Decibels, distortion, amplifiers and golden ears
Jul 30, 2007 at 4:20 PM Post #121 of 790

Originally Posted by TheVinylRipper /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Systex and thrillmetoo,

Who exactly have I insulted?

Quotes please.

I said you were a pompous, look-at-me, holier-than-thou type. I also said that it was your attitude, not your opinions that are generating the negative responses. If you think this is the same thing as me saying that you have insulted somebody, you are severely mistaken. I think it's very telling that you've interpreted my statement this way.
Jul 30, 2007 at 4:21 PM Post #122 of 790

Originally Posted by Psiga /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Same sort of posting style. He is currently having a similarly dismal 'discussion' about arcade systems. Ah well. I now definitely know better than the feed the goblin, so I'll just leave you all to it.

All I'm doing is defending my point of view, without throwing insults I might add.

What is so "dismal" about the thread?
Jul 30, 2007 at 4:22 PM Post #123 of 790

Originally Posted by SysteX /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I said you were a pompous, look-at-me, holier-than-thou type. I also said that it was your attitude, not your opinions that are generating the negative responses. If you think this is the same thing as me saying that you have insulted somebody, you are severely mistaken. I think it's very telling that you've interpreted my statement this way.

There are people here with far worse "attitudes" than mine, those who throw insults without provocation for example.

You do realize what you just said, right?

I know you are trying to get the thread locked.

I'll just start another..
Jul 30, 2007 at 4:28 PM Post #124 of 790

Originally Posted by TheVinylRipper /img/forum/go_quote.gif
There are people here with far worse "attitudes" than mine, those who throw insults without provocation for example.

You do realize what you just said, right?

I know you are trying to get the thread locked.

I'll just start another..

I will conclude my participation in this thread (for now...) by saying, "case in point".
Jul 30, 2007 at 4:35 PM Post #125 of 790

I said you were a pompous, look-at-me, holier-than-thou type.

Case in point..
Jul 30, 2007 at 4:42 PM Post #126 of 790
To get back to the subject at hand, here is a one kHz test on my cartridge, notice that there is a sharp peak at the top and a broad base at the bottom, this is largely characteristic of analog transducers in my experience.

Jul 30, 2007 at 6:07 PM Post #127 of 790

Originally Posted by TheVinylRipper /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hear what?

Then tell me specifically what is so bad about my attitude..

Sorry that you don't understand that. Maybe my mistake. 'Hear, hear' is a phrase uttered by English polititions when somebody makes a remark that they agree upon. (like when headfiers say 'x2' when they wanna support a statement).
Jul 30, 2007 at 7:02 PM Post #128 of 790
I really don't find the OP offensive or even arrogant for that matter. He believes in something and is passionate about it. Quite frankly, I'm a bit shocked that so many people are jumping all over his case simply because he is trying to prove his point. Sure, he may meander a bit, but who doesn't from time to time? I have read every post in this thread and quite honestly, I can't find a single one by the OP that would indicate arrogance. I certainly haven't read one that would warrant some of the reactions from folks in this thread. Perhaps it's me, but I think some people are being a bit overly sensitive.
Jul 30, 2007 at 7:59 PM Post #129 of 790
Brilliant thread, even if so much of it (the graphs, theoretical papers and such) is so far above my head I'd have to look down to see it. I'm baffled (and delighted) by the sociopolitical commentary interjections, and by some of the personal anecdotes, though I think I get the point being made. However, vis a vis the inquiry posed by the OP: I like good sounding stuff and I buy it. I sell what I don't like. Period. I do research and try to understand why I like what I do, but I am a simpleton by comparison to so many on this forum, including the OP, which is why I keep coming back to learn from you all.

