DENAFRIPS FPGA Firmware Update (12TH Anniv.)
Apr 12, 2023 at 7:30 AM Post #167 of 1,249
This is helpful, José!…so the chips have the same number and the date cut-off is the important part. So..(deducing here 😀), that must mean that the hardware architecture of the Pontus changed in Oct. of 2020, so the firmware needed to change too, for the updated architecture/physical components of The Pontus?? I am just trying to wrap my head around this for complete understanding.
This is kind of off-topic but main differences between chips are their resources, EP4CE22 is 2-3 times faster/"better") than EP4CE6 but this doesn't mean anything if they don't get to use their full capacity so I guess the thing that there are so many firmwares is production costs as one is cheaper than the other and maybe Pontus doesn't need that much resources so....


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Apr 12, 2023 at 7:32 AM Post #168 of 1,249
EP4CE6F has only 1 firmware file

EP4CE22F has 2 different firmware files
Download this FUT for DAC shipped before 7th Oct 2020

Download this FUT for DAC shipped on & after 7th Oct 2020

Not really "important" the firmware files etc... But as you say country of origin doesn't matter at all
Hmmmm…so… that would indicate to me (deducing here 😀), that there was a hardware/component/architecture change to The Pontus II as of Oct 7, 2020, which is why the firmware was changed, perhaps? …and then at some point Denafrips transitioned from The EP4CE22F to the EP4CE6F chip?
so…this begs the question: Are the EP4CE22F chip users with firmware update experiencing the same sonic issues as those with the updated EP4CE6F chip? (as only the EP4CE6F chip is getting another firmware update?).
I am just trying to wrap my head around all of this for complete understanding.
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Apr 12, 2023 at 7:40 AM Post #169 of 1,249
This is kind of off-topic but main differences between chips are their resources, EP4CE22F is 2-3 times faster/"better") than EP4CE6 but this doesn't mean anything if they don't get to use their full capacity so I guess the thing that there are so many firmwares is production costs as one is cheaper than the other and maybe Pontus doesn't need that much resources so....


So chip availability/cost had something to do with that transition? That makes sense.
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Apr 12, 2023 at 7:51 AM Post #170 of 1,249
Just received this from them

I've replied with gratitude about the efforts and their acknowledge about the issue and ask for the old firmware when the new one is released as well, let's see!

Patience for now I guess

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Apr 12, 2023 at 8:31 AM Post #171 of 1,249
Just received this from them

I've replied with gratitude about the efforts and their acknowledge about the issue and ask for the old firmware when the new one is released as well, let's see!

Patience for now I guess

Hmmmm…so you have the EP4CE22F chip….and this is confirmation that Denafrips is working on a "2nd firmware update" for your chip, but no mention there of the EP4CE6F chip in your correspondence…but you were most likely not asking about that.
Someone else, above cut & pasted an excerpt from their letter from Alvin :
"We are working with DENAFRIPS on this. We aim to release a new firmware for Pontus II (EP4CE6F) in approximately 7 days to achieve that."
So these two letters would indicate that Vinshine/Denafrips is currently working on "2nd firmware updates" one for each chip. (I queried Alvin about my chip (EP4CE6F), but have not heard back because I am sure that he is overwhelmed, right now).
YES! Patience for now. They are aware of the problem and are attending to it. I also agree with you and others that the old firmwares should be made available, too. We'll see. 👍🏼 (what a stressful mess for them!)
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Apr 12, 2023 at 8:57 AM Post #172 of 1,249
Hmmmm…so you have the EP4CE22F chip….and this is confirmation that Denafrips is working on a "2nd firmware update" for your chip, but no mention there of the EP4CE6F chip in your correspondence…but you were most likely not asking about that.
Someone else, above cut & pasted an except from their letter from Alvin :
"We are working with DENAFRIPS on this. We aim to release a new firmware for Pontus II (EP4CE6F) in approximately 7 days to achieve that."
So these two letters would indicate that Vinshine/Denafrips is currently working on "2nd firmware updates" for both chips. (I queried Alvin about my chip (EP4CE6F), but have not heard back because I am sure that he is overwhelmed, right now).
YES! Patience for now. They are aware of the problem and are attending to it. I also agree with you and others that the old firmwares should be made available, too. We'll see. 👍🏼 (what a stressful mess for them!)
I just sent an email to Alvin asking what's going on with the new firmware. Someone writes about the possibility of returning to the old firmware, someone writes about the fix of the new firmware. I asked him for an explanation. My question is of course about the EP4CE6F.
Apr 12, 2023 at 9:03 AM Post #173 of 1,249
Hmmmm…so you have the EP4CE22F chip….and this is confirmation that Denafrips is working on a "2nd firmware update" for your chip, but no mention there of the EP4CE6F chip in your correspondence…but you were most likely not asking about that.
Someone else, above cut & pasted an except from their letter from Alvin :
"We are working with DENAFRIPS on this. We aim to release a new firmware for Pontus II (EP4CE6F) in approximately 7 days to achieve that."
So these two letters would indicate that Vinshine/Denafrips is currently working on "2nd firmware updates" for both chips. (I queried Alvin about my chip (EP4CE6F), but have not heard back because I am sure that he is overwhelmed, right now).
YES! Patience for now. They are aware of the problem and are attending to it. I also agree with you and others that the old firmwares should be made available, too. We'll see. 👍🏼 (what a stressful mess for them!)
If I was Denafrips/Alvin I'd be really grateful for a community that doesn't just shut up and accept everything like is happening in the world right now, we don't like what we got (many of us), we want a change (for the better) and we want to be able to decide going back for the old sound profile

