crinacle's IEM Ranking List
Sep 3, 2018 at 12:23 AM Post #796 of 3,338
Oh btw, how's your fit with it? I find it sounding even better the deeper the fit goes. I used Sony S tips and then stuck it in real deep inside my ears. Other than that, I also removed the foam filters placed on the nozzle. I find the foams limiting the dynamics quite a bit. It does get a bit brighter but there's no ugly distortion to speak of

Still in the testing period, but I find the Spiral Dots work well for me but with a shallow fit. Will try deeper fits with perhaps the Shure Olive tips, stock Sony tips and Symbio N.

I don’t see myself taking these anywhere near a subway so isolation is not too big of a deal so a shallower or looser seal is not a big deal compared to improvements in SQ. Gonna tip roll!
Sep 3, 2018 at 7:26 AM Post #797 of 3,338
N8 just received, left channel slightly softer than the right out of the box. Tested it on my rig and there's some channel imbalance in the 1kHz to 5kHz region. Will give 64 Audio the benefit of the doubt so I won't be posting impressions or measurements until after I have this resolved.
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Sep 3, 2018 at 9:15 AM Post #798 of 3,338
I'd love to read your impressions of both Brainwavz B400 and Creative Aurvana Trio and where you'd rank them in your list.
You did mention B400 might be included in a future update , hope it arrives soon :smile_phones:
Sep 7, 2018 at 1:52 AM Post #799 of 3,338
Hi Crinacle, not founded the AAW W900 in the last edition, may I ask why? Thank you
Sep 7, 2018 at 2:34 AM Post #801 of 3,338
Ghost edit: Removed A3Hv2 and W900 from the list due to numerous reports of unit variance, whether on storefront demo units or bought units. Not comfortable vouching for something that seems all over the place. AAW revised both models anyways so it shouldn't affect most people too much.
Thank you, my mistake, don’t remember that.
Sep 7, 2018 at 1:16 PM Post #802 of 3,338
@crinacle any thoughts on the new Final Audio E4000 / E5000 models? And also the Campfire Audio Orion (which seems to be the only missing CA product in your rankings).
Sep 8, 2018 at 4:23 AM Post #803 of 3,338
Hello crinacle,

Thank you for the awesome thread.

Just wondering if you’ve listened to the Westone UM 50 Pro v2 before and what you think of it e.g where would it land in your rankings?

Also I have been looking to try my first custom IEM and would like to get your recommendation if it’s not too much trouble. I generally like the overall Westone sound but I am currently let down by the bass, specifically sub-bass, quality and quantity of the UM 50 Pro v2 so have been considering a hybrid custom. I believe I have a sensitivity toward sibilance so would be interested in a custom IEM with similar Westone sound signature only with better bass. The bass produced by the BA’s has been a little lacking for me lately.

What I am looking for in a custom IEM:
- Non-fatiguing sound signature
- 2 pin or IPX connector (mmcx has given me trouble before)
- Better quality and more quantity sub-bass than my current IEM

Some of the music I like to listen to:
- Kanye West
- Radiohead
- Utada Hikaru
- Nirvana
- Tupac
- Drake
- Post Malone
- Kendrick Lamar
- Dr.Dre
- Jay-Z

Favorite tracks right now for testing IEM’s:
- The Eagles - Hotel California
- Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
- Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
- Post Malone - Zack and Codeine
- Dr.Dre - Still D.R.E

- Would like to keep it at or under $1000 USD if possible however I am open to hearing your thoughts if I should stretch this budget for any reason.

Current full size headphone:
Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80 Ohm.

Thank you very much in advance, not sure if the above makes sense or helps you to provide me a recommendation.
Sep 8, 2018 at 9:42 AM Post #804 of 3,338
Thank you, my mistake, don’t remember that.

I'd like to clarify that the old ratings for them were based off my own personal units (W900 custom & universal at A+, A3Hv2 custom at B) but I can't say the same for the universal demo units I've tried. Currently resolving the issue with AAW.

