Dream Earz aud-5X Custom IEM Review: Pure Value @ $565 - Also the appreciation thread!
Aug 31, 2012 at 3:22 PM Post #376 of 597
... What the heck? That's the thing about impressions, there are so many wide ranging and conflicting sources of information in regards to proper protocol that it's hard to tell what set of instructions is correct for a first timer. I had read the same as you, that it would be best to take an open mouth impression and my pair bothered me from the moment I got them (I did eventually correct that though) I'll have to try the closed mouth method next time just to see if it affects the comfort of the seal.

And @ChrisSC and AverageJoe - yeah, still working thru the details with Mitch. He said he was going to tune mine like the current AUD-7X but I'm still inquiring as to what that entails as there aren't any detailed impressions as to what the SQ/presentation is like. I'd primarily want the prominence and clarity of the ES5's mids preserved and want the bass impact/quantity turned up a notch whilst dialing the treble back a bit to tame the spitty treble on the ES5. It isn't present on the majority of recordings I listen to, but on some, the sibilance is unbearable to listen to. Hoping Mitch can work his magic for me, he seems to do excellent work if this thread is any indication and from what he says, the mids and highs are tuned slightly different from the ES5, so hopefully that does the trick without changing their sound sig too much
Aug 31, 2012 at 3:47 PM Post #377 of 597
Very interested to hear your impressions of the AUD-6X Flysweep.
My curiosity has gotten the better of me and I'm going for a 7X upgrade. I'm a big fan of the 5X sig and don't want it altered, but Mitch tells me the 7X preserves the sig, whilst adding detail to the mids and highs. How can I resist!
Will keep you all updated. Will also add my latest cable impressions in due course. I'm currently using something which seriously beefs the 5X up in the bass department.
Aug 31, 2012 at 4:58 PM Post #378 of 597
I've been waffling on going for the 7X, the last day or so, actually.. lmao.  Since I've got the uber-neutral 4.A on the way, I'm wondering if the 6X's sig will be a little redundant (as Mitch describes them as having an "exceptionally neutral response").  If the 7X is modeled after the ES5, that's very intriguing.
Someone needs to confiscate my wallet.
Aug 31, 2012 at 5:54 PM Post #379 of 597
If the 7X is indeed an ES5 with a tastefully boosted bass like ChrisSC has described, I'm done. I can't imagine a more musically involving, natural and detailed sound sig than that. The only improvement from there would be a larger soundstage, that's it
Sep 7, 2012 at 2:06 PM Post #380 of 597
Wow, I really enjoyed reading this thread.  Especially colinharding's descriptions of syrup and sugar water!

However this is where the 5X really pulls through.  In all of this space the SM3 leaves in the higher registers the 5X creates music.  I say music because it is not all harsh.  To digress a bit here, if the AKG701 presents its high frequencies like snow, light chrystiline structures that are very edgy and somewhat harsh; the 5X replicates this sound like a spring rain.  Large round drops of rain that are as refreshing as they are natural and weighty.  So again go back to the SM3's presentation with its syrupy low end and passionate midrange and just "make it rain" in the treble region lol.  That airy space that the SM3 had is now showering with treble, it's not an overbearing AKG treble but a treble that you would expect from the SM3 if it was much more present.  It's like sugar water, it has weight when it falls but is oh so sweet and delicate when your ears drink it in.  The 5X does a nice job of integrating the entire spectrum in a very round presentation both in balance and sound reproduction.  Anyway I hope I lived up to my other post haha, but definitely let me know if anything needs more clarification!

Anyway, I was looking at the first post and it sounds like the 5x was originally created specifically for the head-fi review.  I was looking at Mitch's website and all the other custom "earz" only go up to 4x (other than aud and vox).  So I was wondering, if Average_Joe got the first 5x, and ChrisSC basically got the first 7x, who was it that originally wanted the 6x?
Sep 7, 2012 at 5:03 PM Post #381 of 597
Wow, I really enjoyed reading this thread.  Especially colinharding's descriptions of syrup and sugar water!

Anyway, I was looking at the first post and it sounds like the 5x was originally created specifically for the head-fi review.  I was looking at Mitch's website and all the custom "earz" only go up to 4x.  So I was wondering, if Average_Joe got the first 5x, and ChrisSC basically got the first 7x, who was it that originally wanted the 6x?