That said, far more interesting than what is being conveyed is how it is being conveyed. While the OP made the assumption he was committing web-based hari-kiri with the first post, thinking never to post again, he has instead inspired a 7-page thread, generating an interesting read in the process. That's gotta count for something - kudos to you, sir.
Jul 30, 2007 at 8:06 PM Post #130 of 790
I don't really see WHY people are still posting in this (besides me for saying this
). OP is simply a troll.... regardless of age, he's acting like a pre-adolescent fighting for a toy in the store. I answered his question 100%....and he CANNOT argue with he trails it to something else to keep provoking a flame. I'm all about freedom of expression, but when you're pushing it on others....that's when it's too far. It's like when one does a drug...who cares!? But when they try to push it on others...that is too far. Same thing to me.

About the whole "this is a useless expensive hobby"...that's right it is, and you're welcome to it, but if you're going to bash it I don't really think you should post another thing- just as your VERY first post in this thread said. I suppose you can't get away from a wonderful argument though. You came here with a was answered wonderfully by myself
, you then asked "what's wrong with my statements!?"...and you've been told. Now why are you still here? Or do you actually have something useful to say rather than talk about yourself? Feel free to start a new thread and talk about something useful...that's why we are REALLY here (in the NON-GENERAL forum). Just drop it man- start a new thread about something good, or read up on stuff you've always wanted to know about.... don't argue in circles about something that doesn't really matter.

Like I said, I'm a pretty laid-back person... and everyone in here should just not worry about it, and that includes OP. Just have fun with your hobbies.
Jul 30, 2007 at 8:10 PM Post #131 of 790

Originally Posted by ecclesand /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I really don't find the OP offensive or even arrogant for that matter. He believes in something and is passionate about it.

I didn't know who this guy was before this thread, and I didn't jump on his case. What is bothering me is he made a very valid point about distortion (very useful stuff).... but it all should have stopped or been discussed a little bit further when his answer of "Why does anyone pay this much money for this stuff" got answered. Instead, he kept trying to make it seem like anyone that spends that type of money on the stuff is simply wasting their money and not thinking it through. I'm pretty sure that's where everyone started getting defensive. Idk, I'm shutting up in this thing after this though.
Jul 30, 2007 at 8:34 PM Post #132 of 790

Originally Posted by thrillmetoo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
'Hear, hear' is a phrase uttered by English polititions when somebody makes a remark that they agree upon. (like when headfiers say 'x2' when they wanna support a statement).

Do you honestly think I don't know that?

I was being ironic.
Jul 30, 2007 at 8:49 PM Post #133 of 790

Originally Posted by splawren /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Brilliant thread, even if so much of it (the graphs, theoretical papers and such) is so far above my head I'd have to look down to see it. I'm baffled (and delighted) by the sociopolitical commentary interjections, and by some of the personal anecdotes, though I think I get the point being made. However, vis a vis the inquiry posed by the OP: I like good sounding stuff and I buy it. I sell what I don't like. Period. I do research and try to understand why I like what I do, but I am a simpleton by comparison to so many on this forum, including the OP, which is why I keep coming back to learn from you all.

That said, far more interesting than what is being conveyed is how it is being conveyed. While the OP made the assumption he was committing web-based hari-kiri with the first post, thinking never to post again, he has instead inspired a 7-page thread, generating an interesting read in the process. That's gotta count for something - kudos to you, sir.

You probably didn't read the thread in the lounge that I started. I was having a very bad day for several reasons unrelated to this forum and was venting a bit. I'm going to stay out of the lounge from now on.

I have a tendency to start very long and often acrimonious threads. Two memorable examples were on a rather liberal, politically oriented board. The first one was my response to a thread complaining about drunk drivers when I said I had a very simple solution, make alcohol as illegal as cannabis. I took fire from *everyone*.

Then, after a lengthy thread about electric cars, I started one claiming that internal combustion engine cars were more efficient than electric cars and made what I thought was a good case. The irrational anger that provoked was amazing to see.

I'm just throwing these out as examples, I have absolutely no intention of responding to any posts on those subjects here, if you wish to discuss it, PM me.