Hello crinacle,

Thank you for the awesome thread.

Just wondering if you’ve listened to the Westone UM 50 Pro v2 before and what you think of it e.g where would it land in your rankings?

Also I have been looking to try my first custom IEM and would like to get your recommendation if it’s not too much trouble. I generally like the overall Westone sound but I am currently let down by the bass, specifically sub-bass, quality and quantity of the UM 50 Pro v2 so have been considering a hybrid custom. I believe I have a sensitivity toward sibilance so would be interested in a custom IEM with similar Westone sound signature only with better bass. The bass produced by the BA’s has been a little lacking for me lately.

What I am looking for in a custom IEM:
- Non-fatiguing sound signature
- 2 pin or IPX connector (mmcx has given me trouble before)
- Better quality and more quantity sub-bass than my current IEM

Some of the music I like to listen to:
- Kanye West
- Radiohead
- Utada Hikaru
- Nirvana
- Tupac
- Drake
- Post Malone
- Kendrick Lamar
- Dr.Dre
- Jay-Z

Favorite tracks right now for testing IEM’s:
- The Eagles - Hotel California
- Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
- Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
- Post Malone - Zack and Codeine
- Dr.Dre - Still D.R.E

- Would like to keep it at or under $1000 USD if possible however I am open to hearing your thoughts if I should stretch this budget for any reason.

Current full size headphone:
Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80 Ohm.

Thank you very much in advance, not sure if the above makes sense or helps you to provide me a recommendation.

The closest thing I know to a Westone-ish signature would be Custom Art's house sound, though they don't do hybrids. If I ignore having to follow the Westone signature, maybe the UE6 Pro, the A3H (though AAW did some revisions so I don't know which you're going to get), or maybe the Stealthsonics C9 (out of your budget but follows the Westone sig somewhat as a hybrid design).
Sep 8, 2018 at 10:50 AM Post #805 of 3,338
The closest thing I know to a Westone-ish signature would be Custom Art's house sound, though they don't do hybrids. If I ignore having to follow the Westone signature, maybe the UE6 Pro, the A3H (though AAW did some revisions so I don't know which you're going to get), or maybe the Stealthsonics C9 (out of your budget but follows the Westone sig somewhat as a hybrid design).
Personally I woudln't say our house signature is close to that of Westone. Typically we tune our IEMs with uppder midrange presence which Westone deliberately decreases (stage signature). Our IEMs are smooth and relaxed up top, but that comes from lower highs levels. Our signature is closer to that of Shure rather than Westone.

Still, @neco if you are looking for bass heavy IEMs - I could highly recommend our Massdrop Exclusive model - FIBAE ME it has deep bass and no sibilance.
Sep 9, 2018 at 4:59 AM Post #807 of 3,338
Ultimate Ears UE18+ 3rd Generation: Newer Doesn't Mean Better

As many would know by now, UE recently upgraded their UE18+ to a new UE18+ dubbed as the "3rd Generation". At the beginning, some (like me) had speculated that this move was just a rebrand due to the shift the IPX connectors and so it would sound just like the older model. Others took UE's claims of new TrueTone drivers as a sign that the new UE18+ would be like the old UE18+ except with more treble, which would be an amazing change.

Well... the truth hurts. It is neither of those. The new UE18+ is basically an entirely new model, and newer doesn't mean better.

The Original and the Revolution
In the old days of the audiophile community, the UE18 was a flagship that not many cared about. It was like how the Live is today; it was primarily used by on-stage musicians at the time and not many audiophiles cared for it for one reason or another. My time with the original UE18 was short but somewhat memorable in that it was a shock to my senses. It was bloated, muddy and had no resemblance to any kind of "hifi" sound I was familiar with.

