Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!
Dec 28, 2017 at 9:27 PM Post #662 of 7,750
Yes, we all know it’s “portable.” My whole point, which I didn’t convey very well the first time, is I am just too protective of expensive items and feel uncomfortable going out and about with $3k worth of gear on my head. That’s it. Others are fine with doing that.
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Dec 28, 2017 at 9:35 PM Post #663 of 7,750
thanks for clarifying and i can understand that. it is an expensive headphone. i look forward to giving it a listen down the track.
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Dec 28, 2017 at 10:09 PM Post #664 of 7,750
Back to the sound, I am really noticing how much the Diana tells me about amps/source etc. It seems to neither add nor subtract anything from the signal, yet does not sound bland nor boring. Cliched as it may be, I do hear new details in stuff I've heard hundreds of times.
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Dec 28, 2017 at 11:08 PM Post #665 of 7,750
Back to the sound (remember that?) I am really noticing how much the Diana tells me about amps/source etc. It seems to neither add nor subtract anything from the signal, yet does not sound bland nor boring. Cliched as it may be, I do hear new details in stuff I've heard hundreds of times.

Since we've both owned the STAX SR-207 and Koss ESP950, do you think you could compare the Diana to those?
Dec 29, 2017 at 9:41 AM Post #668 of 7,750
Since we've both owned the STAX SR-207 and Koss ESP950, do you think you could compare the Diana to those?
You could say Diana has the openness and detail of the 'stats, but less etched, more 'musical' detail....much less wispy, more true to timbre....and add in some bass you can actually 'feel", when it is called upon to do so. So I guess there's no real comparison :smile:
Seems a strange place to suggest an incapability to do exactly this.:yin_yang:

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you as well.
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Dec 29, 2017 at 9:45 AM Post #669 of 7,750
You could say Diana has the openness and detail of the 'stats, but less etched, more 'musical' detail....much less wispy, more true to timbre....and add in some bass you can actually 'feel", when it is called upon to do so. So I guess there's no real comparison :smile:


Happy New Year to you as well.

Is it your favorite headphone to date? How does it compare to HEK V2 and Utopia?
Dec 29, 2017 at 3:07 PM Post #670 of 7,750
You could say Diana has the openness and detail of the 'stats, but less etched, more 'musical' detail....much less wispy, more true to timbre....and add in some bass you can actually 'feel", when it is called upon to do so. So I guess there's no real comparison :smile:

That's a wonderful way to sum it up! I'm still only interested in the AB-1266 Phi, but that's great to know.
Dec 29, 2017 at 3:20 PM Post #671 of 7,750
That's a wonderful way to sum it up! I'm still only interested in the AB-1266 Phi, but that's great to know.

If you aren't interested in Diana, then why do you continue to pollute this thread with useless noise? I guess thats how you get 20,000 posts in a few years ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dec 29, 2017 at 3:22 PM Post #672 of 7,750
If you aren't interested in Diana, then why do you continue to pollute this thread with useless noise? I guess thats how you get 20,000 posts in a few years ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The vast majority of Head-Fi posts could be construed as useless noise, as you put it. But just because something is not useful to you does not mean it is not useful to someone else.

Implying that all of my posts are low quality is a low way to criticize someone, especially when I have dedicated my life to this audiophile hobby. If you take issue with something I've said, either demonstrate how I'm wrong or acknowledge the fact that freedom of expression exists.

I'm still interested in hearing it, by the way.
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Dec 29, 2017 at 4:45 PM Post #673 of 7,750
Is it your favorite headphone to date? How does it compare to HEK V2 and Utopia?
I have not heard those headphones. My flagship experiences/ownership would be the Audeze LCD-X, McIntosh MHP1000, MrSpeakers Ether and the Sony Z1R. Favorite? The Diana is my favorite 'accurate' headphone to date. But like food, I might still want a burger and fries on occasion :beyersmile:

That's a wonderful way to sum it up! I'm still only interested in the AB-1266 Phi, but that's great to know.
To my ears, the KOSS is actually a bit laid back in the upper mid and treble compared to the Stax. I find each of those has their own particular sound (as do all headphones).

But I would describe the Diana as not having a particular identifiable character. It does not act as a filter, shaping or contouring music to a certain form....it doesn't put its own stamp on everything. It's a revelation to me in headphone listening, hearing the particular character of each recording.
Dec 29, 2017 at 4:47 PM Post #674 of 7,750
But I would describe the Diana as not having a particular identifiable character. It does not act as a filter, shaping or contouring music to a certain form....it doesn't put its own stamp on everything. It's a revelation to me in headphone listening, hearing the particular character of each recording.
so its honest?
Dec 29, 2017 at 4:49 PM Post #675 of 7,750
That's a good word.

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