Feliks-Audio ELISE...(previously 6SN7 + 6AS7G/6080 prototype)

Oct 20, 2017 at 1:48 PM Post #3,421 of 3,428
Hope it won' t be necessary. Plus, I bought it SH, and I am guessing the warranty is void because of this.
If you get a reason of `resurrection` , I am curious what the problem was.
I'm pretty sure the warranty is transferable. And since it lasts for two years, there's a strong chance you might still be on warranty given that the Elise is only now closing in its two year birthday!
Oct 22, 2017 at 7:04 AM Post #3,422 of 3,428

Problem fixed. At least for now. To make an idea how the sound was, in my case, listen to Hendrix- Voodoo Child (Slight Return) ; the scratching from the beginning of the song, in the right channel. Something like that I had every few seconds in my left one (regardless of the song) .


Hope it won' t be necessary. Plus, I bought it SH, and I am guessing the warranty is void because of this.
If you get a reason of `resurrection` , I am curious what the problem was.


Hi blckmag, and welcome to Elise land.

Firstly, well done for aquiring this very good amp at what was probably a bargain price, given the latest price rises lol!...I sincerely hope so!! :wink: :L3000:...

And secondly, well done for finding my original 'Elise' thread, which I thought was lost in the mists of time after banned member Shaffer managed to bring about its demise! :triportsad:...

Thirdly, sorry to hear of your 'scratching' issue, but as @mordy said, this is often due to poor or dirty tube pin contact, or poor cable connection somewhere. Hopefully yours was indeed just down to tube(s)...but another culprit - especially in amps that have had a lot of tube insertion/removal - can be the actual sockets. That particular design of pin receptor is prone to developing a loose connection with the pins, and which is what happened to my own amp, along with occasional others (who were, like me, avid tube rollers!!). This is easily remedied however, by (carefully) prising together the top parts of the receptor so as to reduce the increased distance between them and reinstate a tighter grip on the pins. This is one reason why I asked F-A to install better quality sockets in Euforia...but which can sometimes be a tad too tight, depending on thickness of pins and whether nicely smooth or not - swings and roundabouts, alas!!

Lastly, I hope you will be able to find the time to peruse the other later Elise threads - I'm sure you would find some very useful and interesting information, not only about Elise but other related topics also...GOOD LUCK!!...and best wishes for many happy hours enjoying your amp, as many others have done before you...CHEERS!...CJ
Oct 22, 2017 at 4:49 PM Post #3,423 of 3,428
Hi blckmag, and welcome to Elise land.

Firstly, well done for aquiring this very good amp at what was probably a bargain price, given the latest price rises lol!...I sincerely hope so!! :wink: :L3000:...

And secondly, well done for finding my original 'Elise' thread, which I thought was lost in the mists of time after banned member Shaffer managed to bring about its demise! :triportsad:...

Thirdly, sorry to hear of your 'scratching' issue, but as @mordy said, this is often due to poor or dirty tube pin contact, or poor cable connection somewhere. Hopefully yours was indeed just down to tube(s)...but another culprit - especially in amps that have had a lot of tube insertion/removal - can be the actual sockets. That particular design of pin receptor is prone to developing a loose connection with the pins, and which is what happened to my own amp, along with occasional others (who were, like me, avid tube rollers!!). This is easily remedied however, by (carefully) prising together the top parts of the receptor so as to reduce the increased distance between them and reinstate a tighter grip on the pins. This is one reason why I asked F-A to install better quality sockets in Euforia...but which can sometimes be a tad too tight, depending on thickness of pins and whether nicely smooth or not - swings and roundabouts, alas!!

