Jun 12, 2007 at 4:04 AM Post #301 of 697
If these got a little bit more publicity, I wouldn't mind having some financial ties with equation... lol
Jun 12, 2007 at 4:06 AM Post #302 of 697

Originally Posted by jjhatfield /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Fair enough! Thanks for the straight answer dandi.

*takes off fake moderator hat*

Can I borrow it? I always wanted to try one on and have some fun. What color is it?
Jun 12, 2007 at 4:20 AM Post #303 of 697
holy cow, your signature couldn't get any bigger without actually adding an ascii map of austrailia showing the location of perth.
Jun 12, 2007 at 12:34 PM Post #304 of 697
Well, my RP21's now have over 100 hours on them. I am listening to them now. My basic opinions are still the same, and that is that they sound very good, especially for the money. In comparison to higher-end cans, I find the mids a little congested, and the highs just a little grainy and "splashy". The bass is terrific. I think the RP21's are the best $100 headphone I personally have ever heard.

Even with the Beyer earpads, though, they clamp more that I'd like. I could not wear them for hours on end. This is an issue for me - I am big into comfort, and I don't think the RP21's score super-high on this front. However, they do isolate very well.

That said, they aren't likely to get used in my house very much - I have a lot of other headphones that sound quite a bit better and are more comfortable. But I am going to try them as semi-portable headphones. I have a flight coming up Thursday - I will see how they do as airplane cans (I normally use Senn HD25's for this - I don't like IEMs).

Don't get me wrong here - I like the RP21's. They aren't perfect, but for $99 they are darned good.
Jun 12, 2007 at 1:30 PM Post #305 of 697
I find that after a few hundred hours, at least for me, they continue to change for the positive. I don't find the congested mids and the highs with a version of the Reference amp by Xin, have great reproduction of cymbols.
Jun 12, 2007 at 1:32 PM Post #306 of 697

Originally Posted by ericj /img/forum/go_quote.gif
holy cow, your signature couldn't get any bigger without actually adding an ascii map of austrailia showing the location of perth.

Are you talkin to me? Are you talkin to Me? :^)

I like to read what other people have so I do onto others as I would have them do unto me.
Jun 12, 2007 at 2:14 PM Post #307 of 697

Originally Posted by BigAmish /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'll be able to tell you soon. My new RP-21s are in the mail & my only other full-size cans are MS-1s.

Thanks, looking foward to your comments.
Jun 12, 2007 at 2:35 PM Post #308 of 697

Perhaps I'm reading this wrong, and of course if that is the case please correct me, but it seems that you wish for us to refrain posting below 'fair market' prices to protect the dealers?

I'm unsure quite how this will work, seeing how the dealers would have to be very strange indeed if they were selling products that they didn't think they could at least break even on...

It seems rather that you wish to protect dealers as a whole's business, by increasing their profit, by having us be ignorant of cheaper deals.

Personally I hate this, but perhaps a little background. The only trade I consider fair trade is free trade. This is the same for a market. Obviously, because of that, it is totally fair and free for you to restrict the prices dealers can advertise as part of a contract - but I refuse to support you if that is the case.

If a dealer cannot compete with other ethical (by my, not your, ethics, of course!) companies, then it will likely go out of business. It's assets will likely be sold and used by other companies. This is normally a win situation for the world. There is simply not a reason to in effect subsidise a company/person when someone else is doing a better job of it!

Ah, but the evil chain stores are not ethical. Quite probably. That's easily dealt with though. Don't sell to them.

But, ok, maybe you wish to support a specific store, for some reason (it's owner is a friend, they have helped you, you would like to continue using their resources even though you can get the products cheaper, etc). Fine. I would likely also wish to help some stores - unfortunately there don't happen to be such audio stores around me that I would like to support. That might change.

The point is, it should be up to me who to support provided they aren't coercing anyone else. You appear to be trying (unsuccessfully) to coerce me into supporting certain companies.

I dislike this.

But maybe I'm totally wrong. More likely, maybe the other headphone companies are even worse, in which case I'll likely buy you. Got to have headphones, after all.


*sigh* Like voting for political candidates, but where a vote might actually make some minuscule difference.

P.S. Your apparent plan is also going to be rather hard to implement. Censoring is notoriously hard. Even the government of China fails at it. You think you'll succeed? Pfft.
Jun 13, 2007 at 5:26 AM Post #310 of 697
So I've been thinking about buying these. Is there a major bass difference between the 21's and 22x's? I'm a huge bass head, but is it worth the extra $20 for more bass? I mostly listen to modern hard rock (Chevelle) and industrial (Nine Inch Nails).
Jun 13, 2007 at 6:08 AM Post #311 of 697
Hey Skylab,

How's the Synergy with the mSeed Spirit Lab? That would be a nice bang-for-the-buck combo if it's good.
Jun 13, 2007 at 12:35 PM Post #312 of 697

Originally Posted by bebanovich /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey Skylab,

How's the Synergy with the mSeed Spirit Lab? That would be a nice bang-for-the-buck combo if it's good.

I will be trying that extensively tomorrow on a short trip I am taking and I will report back.
Jun 14, 2007 at 5:05 AM Post #313 of 697

Originally Posted by Clincher09 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So I've been thinking about buying these. Is there a major bass difference between the 21's and 22x's? I'm a huge bass head, but is it worth the extra $20 for more bass? I mostly listen to modern hard rock (Chevelle) and industrial (Nine Inch Nails).

Jun 14, 2007 at 12:20 PM Post #315 of 697
Actually, I've got another Q: does anyone know how the rp21 compares to the Ultrasone DJ1? 'Cause the DJ1 has come up as a candidate on my list, since it's about the same price in Europe, and I've read some good things about it here and on a Japanese site (via google translater) with lots of headphone reviews, this one: http://www.geocities.jp/ryumatsuba/. Not many people seem to have one on this site though, which makes me wonder. Any input is appreciated.

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