It's under Audio Ears.
Sep 8, 2012 at 12:12 AM Post #382 of 597
Wow, I really enjoyed reading this thread.  Especially colinharding's descriptions of syrup and sugar water!

Anyway, I was looking at the first post and it sounds like the 5x was originally created specifically for the head-fi review.  I was looking at Mitch's website and all the custom "earz" only go up to 4x.  So I was wondering, if Average_Joe got the first 5x, and ChrisSC basically got the first 7x, who was it that originally wanted the 6x?

I worked with Mitch on the 4X which he turned into the 5X.  Yes, the 7X was created with ChrisSC and Mitch, and the 6X is Mitch's favorite of the bunch!
Sep 8, 2012 at 4:20 AM Post #383 of 597
Cool.  That's pretty awesome that Mitch is so responsive to feedback.  And it's kinda funny that Mitch likes the 6x, I would have thought from the website descriptions of "Quint sound signature" that the 5s or 7s were his favorite.  Thanks for all the behind-the-scenes info, very cool.
Sep 24, 2012 at 1:57 PM Post #384 of 597
Folks.. My Aud-6X are complete.  The lead time was insane.  Mitch emailed me on Sep. 12th to tell me he received my impressions.. then let me know yesterday that the 6X was finished and ready to ship.  That's right.. the turnaround was ELEVEN days.  Wow.  I didn't pay extra to have a rush build or anything.  Customer service from Mitch was thoroughly exemplary through the entire ordering process.

I anticipate they'll arrive by weeks end, if not sooner... initial impression surely to follow.  Coincidentally, my Heir 4.A were completed at the tail end of last week as well, so they will be arriving soon.. and a new Sennheiser HD600 is on schedule to be delivered today.. It's gonna be a fun week!
Oct 24, 2012 at 7:34 PM Post #386 of 597
after 8 months I'm still enjoying my dreamearz aud-5x, definitely has one of the best 3d soundstage/imaging for IEM's. I can't imagine how good the aud-6x/7x are but Mitch is one of the best in the business and definitely one of the more ethical businessmen I know I'm glad to hear people still raving over his customs. congrats mitch and thank you again. it was really cool to meet you and enjoy your shows. 
Oct 25, 2012 at 3:41 AM Post #388 of 597
I haven't forgot about you guys 
.  I had to send my 6X right back to DreamEarz as there was a molding snafu.  I hope to have them back soon.
Oct 25, 2012 at 4:36 PM Post #390 of 597
Hey folks, I need to ask a little help here. Before I get started, thanks for such a great thread and reviews from everyone. 
I'm currently on GR07's and been thinking about making the CIEM plunge (so much so that I had impressions made yesterday). 
If I'm going to drop what I consider top dollar ($400 to $550) on CIEMs, I want to be blown away. I want more sound than I've ever heard before, I want it rich and engaging and to never want to look back. I would be crushed if I put on my CIEMs that I'm supposed to love for many years to come, and found them thin or lifeless and already thinking of upgrades.
The GR07's are very good to me. I know they have good bass, and that it's all perfectly in balance, but they just don't hit deep enough. For my CIEMs, I want to feel more, but not stray from audiophile-land.
Until I found this AUD-5X thread, I was about to buy the Alclair Reference, which are only $400 (3-driver, 2-way). Based on the two existing reviews, which were high marks from Joe and Joker, they seem like a grown-up GR07, and basically I was just hoping they'd have more bass but keep everything else intact.
With the AUD-5X, I'm hearing that the bass will be significantly boosted from the GR07, but I'm unsure of what to think about the rest of the sound signature. Overall, though, they do sound more fun generally, and I like the idea of big hitting sound that is still well-controlled. I just haven't really heard that from any universal that I've tried (GR07, first-gen SE530, E4c, ER6i).
So, from anyone, I'm wondering what to expect from the GR07 to the 5X, and if Joe can comment on the GR07 to the Alclair, I'd be greatly appreciative. There's so little out there about Alclair, which is surprising, because they seem to be a similar value to DreamEarz, Marc there is top notch on the phone/email, and they do all their work in-house.
As said, I have the molds, I'm just in that final stage of realizing "this is it" with CIEMs and in that paralysis mode.
Thanks again for the thread and any help. Sorry for the long post.
TL;DR: What would you say to someone who's thinking of upgrading form the GR07 to the AUD-5X, or the Alclair Reference?

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