Cowon X7 this summer!
Oct 21, 2010 at 6:08 AM Post #226 of 380

Preview videos of X7 finally appeared on Youtube. Just search for " Cowon HDD TYPE MP3 X7 " 
I was mostly worried about the responsiveness of the resistive screen and the size of the device. Please tell me your impressions of the device if you watch the videos....

Iam not an expert but it seems the responsiveness is well above average. He didnt need to click twice. I think i can tell its resistive but only from the gesture of his hand. He doesnt do anything special though. The transition is fast and smooth. Its better than my average nokia 5530.
Oct 21, 2010 at 6:37 AM Post #228 of 380
Hearing impressions that this one can't compete with the ipod because of the terrible UI-they say it is unresponsive. I was planning to give this for my sister's birthday, but maybe I'll think a little more.
Oct 21, 2010 at 8:38 AM Post #229 of 380

Hearing impressions that this one can't compete with the ipod because of the terrible UI-they say it is unresponsive. I was planning to give this for my sister's birthday, but maybe I'll think a little more.

X7 has been released only a week ago. Could you point me to the site where you have read its UI is terrible?
In fact, since X7 has a resistive touch screen and the Ipod Touch has a capacitive one, expecting these two to be equal in means of responsiveness of their screens would be sheer utopianism. I was worried X7 would be sluggish and buggy in means of screen responsiveness, but the impression I got from those vids is that it is way better than I feared it would be. After watching the vids, now I am closer to buying one. However I still would like to hear the details regarding your previous comment. 
Oct 21, 2010 at 9:35 AM Post #230 of 380

a Korean forum. There already are many who have them here. Maybe I'll translate one of them. 



오늘 점심때 받았습니다 밥주고

I got it at lunchtime. After lunch,

무손실 때려실고서 노래 듣다가 다음곡으로 넘기는 순산 웬 딜레이가 이렇게 긴지

I loaded it with some lossless files, and the delay was extremely long when I tried to play another song.

물론 mp3로 된건 아닙니다만

Of course, it's not an MP3 file

저는 앨범별로 듣는데 앨범아트도 jpg로 cover로 만들어 넣어 놨는데

I had my album art with cover.jpg

액정 전체가 앨범아트로 나와서

The whole screen displayed the album art

앨범아트가 제대로 다보이지 않으며 그상태에서 메뉴버튼을 누르면

and it didn't even show properly. And if you press the menu button while playing

메인화면에 앨범아트가 뜬체로 ...

The menu screen is showed with the album art on it.

mp3에 아트를 입힌것은 그렇지는 않습니다만..

The usual MP3 files with album arts inside them are not like that,

쥬크박스로 이용하실분들은 펌웨어 나오는거 보고 결정해도 늦지 않을듯..

but if you are planning to only listen to music with this, I would say after a good firmware update.


Heavy--Already known.


Huge screen--Already known.

두껍다--알고 구입

Thick--Already known


responsiveness--didn't expect this slow.

아이팟 클래식을 대신할 수도 있겠다----심각한 오류 였습니다

It could replace iPod classic--no, it absolutely can't.

그동안 코원기기쓰면서 평점 같은건 정해본적 없지만

I have never rated a Cowon device, but

50점 주면 다행일듯....

It would barely worth a 50 out of 100.


This particular user is quite unhappy with the purchase, I guess. Not many reviews out here also, since it is unpopular here(I have always been a cowon fan, and I have never seen a cowon device this hated-after the W2). If I see one, I'll also post a positive impression/review too. Other impressions are more or less the same with the one I translated above.
Oct 21, 2010 at 9:50 AM Post #231 of 380

a Korean forum. There already are many who have them here. Maybe I'll translate one of them. 



오늘 점심때 받았습니다 밥주고

I got it at lunchtime. After lunch,

무손실 때려실고서 노래 듣다가 다음곡으로 넘기는 순산 웬 딜레이가 이렇게 긴지

I loaded it with some lossless files, and the delay was extremely long when I tried to play another song.

물론 mp3로 된건 아닙니다만

Of course, it's not an MP3 file

저는 앨범별로 듣는데 앨범아트도 jpg로 cover로 만들어 넣어 놨는데

I had my album art with cover.jpg

액정 전체가 앨범아트로 나와서

The whole screen displayed the album art

앨범아트가 제대로 다보이지 않으며 그상태에서 메뉴버튼을 누르면

and it didn't even show properly. And if you press the menu button while playing

메인화면에 앨범아트가 뜬체로 ...

