Dethonray Dtr1 Prelude high resolution player

Nov 2, 2019 at 4:36 AM Post #857 of 2,397
I have noticed that most people use Dtr1 with IEMs, I wonder why there is not much talk about over ear with Dtr1?
My other question is advise using iEmatch for iem sensitive in Dtr1?
Well, most people use their DAPs with IEMs. This is just a matter of "portability", I guess. I tried my LCD-X with the DTR1. It was really good, but it did not match the V280/Ares combo from my desktop set-up.

About the iEMatch: I just sold mine after having tried it several times with the Fearless S8F (sold as well). In my opinion, it tames the good dynamic of the DTR1 a bit too much. It is not bad, but where it cancels the hiss of sensitive IEMs, it also removes a bit of the clarity and energy of the DAP. It's worth the try if you can demo it, but I wouldn't buy one at its full price. Once more, some people might find benefit using it, I don't.
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Nov 2, 2019 at 4:52 AM Post #858 of 2,397
I have noticed that most people use Dtr1 with IEMs, I wonder why there is not much talk about over ear with Dtr1?
My other question is advise using iEmatch for iem sensitive in Dtr1?

ive also used with zmf verite closeds which 300ohm and stellias which are much easier but still love good amplification. The dtr1 powers them without issue even at medium gain setting with plenty of room to spare, which is achieved more convincing than most other daps I’ve owned. Yes desktop amps perform better with full size hps but the dtr1 is seriously powerful for a dap. On the iematch, yes imo it is useful with most iems.
Nov 2, 2019 at 11:34 AM Post #859 of 2,397
I love my DTR1 and think it sounds wonderful. It is one of several DAPs I have and enjoy while on the go.

Over the course of time i have used many of my DAPs to drive, primarily a variety of iems and, on occasion, full-size headphones, sometimes just out of curiosity. IEMs aside, there have better better and worse pairings with various DAPs and headphones. (It's been a while for many of these, so don't ask about specifics-I simply don't remember). My general assessment, however, is that headphones are best with desktop gear, not DAPs. Some DAPs do better than others, the DTR1 does a very good job driving full-size cans, good enough even for sonically demanind cans that give their best only with the best sounding source gear. But, .... my Luxman P750u does waaaaaay better. Not a fair fight in any sense, size, price, weight, etc., but the truth is the truth. There's a huge difference between 'hey, this sounds pretty good' and 'Holy amaze-balls, I just listened for 3 hours!'

I can enjoy music from a wide range of devices and playback quality levels, and I've walked around me neighborhood a bunch of times, driving Sony 1Z full-size cans with the 'death-ray', and had an awesome listeinng experience. It does a better job with full-size headp[hones than a lot of DAPs that cost way more.
Nov 3, 2019 at 9:59 AM Post #861 of 2,397
the Prelude with the latest Venture Electronics Zen LL D.I.C.E.

Big sounding and engaging combo.
Nov 5, 2019 at 2:26 AM Post #862 of 2,397
Curious question I'm trying to find out if I have the most updated version of firmware. The one that came with mine is 3.1 (2019102614) and on the website i see 3.1 (20191031)

I'm hoping I don't have to update since I only have 1 sd card with my music on it
And I see it needs fat32.
Nov 7, 2019 at 4:35 AM Post #864 of 2,397
Our full DTR1 review, now on Headfonia!

Spoiler: it's really good :wink:
Owning the DTR1 since 6 months now, have been listening to it almost every day. I agree with everything you said in your review. DAP of year (when it comes to pure SQ) for sure.

It literally transformed my Sony N3 and Final E5000 (both quite warm and bassy) into totl sounding IEMs. No compromise high quality music playback.

Viva Dethonray and the DTR1!
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Nov 7, 2019 at 4:58 AM Post #865 of 2,397
Wow, very nice review and I agree completely, I am also extremely happy with my Dethonray DTR1 + Noble Katana combi I got at
Nov 7, 2019 at 9:28 AM Post #867 of 2,397
Our full DTR1 review, now on Headfonia!

Spoiler: it's really good :wink:

Fantastic, revealing review with useful IEM options to consider.

I am in the early stages of getting to know my DTR1/Final E5000 combo; the sound is everything I was hoping for and the Finals' are evolving with every hour of use. I am amazed with how clearly they are 'opening up' from out of the box new, to a far more revealing midrange and tightening of the bass.

The DTR1 is so easy and slick to use, which absolutely fits my audio ethos; nothing is more important than the music quality along with a simple and efficient filing system for the data.

I just received the official case directly from Ansonand and even though the blue colour would not be my first choice, it is a well-made, good fitting case at a reasonable price. Anson was a pleasure to deal with and I hope to follow his designs for many years.

Thoroughly enjoying my 'inspired' purchase :)
Nov 7, 2019 at 5:19 PM Post #868 of 2,397
Fantastic, revealing review with useful IEM options to consider.

I am in the early stages of getting to know my DTR1/Final E5000 combo; the sound is everything I was hoping for and the Finals' are evolving with every hour of use. I am amazed with how clearly they are 'opening up' from out of the box new, to a far more revealing midrange and tightening of the bass.

The DTR1 is so easy and slick to use, which absolutely fits my audio ethos; nothing is more important than the music quality along with a simple and efficient filing system for the data.

I just received the official case directly from Ansonand and even though the blue colour would not be my first choice, it is a well-made, good fitting case at a reasonable price. Anson was a pleasure to deal with and I hope to follow his designs for many years.

Thoroughly enjoying my 'inspired' purchase :)
Good to know :)
Nov 9, 2019 at 5:29 PM Post #869 of 2,397
Is someone able to tell me how to get "perfect" gapless playback from the DTR1? I tried everything... There is always a 0.2sec cut between 2 tracks in a mixed album (i.e. electronic music mixes)... Really annoying. I put dozen of mixed albums on my SD-card, no problem with the Calyx M, but the DTR1 still cuts the mix between tracks.

Anson claims that the gapless playback is implemented. For once, I disagree with him.

Anyone has a solution, please ?
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