DIY Earbuds

Apr 29, 2024 at 11:35 AM Post #4,711 of 4,979
It's been a while since I posted in this thread, but I've been making earbuds again lately and have had some success. This is my favorite so far. A 300 Ohm black LCP/DLC driver from Huayunxin with homemade cable. I dyed the shells and wire and think that everything came out really well.

This is my favorite driver so far. With no tuning at all, it's got a great balance, excellent vocals and gobs of detail without being harsh or sibilant.

Hi! Did you asked for custom 300 ohm?
Is it not this driver?
Apr 29, 2024 at 8:19 PM Post #4,713 of 4,979
Yes, that's the driver. They do custom impedance on request. You can also order from their website

I like to try listening to people's favorite drivers, so I ordered from They are offering an 80ohm, and 180ohm version there. At first it looked a lot cheaper than Aliexpress, but the shipping cost is baked into the Aliexpress price, so it ended up being about the same.

By the way, my favorite driver so far is the 120ohm bery comp.
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Apr 29, 2024 at 8:49 PM Post #4,714 of 4,979
I like to try listening to people's favorite drivers, so I ordered from They are offering an 80ohm, and 180ohm version there. At first it looked a lot cheaper than Aliexpress, but the shipping cost is baked into the Aliexpress price, so it ended up being about the same.

By the way, my favorite driver so far is the 120ohm bery comp.
I wondered about that. I've only ordered from Aliexpress so far, but the rep. suggested that for custom requests it would be better to order from their site.

I haven't tried the 120 Ohm Beryllium drivers yet, but they're on my list so I'll have to grab a pair or two the next time I order parts.
May 2, 2024 at 8:46 PM Post #4,715 of 4,979
Here's another pair, this time with the 32 Ohm Lithium Magnesium drivers. I need to spend more time listening to this driver, but I do like it. It seems to be a more mid/high focused driver, which I appreciate. The main problem for me at the moment is that I've been primarily using a tube amp lately and these drivers don't work well with it. They do seem quite easy to drive, so I might switch the jack to 3.5mm and use them with my phone or laptop.

Love Spreads.jpg

The wire was only left in the dye for a few minutes, it's seems to be really good at taking color.
May 2, 2024 at 9:26 PM Post #4,716 of 4,979
Here's another pair, this time with the 32 Ohm Lithium Magnesium drivers. I need to spend more time listening to this driver, but I do like it. It seems to be a more mid/high focused driver, which I appreciate. The main problem for me at the moment is that I've been primarily using a tube amp lately and these drivers don't work well with it. They do seem quite easy to drive, so I might switch the jack to 3.5mm and use them with my phone or laptop.

Love Spreads.jpg

The wire was only left in the dye for a few minutes, it's seems to be really good at taking color.
Wow, that looks great, the color is so vivid! :ok_hand:

Mind sharing the dyeing process, please? Been meaning to try dyeing cables but got some stuff in the way lol
May 2, 2024 at 9:49 PM Post #4,717 of 4,979
I just bought a few bottles of synthetic fabric dye and followed the instructions on the label. There are also instructions on Youtube, here is a video from the brand I used: .

The trick is probably going to be the type of plastic and how readily it absorbs the dye. My original intention was to dye clear MX500 shells and that works, but takes at least fifteen to thirty minutes and you have to be careful that the heat doesn't deform the plastic.

That's the wire I used and it is much faster to take the color. The wire for the pink earphones above was probably in the pot a little less than five minutes. For the lighter colors in my earlier post, the wire was in the dye for less than a minute.

I've just started, so it's all trial and error at this point. I've ruined a few shells, but most have turned out well. And the only problem I've had with the wire is that I ran out and am waiting for more to arrive so I can start on the next batch.
May 3, 2024 at 2:25 PM Post #4,718 of 4,979
Here's another pair, this time with the 32 Ohm Lithium Magnesium drivers. I need to spend more time listening to this driver, but I do like it. It seems to be a more mid/high focused driver, which I appreciate. The main problem for me at the moment is that I've been primarily using a tube amp lately and these drivers don't work well with it. They do seem quite easy to drive, so I might switch the jack to 3.5mm and use them with my phone or laptop.

