to some of the oppositions' ONE driver...and I myself am over the moon.
Although - as another very respected member pointed out - one may be quite sufficient to do the job sound-wise (and true, means finding 2 not-too-dissimilar tubes), the Feliks guys have found that the advantage is in helping to better drive low impedance 'phones. Which can only be a good thing for those who have 'em lol!
And also, let's face it, it will look MUCH better than "Cyclops" sitting, staring at you, no?! (Aesthetics are important to me, anyway,...as well as sound...so long as the former doesn't detract from the latter!!).
Another PLUS is a 2-YEAR WARRANTY...Nice...
Further info to follow...

Style is very important thats why i got the WA2 its a great looking amp especially with 6AS7 type tubes and it sounds good so looks are very important in my book .I was checking Bottleheads Mainline amp its a good amp from what i heard but its not a looker just for that  i probably wouldnt buy it .
Sep 5, 2014 at 2:47 PM Post #24 of 3,428
  geez...i only have one pair of matching GEs. :P

I wouldn't worry too much about "matching", L -  there often seem to be pairs of used tubes available that test good to strong, and are fairly close in their readings. Most amps seem to be quite forgiving when it comes to tubes being "balanced and matched", IMHO.
Actually, while on this subject (which I have pondered for some time now), I wonder how many people have actually taken readings of the signal out levels L & R from their sources...I think they would be surprised/shocked at the differences there can be! Does that make any difference?...I would have thought so, but I could be wrong...
Also, I wonder just how many people have identical hearing in both ears...not very many, I would suspect - either in volume level or frequency range retrieval...food for thought?...
  Style is very important thats why i got the WA2 its a great looking amp especially with 6AS7 type tubes and it sounds good so looks are very important in my book .I was checking Bottleheads Mainline amp its a good amp from what i heard but its not a looker just for that  i probably wouldnt buy it .

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way, MIKELAP...So on the looks front alone, this unit should kick the LD MK9, for example, WAY into touch!
. But as I said before, it must NOT be at the expense of SOUND!!...Further musings on this in my next post...
Sep 5, 2014 at 10:02 PM Post #25 of 3,428
WHilst we are waiting...may i ask a noob question about rectifier :
I have rectifiers like 5U4, 5Y3, 5AR4, GZ32, GZ34 ( used on a Decware Csp2+ )...
can such rectifiers be used on a 6AS7 slot...and vice versa..say with an easy addition of an adaptor? 
Any danger?  Or i should just keep them apart? 
Sep 5, 2014 at 10:09 PM Post #26 of 3,428
  WHilst we are waiting...may i ask a noob question about rectifier :
I have rectifiers like 5U4, 5Y3, 5AR4, GZ32, GZ34 ( used on a Decware Csp2+ )...
can such rectifiers be used on a 6AS7 slot...and vice versa..say with an easy addition of an adaptor? 
Any danger?  Or i should just keep them apart? 

No. This would not work and moreover, it is not something you want to do. So just keep them apart.
Sep 5, 2014 at 10:24 PM Post #27 of 3,428
ratssss........ this hobby is getting expensive :P
Sep 7, 2014 at 1:15 AM Post #28 of 3,428
Read with interest about the virtues of the 6N13S Svetlana Tubes with a winged "C". Did anybody compare them to the Chatham 6AS7G tubes?
If I decide to get a pair, which years and production should I look for?
Sep 7, 2014 at 1:21 AM Post #29 of 3,428
Read with interest about the virtues of the 6N13S Svetlana Tubes with a winged "C". Did anybody compare them to the Chatham 6AS7G tubes?
If I decide to get a pair, which years and production should I look for?

I have in my Glenn amp and the Chatham's sounded cleaner and more dynamic... the Svetlana's weren't bad though...
Sep 7, 2014 at 2:11 AM Post #30 of 3,428
On the DV336se with aTungsol6sn7GTB front tube, the wingedC sounded slightly more captivating than the Chatham ...
But with a psvane cv181tii in the front, the RCA came alive..n the Chatham was pushed towards being too airy / thin of sorts.

My point is...it is about pairing on your amp setup.

RCA (left) , Chatham (right)

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