The UE18+ on the other hand was a complete 180 in tuning direction. Rather than filling the signature with bass and bloat to overcome the stage environment, the UE18+ was warm, smooth and characterised by a highly pleasant midrange. It wasn't exactly neutral due to its warmth and relative slowness but its main draw was its presentation. Vocals sounded right, strings sounded right, winds sound right... it was essentially a midrange master. Sure, the drop in midtreble killed off quite a bit of snap and definition to plucked strings and percussions, but if that wasn't a dealbreaker then one would be hard-pressed to find another monitor that did timbre like it.

In short, the UE18+ was something really unique in the audiophile game. It had, as my friends would call it, a certain "magic" or "special sauce" that made it such a joy to listen to. Make no mistake, to some it may still be reference monitor, but it was a monitor that sounded a lot more real than the typical sterility and dryness commonly associated with the studio sound.

Eighteen the Third
The latest iteration of the UE18 is what I would define as "cookie cutter". It is a monitor, and with that there isn't much else to praise it for. It also isn't a very technical IEM; the 2nd generation UE18+ may have been a timbre and coherency specialist but its technical ability wasn't exactly top-dog by most audiophile's standards. The soundstage was small, the separation was at bare minimum of acceptability and its detail retrieval was average in the TOTL industry.

The 3rd Gen is different in a few ways. First, it is less thick in the midrange. Second, I detect a treble boost, though I am unsure if it is due to the reduction in note thickness. Third, it doesn't sound as "natural" as the 2nd Gen and is tuned in such a odd way that the tone is now completely off balance.

Imagine what happens when you take away the aforementioned "magic" of what made the UE18+ a UE18+. The vocals doesn't flow as well as it did anymore. The strings lose their body and satisfactory reverb. The midrange as a whole sounds okay but had nothing special going for it. At this point, what you're left with is the UE18+'s technical prowess, which isn't much to begin with in the first place. The UE18+ 3rd Gen is just. Another. Monitor.

The 3rd Gen is different enough to be a completely separate model and that is the issue. Instead, UE has replaced their still-very-capable 2nd generation UE18+ for what I believe to be a completely average (in terms of TOTL), directionless monitor. In terms of the typical audiophile customer, there isn't much going for the new UE18.

You wouldn't buy it for neutrality; the UERR (just to name one) does that job far better.
You wouldn't buy it for bass response; it's still just as bad as the old UE18+.
You wouldn't buy it for mids; the tone has been knocked out of balance.
You wouldn't buy it for treble; sure it does have more perceived treble than its predecessor but there were too many compromises.
You wouldn't buy it for technical ability; the market is saturated with technical IEMs that the new UE18+ cannot compete with.

At very least, I wouldn't buy it.

Thanks Crinacle for the comparison and measurements. I heard the UE18+ Gen 2 a while ago and I was hooked. I'm finally in a financially comfortable position and ready to pull the trigger, only to find that UE had replaced the 18+ line with a Gen 3 that loses what made the Gen 2 special.

I'm now on the hunt again: I'm wondering if there are recommendations for CIEMs in this price range that have a similar tonality/timbre as the UE18+ Gen 2? Cheers
Sep 9, 2018 at 5:27 AM Post #808 of 3,338
Thanks Crinacle for the comparison and measurements. I heard the UE18+ Gen 2 a while ago and I was hooked. I'm finally in a financially comfortable position and ready to pull the trigger, only to find that UE had replaced the 18+ line with a Gen 3 that loses what made the Gen 2 special.

I'm now on the hunt again: I'm wondering if there are recommendations for CIEMs in this price range that have a similar tonality/timbre as the UE18+ Gen 2? Cheers

What comes to mind is the InEar SD5, Vision Ears VE8 (way past budget), 64 Audio N8, FitEar MH/TG334. Some would say the Empire Ears Phantom too (though I personally wouldn't). Amongst my immediate audiophile circle, there seems to be a lot of buzz around the new Sony IER-M7/M9 as being tonal/timbre specialists as well but I haven't personally tried them out yet.
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Sep 9, 2018 at 5:45 AM Post #809 of 3,338
@crinacle how's the Moondrop Blessing holding up? what's your ranking and impression on them?

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