The wire was only left in the dye for a few minutes, it's seems to be really good at taking color.
Hi. Definetly a great driver. The mids and treble are great, but it lacks a bit subbass, at least for my taste . Mid bass is punchy, but just a little rumble would be great. With eq are one of my fav buds, but i think the 400ohm graphene is better value, at least for my taste.
May 6, 2024 at 7:09 PM Post #4,719 of 4,979
I just bought a few bottles of synthetic fabric dye and followed the instructions on the label. There are also instructions on Youtube, here is a video from the brand I used: .

The trick is probably going to be the type of plastic and how readily it absorbs the dye. My original intention was to dye clear MX500 shells and that works, but takes at least fifteen to thirty minutes and you have to be careful that the heat doesn't deform the plastic.

That's the wire I used and it is much faster to take the color. The wire for the pink earphones above was probably in the pot a little less than five minutes. For the lighter colors in my earlier post, the wire was in the dye for less than a minute.

I've just started, so it's all trial and error at this point. I've ruined a few shells, but most have turned out well. And the only problem I've had with the wire is that I ran out and am waiting for more to arrive so I can start on the next batch.

Oooh, nice!

That specific dye brand is a pain to find where I live haha! Ends up costing like ~30USD per 200mL bottle + shipping if I import it.
I've tried using some dyes I could find locally and spraying lacquer/varnish, but it's kinda hard to get a good finish on the shells afterwards 😅

Thanks a lot for the info :)

Guess I'll have to either eat up the cost or get good at spraying lol
May 6, 2024 at 8:40 PM Post #4,720 of 4,979
That specific dye brand is a pain to find where I live haha! Ends up costing like ~30USD per 200mL bottle + shipping if I import it.
I've tried using some dyes I could find locally and spraying lacquer/varnish, but it's kinda hard to get a good finish on the shells afterwards
Wish I could be more help, but I'm very much an amateur. Good luck with your experiments! :)
May 14, 2024 at 5:04 PM Post #4,722 of 4,979
I made a model of the MX-500 shell for 3D printing (link)
May 23, 2024 at 10:02 AM Post #4,724 of 4,979
I'm looking for some recommendations on which drivers to go with for my first solo DIY build. I built the Artiste Nightingale by @mt877 with the QIGOM S68A driver which sounds good but the treble can be a little harsh and there is some vocal distortion if I increase the bass too much. I also like the sound from OpenHeart's Nightingale which I think uses XinYue's LCP driver but vocals lack width and can feel flat. I'm looking for a driver with detailed mids and treble that isn't too harsh or sibilant that still has some bass presence along with a decently wide soundstage. I know now thanks to @mt877 that what shells you use with the drivers will affect the sound you get from them but at least if I have a driver that has most of those qualities I can swap shells and adjust their tuning to get the most out of them. I see the 130 ohm beryl driver is well regarded and I think this is the product page for it, but there are other drivers that have been mentioned here that I'm not sure where they're sold as I haven't seen any links to them. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
May 25, 2024 at 6:36 PM Post #4,725 of 4,979
I'm looking for some recommendations on which drivers to go with for my first solo DIY build. I built the Artiste Nightingale by @mt877 with the QIGOM S68A driver which sounds good but the treble can be a little harsh and there is some vocal distortion if I increase the bass too much. I also like the sound from OpenHeart's Nightingale which I think uses XinYue's LCP driver but vocals lack width and can feel flat. I'm looking for a driver with detailed mids and treble that isn't too harsh or sibilant that still has some bass presence along with a decently wide soundstage. I know now thanks to @mt877 that what shells you use with the drivers will affect the sound you get from them but at least if I have a driver that has most of those qualities I can swap shells and adjust their tuning to get the most out of them. I see the 130 ohm beryl driver is well regarded and I think this is the product page for it, but there are other drivers that have been mentioned here that I'm not sure where they're sold as I haven't seen any links to them. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The 68Ω graphene driver is not a bassy driver, though that's not to say that there is no bass at all. The Artiste Nightingale were meant to be worn cable down. If you wear them cable over ear style then you should plan to build them with the driver and black foam for the shell rotated 180 degrees from my instructions. I hope you're using HeiGi full foams as well, that will cut some of the high end which will enhance the bass.

Hope that helps.

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