Companion to SRH840 for studio? K271/240/701, DT250/DT880, MDR-7506/7510, HD-600/650 or SRH-940?

Jan 23, 2012 at 1:28 PM Post #16 of 120

thanks so much everyone, will do some reading indeed.
I noticed that the Fischer graph does look flatter but there's a decent dip around 300 Hz, is that noticeable?

So far they seem very 'natural' to me.  I've only had them for a couple of weeks so far - and they haven't sounded off in any way yet.
Jan 24, 2012 at 3:54 AM Post #17 of 120
I think the dt250 would suit your needs perfectly. I have tried the fa003 lone at jaycar and had a little listen to the fa003 itself today at noisy motel in prahran. The fa003 is a liitle smoother than the jaycar model - same sound signature but smoother somehow, maybe better dampening is used. Anyway I would go with the fa003 ahead of the jaycar model because of this, Also it comes with velour pads as well. Noisy motels price is alittle steeper at $189 but there is a difference in refinement between the jaycar model and the fa003. The dt250 is still better though to my ears as it has the least fatiguing sound out of anything I have heard.
Jan 25, 2012 at 3:04 AM Post #18 of 120
Hey guys, today I had a chance to check out the AKGs (both models) and overall here are my impressions compared to the SRH-840s:
AKG K271: One of my least favourite cans.  These really do lack low end punch and the mids (although quite nice) still don't feel as natural as the SRH.  The highs also seem to lack that wonderful sparkle I love.
AKG K240: These are the better of the 2 AKGs for my taste but once again, lack the high end definition.  The bass is present on this model which was refreshing, but still the sound didn't really hit me.
I wasn't able to pick a current mix issue I have on a track I'm working on with either headphone while the SRH was blatantly obvious.
While there I also got a chance to hear the DT770s and DT880s.
Beyerdynamic DT770: These really do have a bit too much low end for me, a bit too boomy for my taste.
Beyerdynamic DT880: Three words, OH MY GOD!  I'm already suffering withdrawal.  These cans are amazing!!!  They actually remind me of the SRH-840s a lot, but just take everything that one step further.  Comfort is just brilliant too!  Of course, the only con is that I could hear everyone in the store with them on, they isolate only 1 - 2db of sound around you.  But, after I get a chance to check out the K701 and HD650s, I think I'm gonna go pick up a pair.  These have gorgeously smooth highs, a nice punch in the bass region and smooth mids.  The build quality is superb too!!
Now to find a store that has the DT250s, Sonys, FA003, HD650 and K701.
Look what this forum has done to me, aaaahhh!!! 

Jan 25, 2012 at 5:10 AM Post #19 of 120
If you liked the DT880s (I used to own them), see if you can try a set of HD600s.  Think you may like them far more than the HD650's.  Your taste in cans seems to be close to mine ..... SRH840 .... DT880 - natural progression is the HD600.
Jan 25, 2012 at 5:42 AM Post #21 of 120
I bought the k240mkII off soundcorps ebay site for $189. Quite a bit cheaper than the price you've found.

The guys at Headphonic rate the Shure above the HM5. There is a thread on the HM5 on their forums if you want more info.

For $100 that Jaycar clone looks like it could be very interesting.
Jan 25, 2012 at 6:46 AM Post #22 of 120
Hey guys, really appreciate your contributions.  I'm absolutely loving this forum more and more!! 

I have read further about the GMP and I think I am ruling it out based on the fact it's likely not distributed in Australia and therefore impossible to audition before purchase.
Brooko: Re-reading your posts now (after also trying the DT880), I think you are spot on, we like a similar sound signature! 
  There's a store in Melbourne that has both the HD-600 and HD-650, so I'll be sure not to discount the 600, just thought the 650 was supposed to be better overall but I suppose that's not necessarily the case.  The HD-600 would also save me some cash over the 650 which is a nice touch.
Acix: Regarding the AKGs, my understanding was that the 701 and 702 are identical in sound while the Q701 has a tad more bass but overall is once again extremely similar.  I was actually really looking at the Q701s as they are quite a bit cheaper than the K models and have all the same benefits.
higgsbison: Thanks so much for the extra info on the HM5s, definitely one to check out.
So here's my shortlist of remaining cans to try now guys:
Closed: Sony 7506, Sony 7509/7510, DT250 and FA-003/HM5
Closed (would be nice to hear but a bit pricey): Denon ADH2000
Open: HD-600, HD-650 and Q701
Brooko, since you are quite aware of the sort of sound I'm into, do you have much experience with any of the Sonys?  Should I rule them out or are they worth a look?  Would you also mind telling me more about the difference between the HD-600 and the DT880 please?
Cheers guys! 
Jan 25, 2012 at 7:07 AM Post #23 of 120


I have read further about the GMP and I think I am ruling it out based on the fact it's likely not distributed in Australia and therefore impossible to audition before purchase.
Acix: Regarding the AKGs, my understanding was that the 701 and 702 are identical in sound while the Q701 has a tad more bass but overall is once again extremely similar.  I was actually really looking at the Q701s as they are quite a bit cheaper than the K models and have all the same benefits.

