DUNU DN-2000J -- More Than Evolution?
Jul 20, 2015 at 11:33 PM Post #856 of 2,123
  I tried the 2000J at a local store and while it sounded impressively detailed, I could not listen to it longer than 20 mins. 
Still trying to find a hybrid IEM that works for me.
I got burned so hard last time buying a hybrid (DSG100), I stopped looking for a while.

I want to clear something up here.. I could not listen to the 2000J prolonged period of time not because of its bright nature, but because of the timbre as tomscy2000 wrote in his post above.
I feel that TWFK or most BA drivers have hard time getting stringed instruments sound correct to my ears. 
I even felt this with the JH Audio Angie.. so yeah, even if they sound technically proficient, I loose interest listening to them after just few mins..
Jul 21, 2015 at 1:23 AM Post #857 of 2,123

Jul 21, 2015 at 6:07 AM Post #858 of 2,123
Imagine listening to an IEM that supports all these grand attributes being mentioned, you can hear all the positive sides in fine form, spaciousness, staging, detail, such performance, such talent. Yet anytime a female vocalist (or male) forms an Sss, Chh, Ttt word you're mildly assaulted with unstable vocal sibilance, constantly reminded each and every word shape at different spitting volumes, until it quickly wears you down. In turn leaving no option but to listen at low volumes. This is my personal experience with 2000J and the very reason you don't see me in here hyping it for you guys.

What good is the grand size swimming pool if the water has been contaminated with urine?

1) You also have people complaining about the tonality.

2) people touchy with the highs.

3) members using heavy EQ and applying blue tac to the nozzle meshing to attenuate the signature.

Make of my post what you will, but in my my honest opinion it's not a stable hybrid despite the good you read.

Keep in mind it's just my opinion and also my last post here.

Kinda surprised that a fan of the 1plus2 and Altone200 feels so strongly negative about the 2000J.
They all share the TWFK driver and the pros and cons that come with it. Personally, I think the 2000J is actually the best implementation out of these.
Jul 21, 2015 at 6:47 AM Post #859 of 2,123
Let me add a bit of perspective here.
Over the years, I've followed many sagas here on HF, where there was an initial hype train that ended up being debunked, for instance the whole Aurisonics, Tpeos, Altone lineups, Shure 846, Ditas, IE800 and many others. After the initial shine wore off and more balanced reviews came in, I thought to myself, glad I dodged that bullet...
And in the case of the DN2000J, we have many very well respected reviewers on BOTH sides of the fence. Folks whose I have followed over the years, sought advice from over PMs, people who are very balanced, candid and fair. If I didn't own them myself, as an outside observer I would say this is shaping up to be similar to some of the Tpeos debacles regarding piercing treble.
So why did I jump in on these? I'm coming from the 1plus2, which I love, but was looking for something cheaper, that I could use daily while out and about. On the subway, working out, etc. An everyday IEM I can use for everything. Also I had previous experience with the DN1000 which was pretty good for the price but found the DD wasn't fast enough and the treble was too shrill esp with female voices. And I was very impressed by the DN2000J. I must emphasize that the treble smooths out after 100 hours of burn in. I do not hear piercing shrill sibilence like I did with the DN1000. In fact I don't hear any at all, and I was specifically looking for it. I do not listen to them at quiet volume, but generally 65-70% on my Galaxy Note 4 with no problems. 
Another thing I like about these are the ergonomics, I like the barrel design, it's comfy and I have no problem with fit. I like nondetachable cables for an everyday IEM. The build quality is solid.
I don't have a great explanation for why there is such heated debate over this IEM. I just know in my personal experience these are phenomenal and well worth the money. If I thought they were too harsh on the treble, I would sell them and get the DN2000, FLC8 or something else. But these are definitely keepers. The sound out of these is nimble, textured, fast and dynamic.
As a note, I am using them with bass rings, no spacers and either hybrids or spinfits. I personally found the sound to be a bit too intense and soundstage not as good with spiral dots and while with most IEMs I go for tips with as wide a bore as possible, with as short an overhang as possible (like the spiral dots), I found that these benefit from a slightly smaller bore and longer overhang. Maybe that's where folks are running into trouble.
Jul 21, 2015 at 9:02 AM Post #861 of 2,123
Urine-reeka! :p
The most useless head-fi purchase I've made over the last 12 months comes to the rescue. Guess who is not useless anymore? Spinfits!