Lastly, I hope you will be able to find the time to peruse the other later Elise threads - I'm sure you would find some very useful and interesting information, not only about Elise but other related topics also...GOOD LUCK!!...and best wishes for many happy hours enjoying your amp, as many others have done before you...CHEERS!...CJ

Just wanted to mention that I have avoided wearing out the sockets in the amp by using socket savers. In addition to saving the original sockets from wear, they act as heat insulators and the amp runs less hot. (But h1 is going to say that they may degrade the sound by the fact that there is one more connection in the chain.....)
Oct 24, 2017 at 2:58 PM Post #3,425 of 3,428
Just wanted to mention that I have avoided wearing out the sockets in the amp by using socket savers. In addition to saving the original sockets from wear, they act as heat insulators and the amp runs less hot. (But h1 is going to say that they may degrade the sound by the fact that there is one more connection in the chain.....)

I think H1 was on the fence on that one, but myself and others had notices absolutely no loss of purity with the socket savers - though I would imagine one with fancy intercconects may bring changes

Hi guys...on the fence DL?...NEVER, mon ami! :wink:

IMHO, especially when everything else in the chain has the bar set high, it only makes sense to me to minimise as best can any and all extra connections. But then, all ears are different lol!! And if losing the connector isn't possible/feasible, then I'm convinced one is advised to have those connections made to the highest quality possible. This was also highlighted to me recently when I used better quality RCA plugs on a set of Neotech UPOCC silver interconnects...even when the first ones were pretty nice Rhodium plated copper ones lol!! And, as I covered on the Euforia thread, even more noticeable improvement came when removing the plugs altogether!!! :darthsmile:...YMMV!!...:ksc75smile:...

ps. My adopted mantra : "The best connector is no connector" I cannot claim credit for alas...it has come from extensive research into historic words of wisdom from DIYers who know far more than all of us here put together lol!! :smile_phones:...CHEERS!...CJ
Oct 24, 2017 at 4:50 PM Post #3,426 of 3,428
Hi guys...on the fence DL?...NEVER, mon ami! :wink:

IMHO, especially when everything else in the chain has the bar set high, it only makes sense to me to minimise as best can any and all extra connections. But then, all ears are different lol!! And if losing the connector isn't possible/feasible, then I'm convinced one is advised to have those connections made to the highest quality possible. This was also highlighted to me recently when I used better quality RCA plugs on a set of Neotech UPOCC silver interconnects...even when the first ones were pretty nice Rhodium plated copper ones lol!! And, as I covered on the Euforia thread, even more noticeable improvement came when removing the plugs altogether!!! :darthsmile:...YMMV!!...:ksc75smile:...

ps. My adopted mantra : "The best connector is no connector" I cannot claim credit for alas...it has come from extensive research into historic words of wisdom from DIYers who know far more than all of us here put together lol!! :smile_phones:...CHEERS!...CJ
Hi h1,

I would go as far as to say that not every person has as sensitive hearing as some others. I would not be surprised if an inexpensive socket saver made some sonic difference, but I cannot hear it.

In the past there was a discussion if a ferrite core on the anode wire of anode cap tubes (installed to eliminate electric noises) would change the sound. I submit that I may have heard a difference with the ferrite core attached to a wire (not with an anode wire), but it was ever so slight, or ... imagined. But I don't rule out that a sensitive ear could pick out a difference.

My hearing has the age related treble fall off, but for me the main thing is to enjoy the music.......
Oct 24, 2017 at 9:42 PM Post #3,427 of 3,428
Well, socket savers are a must for me, to prolong the life of those special sockets in Euforia. Once I'm able to get my Euforia rig set back up, I'll plop in some of my most resolving tubes with a detailed headphone and give the A/B with / without socket savers another whirl, but I do recall not being able to hear any difference when briefly doing that before... if no difference still can be audibly noticed, then no socket saver can ever make it sound better than when connected directly.

A quote from a recent audiophile thread on the general forum Quora (though subjective)
"no cable in the world will sound better. A given system has a given response and you can not change that with a cable. In other words they know that what a cable can do is deteriorate the signal, some more than others. They know that the best cable would be no cable at all and the “trick” is to find the cable that does the least damage to the signal. They know the cable can be used as a “filter” to change the outcome but they know exactly what the cable is doing and why."
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Oct 24, 2017 at 9:55 PM Post #3,428 of 3,428
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