Some claim in the past that AKG replace the K-701 drivers during production time (AKG did it with many models in the past), and some drivers have more bass and less treble. I think the Q701 will be a great choice.  
Jan 25, 2012 at 5:07 PM Post #24 of 120

Brooko: Re-reading your posts now (after also trying the DT880), I think you are spot on, we like a similar sound signature! 
  There's a store in Melbourne that has both the HD-600 and HD-650, so I'll be sure not to discount the 600, just thought the 650 was supposed to be better overall but I suppose that's not necessarily the case.  The HD-600 would also save me some cash over the 650 which is a nice touch.
Since you are quite aware of the sort of sound I'm into, do you have much experience with any of the Sonys?  Should I rule them out or are they worth a look?  Would you also mind telling me more about the difference between the HD-600 and the DT880 please?
Cheers guys! 

Sorry - only Sony's I've heard were very cheap portables - many years ago.  Have not had the pleasure of listening to the MDR7506 or 7509 - will have to correct that at some stage
My DT880 were the Pros - 250 Ohm.
My impressions only - others will have different viewpoints.
Build - both 880's and 600's well built - 880's would be more durable.
Comfort - both very comfortable.  Both were quite clampy at first (the 880 pros clamp harder than the premiums), but both settle after use.  I would have no issues wearing either for long sessions.  The Beyers have the slight edge on comfort, but the Senns are not far behind.
Isolation - similar on both - they're both pretty open, but I found less leakage out than something really open like a Grado.
Sonics - similar in that they are both relatively balanced cans - without strong emphasis on any frequency.
* DT880 has slightly elevated bass and highs, and definitely has more extension top and bottom.  It's pretty good with faster paced music.  Bass hits really nicely.  Mid-range can be slightly 'cool', and to me almost slightly recessed - but think this is more due to the little more forward bass and highs.  Mid-range can be brought forward with a warmer amp - and pairs very nicely with tubes.  Gives the impression of more detail - mainly I think because of the more forward highs.
* HD600 is slightly more relaxed, and to me a little more 'intimate'.  A bit warmer - but not necessarily dark.  Strength for me is in the mid-range which is slightly more forward.  Doesn't extend as well top or bottom as the DT880, but bass is tight, balanced and has nice impact (when required).  Clarity is really nice - and to me has more sense of dynamics / realism than the DT880.
Of the two - I prefer the HD600 - especially coming from the SRH840 originally.  It think it's the mid-range.  Both are very natural and balanced sounding cans - with the HD600 being more natural to my ears.
Both respond well to amping - and the HD600 continually amazes me on tracks as to how well it reproduces timbre and dynamics.  I was listening to a live performance of Nights From The Alhambra (Loreena McKennitt) last night, and so far it's the only headphone I've heard (I haven't heard flagships yet) where I can close my eyes and I'm sitting in the audience.  The gentle wash of applause just took me by surprise (again).  I didn't get that with the DT880 - although the 880 is a headphone I miss already, and may buy again.  I will not sell the HD600 though - ever - it is just too good.
Hope this helps.  WIll be interested to hear your impressions also.
Main listening with both DT880 and HD600 was out of an NFB-12, and/or PortaTube.  Eventually I'd like to step up my source and amp - but I do find that my current sources are more than adequate to keep me very satisfied.
Jan 25, 2012 at 5:29 PM Post #25 of 120

