Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)
May 23, 2024 at 6:44 PM Post #40,666 of 40,826
I'm glad you like the Ravens! A little surprised though at how often the wm1z is mentioned lately... I had the chance a few years ago to listen to it and compare it with the Cowon PL... maybe I missed something but in the end I chose the brand Korean because in different areas it was better and more balanced.. both organic, lately there must be some IEMs out there that have a particular synergy with the golden brick because otherwise I can't explain it...
the Raven with the Cowon sounds very good but technically the Cayin N7 for example is at the next stage..
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May 23, 2024 at 7:30 PM Post #40,667 of 40,826
I'm glad you like the Ravens! A little surprised though at how often the wm1z is mentioned lately... I had the chance a few years ago to listen to it and compare it with the Cowon PL... maybe I missed something but in the end I chose the brand Korean because in different areas it was better and more balanced.. both organic, lately there must be some IEMs out there that have a particular synergy with the golden brick because otherwise I can't explain it...
the Raven with the Cowon sounds very good but technically the Cayin N7 for example is at the next stage..
I am a late golden brick adopter, no doubt. This is the M2, not sure it matters. I am digging the DAPs overall warmth and richness. I have only begun to try the M2 with my collection of IEMs and have a feeling it will be an excellent pairing with the HE1000 Stealth as well, when I work my way to my easily driven headphones.

I am a bit of a A&K fanboy, so this Sony is a departure for me. I have a few DAPs laying around, but this is certainly a Top Tier offering and I am so glad I picked it up. Sony is very clear about it needing to reach maturity at 200 hours, so I want to make sure I allow it time to season.

Raven is very well done, IMO. To my ears, while each of the latest Empire Ears since ODIN has been a different signature, they have also evolved to what Raven is, that includes their collaborations. It is tough to ignore the fact that EE has their bass tuning down, but the Raven is much more.

I enjoyed Odyssey and it's smoothness but wished it was a bit more open, enter Raven.

Loved ODIN and it's bass quality, but I wished for more quantity at that level of quality. I loved its detail, but wished the upper mids could have handled a higher volume without fatiguing me, enter Raven.

I could continue on with EVO and so on...but the point is, Raven appears to take a part of the best characteristics of the past offerings and here we are. The Ravens staging is really on point, excellent width and you can easily hear the depth as well, but I wouldn't mind a touch more holography, if it can be done without hindering the accuracy of the stage.

As I am writing this, I am listening to the Beatles Blue Album Remaster, even crusty subguy812 had tears in his eyes because of the listening experience.

It is a shame Raven will never get the exposure it could have had or deserves because of its rocky start.
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May 23, 2024 at 8:46 PM Post #40,668 of 40,826
I heard the Raven on the 1ZM2 recently and liked it. However after switching back to my R8II I felt it gave a bit more of everything you probably like about the raven. Really good synergy imo. It has a little more crispness and soundstage to my ears especially with turbo and medium gain. But both sounded great.
May 24, 2024 at 12:35 AM Post #40,670 of 40,826
I fully agree, what a shame! It should be valued much, much more.
They just gotta keep hitting the ground at can jams and it will speak for itself at demos
May 24, 2024 at 5:29 AM Post #40,671 of 40,826
I heard the Raven on the 1ZM2 recently and liked it. However after switching back to my R8II I felt it gave a bit more of everything you probably like about the raven. Really good synergy imo. It has a little more crispness and soundstage to my ears especially with turbo and medium gain. But both sounded great.
The R8II is one I haven't heard. I have a R6III(love it, great travel companion) and it isn't my first Hiby player. The baked-in plugins are badass. I would love to hear the R8II. I have had it in the cart a couple of times.
May 29, 2024 at 8:06 PM Post #40,676 of 40,826
AET07 is more balanced. W1 and CP145 have the particularity of reducing subbass, which makes midbass (impact) more distinct, the mids become clearer (lose body) and the trebles more pronounced. That's the reason why I don't like them. Raven's subbass is fantastic and it's a shame if tips don't bring it out.
Just got them and like both the velvets and AET07. The AET07 could be the winners here and surpass the CP145’s for me. I need a little more time but the first impression was very good.
May 30, 2024 at 12:35 AM Post #40,677 of 40,826

The ultimate setup for the Raven, LDAC>MUB1 LO >A6pro (OP-Amp : OPA828 + AD8620BR)
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May 30, 2024 at 3:54 AM Post #40,678 of 40,826
The ultimate setup for the Raven, LDAC>MUB1 LO >A6pro (OP-Amp : OPA828 + AD8620BR)
Nice one! I just stopped listening from my DX312-PB5-Noble standard cable-Raven +CP145. Thanks for the cp145 rec, btw :)

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