Dangerous Music Source DAC
Dec 11, 2015 at 7:19 AM Post #196 of 309
  Maybe I can add something to this thread.  I'm a long-time Source user and have been very satisfied with it.  But I had the itch (you know how that goes) and scratched it; I bought an Yggy, which I just picked up today from FedEx.  It's plugged in, per Schiit's instructions, and I will let it warm up overnight before I start listening.  My report about how the Source compares to the Yggy will have to wait a couple of weeks, of course.  Stay tuned.

Yes Rich am also very interested in your opinion. Have been using the dangerous source for a couple of months now and was wondering if it might be worth capitulate against the upgratitis that is bugging me. 
Dec 13, 2015 at 4:30 PM Post #197 of 309
My apologies for the delay in posting my impressions about the Yggy vs. the Source. We have been travelling lots the past several weeks and had family staying with us when at home. Not much time for music fun. We will return home mid-week and I hope to post my comparison by next weekend.
Dec 19, 2015 at 8:50 PM Post #199 of 309
Here is my comparison of the Yggy and the Dangerous Source.

First, some context. I’ve owned my Source for a couple of years and have been very pleased with it. But I was curious about the whole ladder DAC thing, not to mention the “special sauce” fliter in the Yggy, and the great user reviews. So I took the plunge. Over the years I have had in my system a couple of Musical Fidelity DACs (notably the Tri-Vista), Ben Duncan X-Dac, Lavry DA10 (in my opinion a very underrated product), Lynx Hilo (great DAC, but with more features than I needed), and an Anedio D2 (didn’t much care for it) I listen almost exclusively to speakers, not headphones. I hang out here, because Head-Fiers are careful listeners and I have gotten good information and opinions about source components from this site.

Set Up: Before I got the Yggy I drove my amps (Quad 303 or EL-84 tube) directly from the Source with Neutric XLR adapters on the Speaker 1 outputs, which works well using the Source’s analogue attenuator to minimize the amount of digital attenuation needed with the JRiver internal software volume control. I auditioned the Yggy exclusively with my Quad 303. At first I drove the amp directly from the Yggy, but the gain structure of these devices was not optimal, so I now run balanced out from the Yggy to balanced analogue inputs on the Source and from there use XLR adapters to drive my Quad 303. Speakers are Quad ESL-57s. With this setup, I’m still listening to the output section of the Source, which I find is excellent. So, I have esentially changed only the DAC sections. (Well, the output buffer the the Yggy is also in circuit.)

Listening Impressions: In my opinion, the Yggy and Source differ principally in perspective, detail, space, and believability. The differences are not day and night, but they are audible and important to me.
a. Perspective--The Source presents a flatter, up-front perspective with lots of image width, whereas the Yggy offers lots of depth and proportionate width. Yggy layers the performers front to back and separates voices and instruments in a way the Source does not. I prefer the Yggy here.
b. Detail--I hear lots of stuff with Yggy that I do not hear on the same files with the Source. I do not especially value listening to audience sounds, rustling sheet music, or fly farts, but hearing them adds to the sense of being there. It’s not a day or night difference, but Yggy does better here.
c. Space-- A sense of the recording venue is very important to me and helps me believe that I’m hearing the real thing. Yggy is the winner here. It gives audible cues about the back, sides, and ceiling of the recording venue in a way that help me imagine that I’m there with recordings that offer this information. Source gives a fair measure of this, but not to the extent of Yggy. With Yggy you can hear the studio or concert space open up as soon as the recording begins, if the track allows, to a greater extent than Source.
d. Believability--for me, Yggy creates a more plausible listening experience than Source. It’s not day or night, but it is present.
e. Ease--When I listen to a high-resolution recordings, I often find that the main difference between this sort of file and standard res files is the ease of the listening experience. Yggy gives lots of this, even on Red Book files; more so than the Source.
f. Body--Yggy allows me to hear the body of instruments better than Source. For example, on double acoustic bass, Yggy presents the “woody” sound of the plucked or bowed base believably, as it does the sound of a piano case rather than just the strings. Same goes for voices. Singers seem have their own space in the recording venue have a flesh and blood quality that comes close to what I imagine they really sound like.
g. Bass--Yggy gives the impression that it goes lower than Source. I also hear better bass pitch and definition with Yggy than Source.
h. Reverb trails--Yggy follows diminishing volume levels and overtones farther toward silence than Source, in my opinion.

Which one is telling the truth? Hard to say, since we are almost never at a recording session. I guess it comes down to which one “fools” you the best. For me that’s the Yggy. You may have a different experience.