With fun-tak mod and spinfits I have very tolerable treble levels for me. I still have some Compiy TSX500's coming for better isolation (spinfits don't isolate all that well for me) but overall I'm very pleased and comfort levels have improved as a result as well. Perhaps there is a gr10e and eq8 sale in my future.
Jul 21, 2015 at 3:05 PM Post #863 of 2,123

The most useless head-fi purchase I've made over the last 12 months comes to the rescue. Guess who is not useless anymore? Spinfits!

With fun-tak mod and spinfits I have very tolerable treble levels for me. I still have some Compiy TSX500's coming for better isolation (spinfits don't isolate all that well for me) but overall I'm very pleased and comfort levels have improved as a result as well. Perhaps there is a gr10e and eq8 sale in my future.

Dompteur treblenaire!

Jul 22, 2015 at 4:55 AM Post #865 of 2,123
Urine-reeka! :p
The most useless head-fi purchase I've made over the last 12 months comes to the rescue. Guess who is not useless anymore? Spinfits!

With fun-tak mod and spinfits I have very tolerable treble levels for me. I still have some Compiy TSX500's coming for better isolation (spinfits don't isolate all that well for me) but overall I'm very pleased and comfort levels have improved as a result as well. Perhaps there is a gr10e and eq8 sale in my future.

Make sure you apply James' Blu tac mod for maximum effect. And yes, they're the best tips on the dn2000j for me. Still bright but the treble is more diffused. Perfect for late night low volume listening.
Jul 22, 2015 at 5:06 AM Post #866 of 2,123
  I basic question, but is my reference, how do you compare the Dunu 2000 & Dunu 2000j to the HE-400? Thank You, I love the HE-400 and want something more portable.

The HE-400, from the last time I heard it, is not at all similar to either the 2000 or 2000J. Both models are brighter than the dark-ish HE-400, but if I needed to choose which one sounds more similar to it, I'd choose the 2000. It has more bass and mildly laid-back mids. However, I would not say the DN-2000 is "similar" to the HE-400. The HE-400 has a signature that is more similar to HiFiMAN's own RE-600.
Jul 22, 2015 at 7:36 AM Post #867 of 2,123
I've had my DN2000Js for 4-5 days now and still don't see a need for any mods. I really like the highly resolving treble on them.
Again, this is coming from a big Grado fan though. I hear somewhat similar treble extension but with a bit less midrange and a slightly wider soundstage than on most Grados I own/have listened to but still some similarities in the highs.
I find the 2000j to be a great IEM overall with no really glaring faults to my ears to far. 
I've found the Comply TX500 to be my favourite tips so far.
Jul 22, 2015 at 8:38 AM Post #868 of 2,123
The HE-400, from the last time I heard it, is not at all similar to either the 2000 or 2000J. Both models are brighter than the dark-ish HE-400, but if I needed to choose which one sounds more similar to it, I'd choose the 2000. It has more bass and mildly laid-back mids. However, I would not say the DN-2000 is "similar" to the HE-400. The HE-400 has a signature that is more similar to HiFiMAN's own RE-600.

Thank you tomscy2000, I will try both (DN2000 and RE-600) as that is the kind of IEM I would preffer.
Your post are awesome, I enjoyed them a lot
Jul 22, 2015 at 9:05 AM Post #869 of 2,123
Make sure you apply James' Blu tac mod for maximum effect. And yes, they're the best tips on the dn2000j for me. Still bright but the treble is more diffused. Perfect for late night low volume listening.

Fun-tak mod is the same as blu-tac.

Today I commuted with Sony hybrids. I'd have to say the results are very similar to spinfits. I guess I'll give the edge to the hybrids for better isolation. Either one works well helping to tame the treble.
Jul 22, 2015 at 10:11 AM Post #870 of 2,123
DN2000j vs Westone 60. Does somebody have both and can compare?

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