Like Bartels and James, I thank you for your support.
Jul 30, 2007 at 9:07 PM Post #134 of 790

Originally Posted by eightbitpotion /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't really see WHY people are still posting in this (besides me for saying this
). OP is simply a troll.... regardless of age, he's acting like a pre-adolescent fighting for a toy in the store. I answered his question 100%....and he CANNOT argue with he trails it to something else to keep provoking a flame. I'm all about freedom of expression, but when you're pushing it on others....that's when it's too far. It's like when one does a drug...who cares!? But when they try to push it on others...that is too far. Same thing to me.

If you answered me, I honestly don't remember. Perhaps you could refresh my memory.

If you prefer gear which has euphonious distortion then by all means buy that gear. But don't suggest that it is suitable for someone coming here as a total naive n00b just want some advice on what headphones to buy.

In some ways the web has created this situation where people have access to purchasing products they have neither seen nor heard. Asking for advice on something as taste specific as headphones is rather like asking advice on which toothbrush to buy.

As I said, the greeting "welcome to headfi, sorry about your wallet" is a little distasteful to me, not personally since I'm more immune than most to hype. Rather I find the implication that you have to spend a lot of money to get good sound rather offputting for the n00b and more than a little untrue.


About the whole "this is a useless expensive hobby"...that's right it is, and you're welcome to it, but if you're going to bash it I don't really think you should post another thing- just as your VERY first post in this thread said. I suppose you can't get away from a wonderful argument though. You came here with a was answered wonderfully by myself
, you then asked "what's wrong with my statements!?"...and you've been told. Now why are you still here? Or do you actually have something useful to say rather than talk about yourself? Feel free to start a new thread and talk about something useful...that's why we are REALLY here (in the NON-GENERAL forum). Just drop it man- start a new thread about something good, or read up on stuff you've always wanted to know about.... don't argue in circles about something that doesn't really matter.

You missed the point that it is a hobby which I also enjoy. That doesn't mean that I don't know it is essentially frivolous in the larger scheme of things. I pointed out that golf, which many more people enjoy than high end audio, is far more expensive than the audio hobby.

All I'm really trying to do is add a cautionary note, garnered from long experience, that it is unwise to spend too much on *any* hobby. Astronomy, which I also enjoy, is a hobby which can be done with a pair of relatively cheap binoculars or even the naked eye. You can also spend tens of thousands of dollars on a Takahashi telescope and a Byers mount.

On a dark night in the summer I can take you out and show you light you can see with the naked eye which left the source before Homo Sapiens Sapiens evolved. A remarkable thing IMHO.


Like I said, I'm a pretty laid-back person... and everyone in here should just not worry about it, and that includes OP. Just have fun with your hobbies.

A few here have been arguing just as much as I, it's just that you are emotionally invested in your arguments and I am not.
Jul 30, 2007 at 9:08 PM Post #135 of 790

Originally Posted by eightbitpotion /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't really see WHY people are still posting in this (besides me for saying this
). OP is simply a troll.... regardless of age, he's acting like a pre-adolescent fighting for a toy in the store. I answered his question 100%....and he CANNOT argue with he trails it to something else to keep provoking a flame. I'm all about freedom of expression, but when you're pushing it on others....that's when it's too far. It's like when one does a drug...who cares!? But when they try to push it on others...that is too far. Same thing to me.

About the whole "this is a useless expensive hobby"...that's right it is, and you're welcome to it, but if you're going to bash it I don't really think you should post another thing- just as your VERY first post in this thread said. I suppose you can't get away from a wonderful argument though. You came here with a was answered wonderfully by myself
, you then asked "what's wrong with my statements!?"...and you've been told. Now why are you still here? Or do you actually have something useful to say rather than talk about yourself? Feel free to start a new thread and talk about something useful...that's why we are REALLY here (in the NON-GENERAL forum). Just drop it man- start a new thread about something good, or read up on stuff you've always wanted to know about.... don't argue in circles about something that doesn't really matter.

Like I said, I'm a pretty laid-back person... and everyone in here should just not worry about it, and that includes OP. Just have fun with your hobbies.

Agreed 100%. This is the first time I've had to use the ignore function on head-fi. I enjoy a passionate debate, but in this case I don't know if I should be laughing or be crying that this person has reproduced.

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