"Extreme Shield" IEMs- are these legitimate? {UPDATE 30/5/14} Yes they are legit- Pics and impressions!
May 26, 2014 at 6:14 PM Post #17 of 65
To be brutally honest, the whole affair seems less 'malicious' and more towards 'completely incompetent.' I feel that they're just a protector company being dragged by the nose by some dodgy-dealers who've made them some 'phones.
Then again, they might be a bunch of w****** out for a quick buck.
No-one knows :0
May 27, 2014 at 3:14 PM Post #18 of 65
Silicon TM - LOL
Icepower TM, yeah sure, that's a trademark of B&O relating to class D amp modules.

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May 28, 2014 at 7:55 PM Post #20 of 65
  They have actually arrived!
Pics and more detailed impressions to come.
For now- they look nothing like what is on the site, and they're definitely Dynamic drivers.

I hope I'm wrong but I'm guessing you got something very cheaply made.  Out of curiousity you should write them and ask why the earphones you got look nothing like the pictures, I doubt they'll respond now that they have your money but if they do it could be amusing.
May 29, 2014 at 4:44 PM Post #23 of 65
  I hope I'm wrong but I'm guessing you got something very cheaply made.  Out of curiousity you should write them and ask why the earphones you got look nothing like the pictures, I doubt they'll respond now that they have your money but if they do it could be amusing.

Actually, no- they're certainly not titanium, but they are very solidly built (metal unibody), probably from stainless steel, and actually sound as good as you'd want £30 headphones to sound. I honestly don't think that they're a bad deal, I just can't recommend the company, because they're scum. I literally have nothing better to call them than scum, honestly. They're just scum who make a good product that they won't sell on it's own merits :p 
May 29, 2014 at 7:31 PM Post #24 of 65
We need pics! What do these bad boys look like? How was the packaging - Did anyone at the factory slip in a piece of paper reading "Help, I'm being held in this factory against my will!"?
And as a comparison - I have a pair of $2.98 "Aerosmith" earphones with an all metal chassis - doesn't necessarily mean they are with 30 pounds sterling.
May 30, 2014 at 1:54 AM Post #25 of 65
  We need pics! What do these bad boys look like? How was the packaging - Did anyone at the factory slip in a piece of paper reading "Help, I'm being held in this factory against my will!"?
And as a comparison - I have a pair of $2.98 "Aerosmith" earphones with an all metal chassis - doesn't necessarily mean they are with 30 pounds sterling.

Aerosmith earphones?  Can they compare to the $1 earphones I got that come with 3 PLASTIC tips that can only be inserted into the ear with some pain?
May 30, 2014 at 9:58 AM Post #26 of 65
  Aerosmith earphones?  Can they compare to the $1 earphones I got that come with 3 PLASTIC tips that can only be inserted into the ear with some pain?

Yep Aerosmith Headphones! Sounds Insane!

May 30, 2014 at 4:09 PM Post #30 of 65

The Majestic Box Itself [/sarcasm]

The side of The Box, with a hand for scale- It's pretty thin...

A picture of the case- Sorry for the picture quality here :frowning2: (are everywhere). For a company that makes cases, I'd have thought that they could do better than just stitching grey foam together ( and slapping a faux-leather patch on the front).

Finally- The earphones themselves. I reckon that they're far too bright in colour for Titanium, honestly, but I'm hardly an expert. Somewhat disappointing, as real Ti produces my favourite metal finishes.
Also, note the metal strain reliefs- I think I can tell where this pair is going to break...

Them again, with a hand for scale.

A picture of the whole package.
I didn't manage to get any decent pictures somehow, but it comes with 3 pairs of tips: The medium, large-bores in the pictures, another pair of mediums, with a narrow bore, and some smalls with a wide bore. No large tips, so narrow-bore smalls. Weird choice.
Now, real impressions time:
Build: Rock solid, perhaps too heavy. Metal strain reliefs were a stupid idea. Otherwise fine.
Far from exemplary, but completely acceptable for £30 earphones. Strangely, the supplied mediums fit me better than any other tips that I've tried, including my beloved Atomic Floyd SoftSeals.
Lots of it. This gets completely overwhelming very quickly. However, if EQ'd properly, it can be good. Attack is good, decay is reasonable, speed is reasonable. However big it might be, it's actually quite clear, and not distorted.
Mids: Reasonably clear, trying to be forward. I say Trying, as the bass comes further forward, but the mids do sound nice enough if you tone the bass down.
Treble: Oh, ****. This is veiled as all hell, basically non-existent in some tracks, cloudy and rolled off at an unreasonably low level. This really needs boosting.
Soundstage: What soundstage?
Overall: 7/10. These are great for music like Trap and Heavyweight Electro, but for my standard Trance fare, they fail hard with their awful treble. Old techno is listenable to (I'm trying out Scooter's 90's stuff as I type this). Honestly, I do think these could be a decent contender, but Extreme REALLY need to sell them on their own merits. It's sad to say, but these had a fighting chance before ES got their grubby hands on them. If they ever clean up their act though, these would be worth a look.
For what I got, I reckon these were worth £30. But that's the absolute max I would ever pay for them.

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