"Extreme Shield" IEMs- are these legitimate? {UPDATE 30/5/14} Yes they are legit- Pics and impressions!
Jun 17, 2014 at 9:11 AM Post #31 of 65
Haha well, I'm wondering if someone should put these guys down before their "promotional offer" ends and a couple of poor consumers fall prey to their frankenstein of a website.
Nov 2, 2014 at 2:16 PM Post #32 of 65
hi there
been following this thread and was wondering if yoou did receive your headpphones? and if you did are they ok?, i have just placed an order for them and a bit worried now, as you say payment is via paypal but would like to know how it worked out for you, i might be able to cancel the payment if it turned out to be a scam, hoping you will reply
jojo shearer
Dec 1, 2014 at 6:49 AM Post #33 of 65
OK. Received the Project Extremes SX'550 earphones. Too light for Stainless Steel so either another alloy or Titanium. Cables thin and light but OK. After two weeks of constant use I can sincerely say these are a genuine and well thought out earphone. Bass is the best I have experienced in an in earphone ever. Bass is well defined, not woolly, and portray both low rumble and mid bass punch equally. The sound is a big sound and in real life they have a high enough volume for most people. Mids need minor forward adjustment to compete with the bass but are not overwhelmed. The mids are smooth and musical but lacking some naturalness. Treble does need equalizing forward. The treble is good in quality but sits behind the sound-stage. Equalizing genuinely turns these earphones into musical contenders. I use the very large buds to isolate and emphasize the lows.
My comparison for bass is with the Sony MDRXB30EX Extra Bass.... the SX'550 outperforms it hands down. The Sony MDR 12LP was perhaps a strange headphone. Bizarre shape that would be unusable for many ears, yet sound-wise, for those who could wear them, absolutely the ultimate bargain, totally above its weight in bass and mid-range. The SX'550 outperforms the sony MDR-12LP. If I could imaginatively place a value on these headphone it would be in the £60-£80 category. I am about to receive some HAVI B3 PRO-1's today and some VSONIC VSD3S in a couple of weeks. I will compare the Project Extreme SX'550's with them shortly. So for anyone wondering if they are a rip off...they are not. I got them 4 days after ordering. From Germany I think. As a headphone they are genuine and can exceed my other mid-level earphones easily. I think my ears are reasonable but I have not really experienced high end earphones. My home systems have been various Musical Fidelity Amps and a few T-Amps. Speakers Quad 11L's. So I am a mid-range HiFi guy. For £29.95 these are an authentic bargain, but only if you like bass and are prepared to equalize a little. May not suit the purist.
Dec 2, 2014 at 1:13 PM Post #34 of 65
I personally felt like these were £30 well spent, but the marketing is literally illegal in some places. they really ought to sell these on their own merits, as they do have some, but they just choose to steal other company's trademarks and falsely advertise the product itself :/
I do actually use these from time to time, despite owning a pair of Earsonics SM64s. They obviously can't even begin to compete overall, but when you need more bass impact than an avalanche, they're up to the job...
Dec 2, 2014 at 6:15 PM Post #35 of 65
So you have the sx'500. I have no idea if the sx'550 is different...I expect it must be. I feel a bit for the Project Extreme guys. I was suspicious regarding the claims, but in some respects these earphones are exceptional. They do not need a headphone amp as they run loud and for R&B, Reggae, World Music they produce a rich, clear and enjoyable sound. For Classical Music and Jazz I have just got the Havi B3 Pro 1's. They sound exceptional without burning in so I am looking forwards to hearing them when they 'open up'. I see Project Extreme took a lot of flack about these earphones. I don't think they are copies of other mentioned earphones, I checked the images on Google. At the moment they offer something unique and that is quality bass rumble and punch alongside an incredible rhythmic sense. I have only had the Havi's for a day and I can see they are going to be some earphone, but for £29.99 the sx'550 is amazing. They do need burning in and they open up on all fronts. They claim to produce 500 of each earphone and two models have, allegedly, sold out. It would be good to see a couple more reviews of the sx'550 after burning in.I don't think that Project Extreme are a fly by night, profit-mongering outfit, and the sx'550's are definitely not some cheap earphones being passed off. Sadly I have not had the opportunities to use earphones like the Earsonics SM64s or other top notch pairs, so I accept there is a level of earphone quality that I will never experience.  I am in the process of getting rid of my big Musical Fidelity amp for my tiny T-Amp that I love so much. Small is becoming beautiful.
Dec 2, 2014 at 9:12 PM Post #36 of 65
Seems like a case where the ceo has no clue and thinks that BS marketing is the way to move units, but actually ended up hiring a competent Tech team. Shame really :-/
Dec 27, 2014 at 9:19 AM Post #38 of 65
My lovely wife bought me a pair of these for Christmas and I have to say they are really good. Mind you though the bass is exactly what it says on the tin...Extreme! This is not done at the cost of Treble though and unless you drive them hard the bass works well with Fleetwood Mac, Tango in the Night and Prodigy, The Fat of the Land and also The Police. They have a strong thump for sure but this will be personal preference at the end of the day. The build quality is great and for £30 you cannot really go wrong. I have taken some pictures for you.

Dec 29, 2014 at 5:42 AM Post #39 of 65
Just saw ndburley's post. Exactly my opinion. For Bob Marley, Fleetwood Mac, and real heavy bass music like Gorgon City these are perfect. 
All our ear shapes are so different and our likes and dislikes so different that all of the following is only IMHO.
I now have used the Havi B3 Pro 1 Dual Driver for a while, as well as the Vsonic Vsd3s. None of these give anything like the bass of the 550'sx so I much prefer the 550'sx for Bob Marley etc. and they do need equalising more than any other earphone I have had.
Nevertheless the Havi and the Vsonic are by far the better earphones. In fact they may be the best earphones for the money as they are superb with jazz, classical and pop, guitar, folk music etc. Neither are 'purrfect', but not too far away. They are more similar than different, but picking hairs the Vsonics are slightly smoother but the Havis are slightly more accurate in the highs and a little more articulate. The Havi Pro's have the widest soundstage I have heard and the Vsonics have one of the deepest soundstages I have heard. Strange but true. I am happy with both, amazing value, and enjoy them equally. The Havis are much harder to drive though, but fare well with my Fiio X1 (quite brilliant), but not with my old Samsung S3 or Sony Z3.... too quiet for me. The Vsonics are much easier to drive, so if you want them for a mobile phone or bog standard MP3 player they are better by far. For headphone amplifiers the Havi Pros are probably better. I would say at their price range of £30-40 they are both 10 out of 10.  I am not going into detail because I am just trying to put them in perspective against the sx'550, which are worth listening to in their own right.
So the Project Extreme sx'550's will be a 'basshead's' dream and worth having in a collection to cover all music types. The Havi's and the Vsonic's are just excellent and reproduce highs and mids exceptionally well. Although many have reacted to the marketing of the sx'550s they are a 'real' earphone and should be taken seriously.
Dec 30, 2014 at 11:04 AM Post #40 of 65
For £30 you cant go wrong. Slag the site and the advertising as much as you want the headphones are decent!! I can't compared them to much else on the market, but the bass kicks ass, the middle is solid, but as other have said the treble does get lost with such a strong low end. Equalisation dies help this though. Perfect for any music where bass is essential!!
Jan 12, 2015 at 5:26 PM Post #45 of 65
Still loving these, the bass is really in your face but the treble is not effected. I tested with weak magnet quickly on the rear tip and no attraction. Titanium is not magnetic so good there. Really happy so far...PortisHead sounding great...The album Dummy really drives these to limits...bass that makes your head buzz but still clear top end :)

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