So those are the differences between Yggy and Source that I hear. Are the differences night and day? No. I could easily live with either DAC. And I will. I’ll keep both DACs. I use the Source as a pre-amp with Yggy, DAC for my Raspberry Pi streamer, and headphone amp. It’s a multi-function, great value. Yggy will stay, because it sounds great and is upgradable as new technology arrives.
Dec 21, 2015 at 8:26 AM Post #200 of 309
thanks for your answer man! you are indeed not helping me in getting cured from the upgraditis!!!!
but will wait for a nice deal, patiently.... to get a schiit multbit DAC... 

Dec 24, 2015 at 9:09 PM Post #201 of 309
Here is my comparison of the Yggy and the Dangerous Source.

First, some context. I’ve owned my Source for a couple of years and have been very pleased with it. But I was curious about the whole ladder DAC thing, not to mention the “special sauce” fliter in the Yggy, and the great user reviews. So I took the plunge. Over the years I have had in my system a couple of Musical Fidelity DACs (notably the Tri-Vista), Ben Duncan X-Dac, Lavry DA10 (in my opinion a very underrated product), Lynx Hilo (great DAC, but with more features than I needed), and an Anedio D2 (didn’t much care for it) I listen almost exclusively to speakers, not headphones. I hang out here, because Head-Fiers are careful listeners and I have gotten good information and opinions about source components from this site.

Set Up: Before I got the Yggy I drove my amps (Quad 303 or EL-84 tube) directly from the Source with Neutric XLR adapters on the Speaker 1 outputs, which works well using the Source’s analogue attenuator to minimize the amount of digital attenuation needed with the JRiver internal software volume control. I auditioned the Yggy exclusively with my Quad 303. At first I drove the amp directly from the Yggy, but the gain structure of these devices was not optimal, so I now run balanced out from the Yggy to balanced analogue inputs on the Source and from there use XLR adapters to drive my Quad 303. Speakers are Quad ESL-57s. With this setup, I’m still listening to the output section of the Source, which I find is excellent. So, I have esentially changed only the DAC sections. (Well, the output buffer the the Yggy is also in circuit.)

Listening Impressions: In my opinion, the Yggy and Source differ principally in perspective, detail, space, and believability. The differences are not day and night, but they are audible and important to me.
a. Perspective--The Source presents a flatter, up-front perspective with lots of image width, whereas the Yggy offers lots of depth and proportionate width. Yggy layers the performers front to back and separates voices and instruments in a way the Source does not. I prefer the Yggy here.
b. Detail--I hear lots of stuff with Yggy that I do not hear on the same files with the Source. I do not especially value listening to audience sounds, rustling sheet music, or fly farts, but hearing them adds to the sense of being there. It’s not a day or night difference, but Yggy does better here.
c. Space-- A sense of the recording venue is very important to me and helps me believe that I’m hearing the real thing. Yggy is the winner here. It gives audible cues about the back, sides, and ceiling of the recording venue in a way that help me imagine that I’m there with recordings that offer this information. Source gives a fair measure of this, but not to the extent of Yggy. With Yggy you can hear the studio or concert space open up as soon as the recording begins, if the track allows, to a greater extent than Source.
d. Believability--for me, Yggy creates a more plausible listening experience than Source. It’s not day or night, but it is present.
e. Ease--When I listen to a high-resolution recordings, I often find that the main difference between this sort of file and standard res files is the ease of the listening experience. Yggy gives lots of this, even on Red Book files; more so than the Source.
f. Body--Yggy allows me to hear the body of instruments better than Source. For example, on double acoustic bass, Yggy presents the “woody” sound of the plucked or bowed base believably, as it does the sound of a piano case rather than just the strings. Same goes for voices. Singers seem have their own space in the recording venue have a flesh and blood quality that comes close to what I imagine they really sound like.
g. Bass--Yggy gives the impression that it goes lower than Source. I also hear better bass pitch and definition with Yggy than Source.
h. Reverb trails--Yggy follows diminishing volume levels and overtones farther toward silence than Source, in my opinion.

Which one is telling the truth? Hard to say, since we are almost never at a recording session. I guess it comes down to which one “fools” you the best. For me that’s the Yggy. You may have a different experience.

So those are the differences between Yggy and Source that I hear. Are the differences night and day? No. I could easily live with either DAC. And I will. I’ll keep both DACs. I use the Source as a pre-amp with Yggy, DAC for my Raspberry Pi streamer, and headphone amp. It’s a multi-function, great value. Yggy will stay, because it sounds great and is upgradable as new technology arrives.

