Deal Alert!!! Philips HP-910 and Alienware OZMA 5

Feb 12, 2010 at 6:49 PM Post #16 of 24

Originally Posted by ourfpshero /img/forum/go_quote.gif
got mine today. nice clear strong sound, not too far off from the hfi780. however, the small cups and vinyl pads might get hot and uncomfortable. some veloyr pads would do wonders here

I agree, velor pads would be great for these.

Initially, I like them, a somewhat closed versions of the SR80s, except the SR80s are slightly clearer sounding. When I switched over to my HD280s, I didn't expect the OZMAs to have such boomy bass.

Oh, and these work fine coming out of my iPod Touch 3G, so I am sure they'd work with my main portable player: iPod Video (maybe the boominess is because of this?) with half volume, I have a volume cap at max/2... I would certainly use these outside in the snow.
Feb 12, 2010 at 7:26 PM Post #17 of 24
Got the OZMA 5.

This thing has the boomiest bass out of all my headphones. Surprisingly the mids and highs aren't that bad. It's not as detailed compared to my SRH440 or RE0, but it's acceptable. The bass isn't muddy and sounds pretty good.

Overall it's great headphones. I definitely wouldn't have paid retail for it, but for the price here, it sounds like something worth 100 bucks.
Feb 17, 2010 at 5:02 PM Post #19 of 24
They are back in stock, but there is maybe one left. Managed to get my pair sooner rather than later
Feb 18, 2010 at 7:43 AM Post #20 of 24
Got these a couple days ago! Did anyone else get the demo cd as it says in the description? Mine came in an untaped box with just the headphones in them so just wondering.

These are my first "real" pair of headphones after the ksc75. The initial clamping force was tight so I used the top of my computer case to loosen them up...much better. The SQ is good, more detail, compared to the koss. Using them with my iriver 120 and the fiio e5, bass is improved but the rest of the sound seems a bit detached as someone else mentioned, like it doesn't have much immersion/ body. Still, going to burn them in more before reaching a conclusion as they are ultrasone's.
Oct 15, 2011 at 1:13 PM Post #22 of 24
hey, sorry to be reviving this thread, but does anyone know what pads are compatible with the Ozma 5? I just got mine used and the pads smell. Thinking of replacing it with something more comfy :)
May 11, 2012 at 2:10 PM Post #23 of 24
hey, sorry to be reviving this thread, but does anyone know what pads are compatible with the Ozma 5? I just got mine used and the pads smell. Thinking of replacing it with something more comfy :)

Lol.. Did you end up finding replacement pads? I bought a Roland field recorder with a rubber cover from headfi classifieds and it smelled soooooooo ridiculously bad of cigarette smoke. Mustve been used in a strip club or something.....hahaha. I could smell it from 5 feet away. I gave the guy a positive review anyway...thing the stench would go away after a while. It didn't .

I tried spraying cologne on it....soaked it in VINEGAR.......still bad. Finally I soaked it in Listerine mouthwash! That worked! (the rubber fitted case). Now it smells like Listerine.

Anyway, I'm reviving this because I just bought a lightly used pair of osma 5 for $25 shipped. Well worth trying out the ultrasones which were so highly recommended to me for electronic music :D.
Jun 21, 2013 at 4:03 AM Post #24 of 24
Is it still possible to get a new piece of Philips hp-910 anywhere?
My HD910 are very old and I would like to buy a new one. For me, these are the most comfortable headphones ever. And the SQ is very nice if properly amplified.

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