So, patience, yes!
Apr 12, 2023 at 2:27 PM Post #175 of 1,249
Just received this from them

I've replied with gratitude about the efforts and their acknowledge about the issue and ask for the old firmware when the new one is released as well, let's see!

Patience for now I guess

Just received the same email.
Denafrips is aware and working on it. That’s great news, because they now know what is missing. Thanks to all valuable feedback from dissatisfied customers.
I will now wait for the new firmware with less anxiety.
In fact I am turning off my Pontus II until they send me the instructions for a new download. Luckily I have other digital sources.
This firmware did not improve in 12 days, it only messed with my patience.

If they gave me the old firmware today, would I install it...or wait for the new one? Because I have found all the process to be a bit of a pain through Windows 10, I probably wait for the new... and then decide.

The funny thing is that, to me, all this mess only served to extend my admiration for Denafrips. They do care about their customer, and that is not always the case with hi-fi brands.
Keep on the good work, and keep us posted :)
Apr 12, 2023 at 3:04 PM Post #177 of 1,249
Touchy feely stuff aside, if they cared so much about their customers, they would give us the original firmware so that we could restore our units to the condition they were originally in.

It's not an unreasonable request
And that would mean that they could not do the right upgrade. No company can afford that. So let's let them improve this firmware without any reproach or malice. I'm sure we won't regret it. Besides, I would like to write that in my system either something has improved, or my hearing has got used to. I have a strong impression that the sound as if it got fills
Apr 12, 2023 at 3:21 PM Post #178 of 1,249
And that would mean that they could not do the right upgrade. No company can afford that. So let's let them improve this firmware without any reproach or malice. I'm sure we won't regret it. Besides, I would like to write that in my system either something has improved, or my hearing has got used to. I have a strong impression that the sound as if it got fills
I got used to it as well and I like it but I remember with high precision how it used to sound with some music I listen to everyday that are orchestras and now it is more forward, more direct, sharper/brighty, different bass presentation, impactful, soundstage was different before as well...

I mean, it sounds good but I prefer the old sound signature with a more relaxed, engaging, smoother, less detailed, more natural/organic presentation... Of course that's with my system
Apr 12, 2023 at 3:42 PM Post #179 of 1,249
Transcription from last night conversation with my wife:

Me: Hey, have you noticed anything with the sound? Do you like what you hear?
She: Now that you mention it, I was going to tell you yesterday while I was ironing that the music was hurting my ears despite being at the same volume as usual, and the day before that too.

My thoughts: f*ck, f*ck, f*ck! She's right.

There is something with the "new sound" that is not ok. It has MUCH more detail, insane amounts of detail indeed, to the point that I'm hearing new nuances in songs I've heard a thousand times and I thought it was not possible to improve in my system with my current hardware.
I can understand where this hassle my wife was mentioning comes from, with the "new sound", at the same volume, there is more energy coming out of the speakers, more air (something that I love). The presentation of the music has changed, in some ways for the better, but threre is this new amount of energy that in my room makes the experience less relaxed, as I've said on previous posts, in some way I feel like it has lost its signature, the thing that made this DAC "special" as most of the owners and reviewers across the globe have experienced and praised.

I'm listening right now some George Michael albums that I know VERY well and I can definitely say that I don't like the new firmware. Intelegibility is just amazing, and instrument separation, but there is a lack of coherence in the music that I really miss. Before there was less clarity and separation but it sounded like music, now it doesn't at all. This sound it's pretty amazing, unreal I would say, but fatiguing at the same time, a pitty. I really wanted to like and enjoy it.

I can see why some people like it better, but my system is very revealing, it hides nothing. There seems to be some kind of LOUDNESS in the new sound that impresses at first but with time makes things worst.

My wife's unbiased, non audiophile opinion helped me and brought me back to earth from the audio nut wonderland where we sometimes loose contact with reality. :slight_smile:

I really hope I can get back the SAME firmware I had before. Fingers crossed. :fingers_crossed:

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