Etymotic & Westone - Discussion & Impressions (index in 1st post)
Jun 3, 2022 at 3:02 PM Post #226 of 411
Sorry - I have never owned the B50...
IF I auditioned them (in a CanJam) - I do not even remember, and it might have been a short audition. Sorry I cannot help with that.
No worries, thank you for all your impressions.
Westone products aren't discussed as much these days and impressions are hard to come by so these are great.
Jun 15, 2022 at 6:24 AM Post #227 of 411
Me again, just a quick note for anyone passing who happens to own the Luxury & Precision W2 dongle and the MACH 80.

Give the pairing a try on the IER-Z1R SDF setting, to me it sounds very nice indeed and I can disable the PEQ and put UAPP in its bit perfect setting and be happy.

Here is a quick (over exposed) snapshot for illustration purposes. :)

Jun 22, 2022 at 11:30 AM Post #230 of 411
Just another picture of my favourite IEM at the moment.


I got to try the new Mach series at NAMM and really enjoyed what I heard. Still retains the traditional Westone house sound, but they're all clear step-ups from their predecessors.
Jun 22, 2022 at 11:55 AM Post #231 of 411
Dropping some quick impressions of the Evo after living with them for a few months:

*disclaimer, the Evo was kindly provided by Etymotic out of their goodwill (I have no direct relationship with them). I have not been asked to tailor my impressions in any way.

Anyone who's anyone in the audiophile world knows who Etymotic and Westone are unless they've been living under a rock. They're one of the few brands that maintain a unique quality of being able to garner a large amount of respect from the audiophile and pro audio communities alike. As someone who's been around the IEM space for quite some time, in the industry and not, I recognize that as an impressive feat to achieve.

On the sound...

The Evo is their most recent release and is considered an evolution by the company. Retailing at $500, the Evo contains 3 BA drivers and a neutral warm tuning that - with my taste in mind - is just right in many aspects. They are overall analytical and maintain a nice sense of air and separation in my opinion, never straying far off the path of what I would call reference in the mids and highs. The mids and highs are the highlights of the Evo, with the caveat of the bass. The Evo does not lack in impact, but it does in my opinion lack in texture. Some may call the bass boring, but I call it more of a taste thing - it's very tight and fast for a BA. Vocals are excellent and very thick/full sounding. The soundstage is deeper, than wide, and has good imaging and separation. Overall, I believe out of the line-up this is the "darkest" tuning they have - that's not a bad thing, again, just a taste preference.

On the build...

The EVO is hands-down the best-built Ety IEM out there. With its pseudo-custom shell, and long nozzle (that was good for me, but may be a concern for some, it has excellent isolation. I look forward to seeing more Etmotic IEMs come out with this build style, as I think it will be an opening for new customers to consider Etymotic. I'm sure there are many out there like me who couldn't get past the bullet-shaped maximum insertion design. This change is most welcomed. Excellent isolation as well, which is a trademark of the brand already!

On the accessories...

I don't need to say more than other reviews already have - the accessories are incredible. It's a shame that higher-priced IEMs don't have the same amount or general quality of their accessories. I will comment on the cables - I very much preferred the Linum cable over the stock cable. The stock cable was not comfy, and would always get tangled very easily - I see what the intentions were with this cable, but the execution wasn't there. The supplement of the Linum cable is an excellent choice. I do wish there was a balanced option though.

On synergy...

The Evo does an excellent job with iFi's house sound, my favorite pairings were with our Diablo and xCAN.

In fin...

The EVO is an excellent entry from Etymotic and a very exciting "this is what we can do" from the company. If you can get past the BA timbre and lack of bass texture, the EVO is a around $500 vocal performance king with plenty of technical performance all around to match, while still maintaining a warm sound signature that isn't fatiguing. Coupled with the accessories and build quality, the EVO happily lands a place on Seb's *highly recommended* list.
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Jun 23, 2022 at 1:37 AM Post #234 of 411
Jun 26, 2022 at 9:43 PM Post #235 of 411
I listen to Jazz (not frenetic bebop but “cool”/mellow/European: Chet Baker, Miles Davis), Alternative Country/Folk/Bluegrass, Rock/Blues/Soul/RB, but not much hard rock or heavy/speed metal.