Sorry - only Sony's I've heard were very cheap portables - many years ago.  Have not had the pleasure of listening to the MDR7506 or 7509 - will have to correct that at some stage
My DT880 were the Pros - 250 Ohm.
My impressions only - others will have different viewpoints.
Build - both 880's and 600's well built - 880's would be more durable.
Comfort - both very comfortable.  Both were quite clampy at first (the 880 pros clamp harder than the premiums), but both settle after use.  I would have no issues wearing either for long sessions.  The Beyers have the slight edge on comfort, but the Senns are not far behind.
Isolation - similar on both - they're both pretty open, but I found less leakage out than something really open like a Grado.
Sonics - similar in that they are both relatively balanced cans - without strong emphasis on any frequency.
* DT880 has slightly elevated bass and highs, and definitely has more extension top and bottom.  It's pretty good with faster paced music.  Bass hits really nicely.  Mid-range can be slightly 'cool', and to me almost slightly recessed - but think this is more due to the little more forward bass and highs.  Mid-range can be brought forward with a warmer amp - and pairs very nicely with tubes.  Gives the impression of more detail - mainly I think because of the more forward highs.
* HD600 is slightly more relaxed, and to me a little more 'intimate'.  A bit warmer - but not necessarily dark.  Strength for me is in the mid-range which is slightly more forward.  Doesn't extend as well top or bottom as the DT880, but bass is tight, balanced and has nice impact (when required).  Clarity is really nice - and to me has more sense of dynamics / realism than the DT880.
Of the two - I prefer the HD600 - especially coming from the SRH840 originally.  It think it's the mid-range.  Both are very natural and balanced sounding cans - with the HD600 being more natural to my ears.
Both respond well to amping - and the HD600 continually amazes me on tracks as to how well it reproduces timbre and dynamics.  I was listening to a live performance of Nights From The Alhambra (Loreena McKennitt) last night, and so far it's the only headphone I've heard (I haven't heard flagships yet) where I can close my eyes and I'm sitting in the audience.  The gentle wash of applause just took me by surprise (again).  I didn't get that with the DT880 - although the 880 is a headphone I miss already, and may buy again.  I will not sell the HD600 though - ever - it is just too good.
Hope this helps.  WIll be interested to hear your impressions also.
Main listening with both DT880 and HD600 was out of an NFB-12, and/or PortaTube.  Eventually I'd like to step up my source and amp - but I do find that my current sources are more than adequate to keep me very satisfied.

Thank you so so much for the detailed comparison, this is extremely helpful.  I must admit that I'm not very keen on the AKG Q701s due to the headband alone and the fact they don't include a good solid case for storage.  At that price, I would of expected a case, though it would still be good to hear them to be sure.  So yeah, primarily my open choice is between the HD-600/650 and the DT880.
I think there's a store here with the HD-600 and HD-650 about 20 minutes from where I live so I will definitely be sure to check them out.  It's unfortunate that I can't find a place with the HD-600, HD-650 and DT880 so I can compare the 3 directly.  It's quite difficult to really compare when you hear the headphones on separate occasions.
I don't have a dedicated amp at present, I would be running out of my RME Fireface UC audio interface headphone output.  This audio interface is German built and extremely well regarded in the pro audio industry (cost me over $1,000 AUD) but it's very hard to know the quality of the headphone amp compared to dedicated ones, certainly the mic pres sound fantastic with my tube Rode K2 mic!  Of course, it would not stack up against a tube amp, that's for sure. 

My preference would be to run the phones out of my Fireface to be honest, I don't think I really have any space space on my desk here for an amp.  How much would I be up for if I were to buy a decent amp that could drive any of the SRH-840, DT880 or HD-600/650?
I'm currently considering (don't tell my bank account this) perhaps trying to buy both the HD-600 and DT880, but we'll see ...
Thanks so much mate
Jan 25, 2012 at 6:15 PM Post #26 of 120
If you don't mind an entry level solid state dac/amp (with a touch of warmth) - I personally think it pairs really well with HD600 - consider the Audio-gd NFB-12.  Dual Wolfson WM8741s for the DAC.  New model out for Feb NFB-12.1 has switches on front to control the 9 digital filters so you can customise your preferred sound.  Drives the HD600 with ease, and also drove my 250 ohm DT880s really well.  Not sure on the 600ohm Beyers - you could ask King-Wa, or see if anyone else owns both.
It's an ideal desk size - digital, optical and usb inputs, plus a variable or fixed line level out - so you can go to external speakers or even a secondary amp.
USD 215 + shipping
Pretty good for entry level.  I owned the E7 and E9, and IMO this is better.
Jan 25, 2012 at 8:14 PM Post #27 of 120
Thanks mate.  The UC has 24/192 kHz AD/DA that some folks compare to the high end Apogee stuff so I will likely not need to buy a dedicated AD/DA.  I have plenty more outputs (all balanced) I'm not using which I could use for phones if required.
So assuming a headphone amp would take balanced line ins, I could avoid the need for a dedicated DA converter.  Checking out the one you mentioned now 

I've been reading about a bit and found many folks mentioning that the RME stuff drives 300 ohm headphones quite easily, so I may stick with it initially.  I'll write to RME to confirm this.  Assuming I don't go for the DT880s 600 ohm (which I wasn't planning to do anyway, 250 should be ok), then all my choices are 300 ohm or less 


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