This is a little funny.... I think its an awesome comparison... But a Dac cannot add something to the recording or make it appear. The Yggy is clearly telling the whole truth. This actually reads like the source and Yggy are in totally different classes. 
Dec 25, 2015 at 3:12 AM Post #202 of 309

Thanks for the impressions Rich. I've got my Source up for sale - it's done well for me but upgradeitis has struck! Yggy is the likely candidate but I'd be really interested to hear any impressions of the Dangerous Convert-2. I do like Dangerous products and they have excellent service.
Dec 25, 2015 at 1:47 PM Post #203 of 309
Thanks for the impressions Rich. I've got my Source up for sale - it's done well for me but upgradeitis has struck! Yggy is the likely candidate but I'd be really interested to hear any impressions of the Dangerous Convert-2. I do like Dangerous products and they have excellent service.

I'm very interested on that too, the real contender for a comparison with the Iggy is the Convert, not the Source
Dec 25, 2015 at 7:05 PM Post #204 of 309
I upgraded from a Source to a Yggy, and had picked up a Convert-2 for a comparison a while back.
I didn't have the Convert-2 very long, but it was more out of frustration with the Windows drivers than the sound. I started having issues with it losing sync after the computer would sit for a while, requiring either a reboot of the PC, the Convert-2 or both. As it was getting close to the close of my return window, I opted to stick with the Yggy.
The first thing I'd have to say is that they are both outstanding DACs, and as good as the Source is, both the Yggy and the Convert-2 are significant upgrades in sound quality.
As I had mentioned in a previous post, I felt that detail resolution, layering of instruments, imaging and spatial cues were top-notch in both. To my ears, the C-2 presented a deeper, but slightly narrower soundstage, where the Yggy's was wider but not quite as deep. That's not to say that the C-2's soundstage width is lacking in any way, it's just not quite as wide, likewise for the depth of the Yggy. It's hard to say which I preferred here, it really came down to depending on the individual recording/track I was listening to at the time. 
The Yggy has a mostly neutral sound, to me if anything it is subtly on the bright side of neutral, but not harsh. Nothing seems to be missing or exaggerated throughout the frequency spectrum. I felt like the C-2 had a slightly fuller sound. It's hard to say if it was a bit warmer than netural or just warmer in comparison to the Yggy, but it was noticeable. I felt the C-2 had slightly more weight in the low end without in any way sounding bloated or lacking detail. My own personal preference here would be for the C-2.
It's hard to say which would have stayed if I hadn't run into the sync reliability issues (and YMMV on that, depending on OS, versions, hardware, etc). I'm not sure I could or would have given either of them up, hahaha.
For the record, most of my listening was with speakers, using balanced out. USB input.
Dec 26, 2015 at 5:36 PM Post #205 of 309
Thanks Mike. Seems like a difficult choice. Yggy and Convert-2 are a similar price here in Australia too. A bit concerned about the driver issues though - I also use Windows mostly and returns policies are usually much worse here. Yggy might be the safer bet, particularly with the longer warranty.
Dec 26, 2015 at 6:41 PM Post #206 of 309
Anyone compare Source with LPS (Teradak?) with Yggy or Convert-2?
It's a shame Yggy doesn't come in black.
Dec 26, 2015 at 6:56 PM Post #207 of 309
Also, for the above commentators upgrading, were you guys all using the USB input or AES on the Source?
I have not touched the USB input for music since I have got my Bryston BDP-1. The AES coming out of the BDP-1 takes the Source to the next level. The USB is now just there for Netflix and Youtube.
Dec 26, 2015 at 7:51 PM Post #208 of 309
  Thanks Mike. Seems like a difficult choice. Yggy and Convert-2 are a similar price here in Australia too. A bit concerned about the driver issues though - I also use Windows mostly and returns policies are usually much worse here. Yggy might be the safer bet, particularly with the longer warranty.

I honestly don't think you'd go wrong either way, they're both amazing DACs. I wish I could have come to a more concrete conclusion myself, as it is I still may re-buy the C-2 at some point. I can't necessarily blame Dangerous for the driver issues - it could have something specific to my system, or an interaction with the Yggy driver, really hard to say.
Dec 27, 2015 at 12:57 AM Post #209 of 309
So I guess I'll be able to answer my own question in a few days. Just ordered the Teradak 12V13A linear power supply. Definitely look forward to seeing what (if?) kinds of changes the new LPS will bring. Also, to compare a juiced up Source against top DACs.
Dec 31, 2015 at 4:16 PM Post #210 of 309
Just got the unit. It's cold as ship but I couldn't resist plugging it in to see if it worked and sound came through.

Quick General Impressions:
- This is actually a massive unit in size and weight! (The pictures do not do it justice from their website)
- I was able to order this with black faceplate by telling the seller, instead of the advertised silver faceplate
Sound Impressions:
- Dangerous Source went through puberty
- The balls on the bass dropped
- Definite improvement all around, not subtle at all!
Will leave it on indefinitely and let it warm up. More impressions later.

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