I’m looking for an IEM around $150 or less and the following are ones that seem to fit my needs:

AudioSense DT200 ($149) Dual BA

Akoustyx R-210 ($120) Single BA

TinHi P1 Max ($119) Planar

Etymotic ER3SE/ER3XR $59 @ Adorama Single BA

The only difference between the Etymotic 3SE and 3XR seems to the tuning? For example, if paired with the Qudelix 5K Dac/Amp, could you basically make them sound the same by use of equalization? If that is the case, would it make most sense to start off with the more neutral 3SE?

The $59 price is hard to beat. However, I’ll probably want to get a 2.5 balanced cable to use with the Qudelix (which I have not purchased yet). Etymotic sells one for $70, which brings the price up to $130. Given the “notch” on the ER’s, finding reasonably priced compatible cables seems to be a bit of a challenge. Has anyone purchased any of the Linsoul cables starting around $20 from Ali Express that are supposed to be compatible?

Finally, how would the Ety’s compare to the other IEM’s I’ve listed, especially the DT 200. The DT 200 is probably more comfortable and finding aftermarket cables will be easier.

TIA for any comments/suggestions.
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Jun 26, 2022 at 10:36 PM Post #236 of 411
Etymotic ER3SE/ER3XR $59 @ Adorama Dual BA
The ER3/4 series only use a single BA
The only difference between the Etymotic 3SE and 3XR seems to the tuning? For example, if paired with the Qudelix 5K Dac/Amp, could you basically make them sound the same by use of equalization? If that is the case, would it make most sense to start off with the more neutral 3SE?
Yeah, you could do that if you want to go there in the Quedelix 5K's DSP feature.

The $59 price is hard to beat. However, I’ll probably want to get a 2.5 balanced cable to use with the Qudelix (which I have not purchased yet). Etymotic sells one for $70, which brings the price up to $130. Given the “notch” on the ER’s, finding reasonably priced compatible cables seems to be a bit of a challenge. Has anyone purchased any of the Linsoul cables starting around $20 from Ali Express that are supposed to be compatible?
Wise to stick with the Ety stock of cables. Nobody ever got fired for buying Ety branded stuff.
Finally, how would the Ety’s compare to the other IEM’s I’ve listed, especially the DT 200. The DT 200 is probably more comfortable and finding aftermarket cables will be easier.
That one has the specs to compete, what with two Knowles BAs, to better cover the spectrum. Right, and cable choices are abundant.

The AudioSense sound has its fans. Who knows? You could be the next one.
Jun 27, 2022 at 9:44 PM Post #237 of 411
Got muh Mach 60s in today :) Been rolling a simulated profile from VSG's measurements on my ER2XR... I could charitably say it got the gist at least.

Only had a little chance to listen this afternoon, but the slightly more raised upper mids are wonderful, still very laid back as I found the 40, but no longer straining for a bit more presented detail.

Tonight I will switch over to the Mach 80 that I also got with them... Was going to hold off until tomorrow but I just can't wait :)

Jun 28, 2022 at 11:18 PM Post #239 of 411





Some initial impressions:

Mach 60 - warm and balanced but upper mids are slightly forward and elevated which adds a welcome sweetness to music. Gradually upward tilted bass takes its time tapering off in the mids. V profile dazzles for electronic but broad upper mid keeps them engaging and lush for vocals and acoustic (female vocals particularly lush). These came well recommended and do not disappoint!

Mach 80 - imaging and separation like an IEM has no business packing, let alone one this compact. Can't help but binge on Symphonic with them... every instrument in its place. Texture, texture, texture! Picking up on guitar strokes I didn't know existed in some of my favorite licks and solos. Intimate vocals a bit problematic, treble peaks relative to rolled back upper mids add a bit of a feeling you are listening in a tin hall, not ideal. QUITE the horse on the right kind of course :)

Aside: I got a balanced superBAX with them, but I don't think either will do well with the amount of power my balanced rigs are throwing at them... will probably get good use on my Evo's however. Kind of surprised how few amps are sporting 2.5 mm balanced these days, everything is 4.4 mm...
Jun 29, 2022 at 12:51 AM Post #240 of 411

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