The menu screen is showed with the album art on it.

mp3에 아트를 입힌것은 그렇지는 않습니다만..

The usual MP3 files with album arts inside them are not like that,

쥬크박스로 이용하실분들은 펌웨어 나오는거 보고 결정해도 늦지 않을듯..

but if you are planning to only listen to music with this, I would say after a good firmware update.


Heavy--Already known.


Huge screen--Already known.

두껍다--알고 구입

Thick--Already known


responsiveness--didn't expect this slow.

아이팟 클래식을 대신할 수도 있겠다----심각한 오류 였습니다

It could replace iPod classic--no, it absolutely can't.

그동안 코원기기쓰면서 평점 같은건 정해본적 없지만

I have never rated a Cowon device, but

50점 주면 다행일듯....

It would barely worth a 50 out of 100.


This particular user is quite unhappy with the purchase, I guess. Not many reviews out here also, since it is unpopular here(I have always been a cowon fan, and I have never seen a cowon device this hated-after the W2). If I see one, I'll also post a positive impression/review too. Other impressions are more or less the same with the one I translated above.

At the page you provided the link for... They are saying something about the folder-subfolder structure, but with google translate I coulldn't understand it. Could you translate that part too please?
Oct 21, 2010 at 9:56 AM Post #232 of 380
Add: the writer of the impression also said it takes like 2sec for level 5 flac. There is no delay for switching to the previous or next track, but a huge one when trying to listen a song from a different playlist. However, cowon is known for good firmware support, so maybe we can count on it.

About the folder structure...

I'm currently on my phone so wait a few minutes, please:)

I'm sorry but I don't seem to understand either. However what I understand is that it is a problem that affected many other cowon devices and is nothing serious. I myself used three cowons but noticed no problem about folder management.
Oct 21, 2010 at 10:33 AM Post #233 of 380

Add: the writer of the impression also said it takes like 2sec for level 5 flac. There is no delay for switching to the previous or next track, but a huge one when trying to listen a song from a different playlist. However, cowon is known for good firmware support, so maybe we can count on it.

About the folder structure...

I'm currently on my phone so wait a few minutes, please:)

I'm sorry but I don't seem to understand either. However what I understand is that it is a problem that affected many other cowon devices and is nothing serious. I myself used three cowons but noticed no problem about folder management.

This is how google-translate translates that part:
"I put in a folder, I lost track of the album art ... Regardless of the image files and play music from the parent folder to the subfolders, it is possible to play together, the parent folder, select the music file does not feature a separate folder, subfolders, because that can not only listening to the problem ..= That was until the days that were = X5 features are many times over ..."
I hope he is not trying to say albums cannot be played individually, but only individual tracks or main (artist) folders can be played. This cannot be true, can it? I must have misunderstood him/her, right?

Oct 21, 2010 at 11:34 AM Post #234 of 380
Ah that one. You don't have to worry about that. The problem is if the parent directory does not have any music, the music in the subdirectories are not recognized. Not a big problem.
Oct 21, 2010 at 2:29 PM Post #235 of 380

Ah that one. You don't have to worry about that. The problem is if the parent directory does not have any music, the music in the subdirectories are not recognized. Not a big problem.

Do you mean...In the root directory titled Pink Floyd for instance, there will be albums with tracks inside each. But for the Pink Floyd directory to be recognized will I have to put a loner mp3 in the root directory Pink Floyd itself?
Oct 21, 2010 at 9:01 PM Post #236 of 380
It can't be as slow as my (newly purchased and soon to be returned) iPod classic. I've never had to suffer through such a slow UI - never. I never want to see comments about how the Zune or a Cowon player are, the classic is HORRIDLY SLOW!!! The X7 blows it away,...............period.
Oct 22, 2010 at 12:35 AM Post #238 of 380

You think the iPod Classic UI is slow?

Anyone who tells you it's not is lying to you. I don't think I really ever used such a sluggish device before,......ever. The sq is OK, but it's no cowon-but I didn't expect it to be. I own a Nano 5G, that ui is quite speedy,......this is a snail.

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