Dunu DN-1000 - Dunu's hybrid IEM - Impressions thread
Sep 14, 2015 at 11:35 AM Post #2,177 of 2,536
The wide-bore bi-flange do seem to make the sound a bit crisper, which is interesting. Both are good and comfortable, seems the bi-flange brings out the details a touch more.   
Looks like you're using a spacer, what did you land on?

Yeah those wide-bore bi-flanges with the silver ring and shallow insertion gives the Dunu 1000 an awesome sound feeling - hard to describe, if it's now chrunchy crisp, more fluent or similar feeling like an (semi)open headphone-  and obviously slight increase of details, while the (sub)bass is reduced and maybe the biggest disadvantage the isolation is nearly towards zero.
So I'm waiting now for the arrival of the 'here and there' mentioned JVC EP-FX8... if they can offer same feeling with better isolation.
Sep 14, 2015 at 11:53 AM Post #2,178 of 2,536
  Yeah those wide-bore bi-flanges with the silver ring and shallow insertion gives the Dunu 1000 an awesome sound feeling - hard to describe, if it's now chrunchy crisp, more fluent or similar feeling like an (semi)open headphone-  and obviously slight increase of details, while the (sub)bass is reduced and maybe the biggest disadvantage the isolation is nearly towards zero.
So I'm waiting now for the arrival of the 'here and there' mentioned JVC EP-FX8... if they can offer same feeling with better isolation.

Interesting. I find the isolation to be pretty good with the bi-flange. I've gone to a blue spacer to cut down the treble a touch. Not sure this is the best set-up for lower-quality files, but is nice when you have clean files to listen to. Otherwise, the clear or wide-bore tips seem good for more casual listening.
Will be curious how the JVC tips work out.
Sep 14, 2015 at 1:52 PM Post #2,179 of 2,536
I may need to retract my statement above about isolation. Not as isolating as I had thought. Actually kind of glad in a work enviro, but would want more for some situations. If volume is up a little, they seem fine, but at low volumes, can hear those around me. I stand corrected.
Sep 14, 2015 at 3:14 PM Post #2,180 of 2,536
Isolation with those tips is second to none in my ears if inserted really really deep (wearing them over the ear). Took me some time to adapt to this (ear tickling, intrusion of a strange object, etc), but now I don't feel anything. lol. I can't hear the transit in the street. Nothing. Bass quantity also increases significantly. About them sounding semi-open, thats it. Thats what I love about them. And you can pick up more micro-details than with any other tip, including the third partys I've tried. Treble extends considerably more with these tips too.
Sep 14, 2015 at 9:33 PM Post #2,182 of 2,536
  Does any of you have any idea where one could buy these tips? Or similar?

You know, Dunu posted a thread about their new models recently, wonder if you could send the poster a PM? If so, let us know what you find out.
Sep 15, 2015 at 4:59 AM Post #2,183 of 2,536
Does any of you have any idea where one could buy these tips? Or similar?

The wide-bore bi-flange? I seem to have two pairs. I thought i got them with some case thing i bought. Must have got only one from the case thing and one with the dn-1000s then since others also have them. I'll post where i got the other pair shortly (if i can find it).

Ok, i bought the case on eBay but don't seem to find it anymore. Here are pictures: https://www.google.co.za/imgres?imgurl=http://icrontic.com/uploads/features/2013/01/accessories1.png&imgrefurl=http://icrontic.com/article/dunu-tai-chi-dn-19-earphones-reviewed&h=600&w=450&tbnid=wJnBEW2qqivHCM:&docid=wT9e2wN3YET91M&ei=jOP3VeSQM-WY7AbhqK_YDA&tbm=isch&client=ms-opera-mobile&ved=0CB4QMygbMBs4ZGoVChMI5IaP39v4xwIVZQzbCh1h1AvL


I got it to actually store my dn-2000 tips and accessories in. But it came with some accessories like the bi-flange tips some other tips that didn't fit, some headphone pads, cleaning cloth, shirt clip and ear hooks.
Sep 15, 2015 at 6:18 AM Post #2,185 of 2,536
I  don't see the biflanges there.

Picture results I'm finding seem to vary.

I only bought it for the case (it was like $9 or something).
Sep 15, 2015 at 6:46 AM Post #2,187 of 2,536
Seems that RHA have similar tips (in white), but they don't ship to Europe
I think I just would need 1 more pair, just in case.
Sep 15, 2015 at 7:11 PM Post #2,188 of 2,536
Does anyone know the size of the Red/Blue Tips?  Are they Large or Medium?  Are the Compy T-500s similar?  Thank you.

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