Companion to SRH840 for studio? K271/240/701, DT250/DT880, MDR-7506/7510, HD-600/650 or SRH-940?

Feb 15, 2012 at 7:49 AM Post #106 of 120

They are similar to srh940 , except for the soundstage according to reviews. People that are used to the k701 obviously do not care much of the mid bass hump of srh940, when they look for a closed alternative.
In short the k701/k702 are not for bass anyway.
The DT880 600 ohms , have a better bass than the 250 ohms version according to the square response for 30 hz at innerfidelity, but otherwise they are quite similar.

Thanks a lot, I think you are spot on, comparing the SRH-940 graphs to the AKG, the bass amount appears to be very similar which discounts it for me.
Any further opinions are welcome, though the HD-600 is very likely to be my choice now.
Thanks everyone
Feb 15, 2012 at 7:53 AM Post #107 of 120
The DT880 600 ohms , have a better bass than the 250 ohms version according to the square response for 30 hz at innerfidelity, but otherwise they are quite similar.

It could also be a result of random differences in how well the ear pads seal. The bass response of the 32 Ohm version is shown to be almost identical to that of the 600 Ohm one, while at HeadRoom it is the 32 Ohm model that is the worst. Also, the isolation graph at InnerFidelity is the worst for the 250 Ohm version.
Feb 15, 2012 at 10:51 AM Post #108 of 120

I was in touch with the really nice guy who has put together the Golden Ears site and he was kind enough to upload his results for the DT880 which really backup my experiences about their harsher treble.
Here's the DT880 250 ohm model I listened to...

The 600 ohm version improves on this a little though (which again backs up what people have been saying about smooth treble on the 600 ohm version)...In addition, you can see that the mids are also smoother and more forward, once again backing up what everyone has been hearing here.

And below you can see the HD600 has a wonderfully flat frequency response...

Comparatively speaking, the AKG K702 (which should be quite similar to the Q701) looks quite treble happy and bass light, but without having heard these, I can't really confirm it myself (can anyone else?)...

If anyone can confirm the difference in sound for the AKGs then I think I'll have my decision and will definitely go for the HD600s.

Damn, there's some treble happy phones there! That's a very odd graph for the k702. I'm not hearing any hugh boost around 2k. They are definitely quite treble happy around 7k and upwards, as the graph shows. The hd580/600 is much smoother sounding to my ears because of that. I'd be interested in your impressions if you get them, especially compared to your speakers and the 840, since I'm using them as my main reference for music production, but I don't have a good set of monitor speakers to compare them to. I do have speakers, but in a mostly untreated room.
Feb 15, 2012 at 6:33 PM Post #109 of 120

Damn, there's some treble happy phones there! That's a very odd graph for the k702. I'm not hearing any hugh boost around 2k. They are definitely quite treble happy around 7k and upwards, as the graph shows. The hd580/600 is much smoother sounding to my ears because of that. I'd be interested in your impressions if you get them, especially compared to your speakers and the 840, since I'm using them as my main reference for music production, but I don't have a good set of monitor speakers to compare them to. I do have speakers, but in a mostly untreated room.

No worries at all, when I get the HD-600s, I'll be doing a detailed comparison with my ADAM A7 monitors and SRH-840s.  I'm still considering the Brainwavz HM5 but they only are in stock at Headphonic in mid march.
Feb 15, 2012 at 7:49 PM Post #110 of 120
I'll be looking forward to your thoughts once you get the gear zambz.
Feb 24, 2012 at 5:01 AM Post #111 of 120
Hey guys, I did a very long and detailed comparison between the DT880 600 ohm and HD600 recently and have some further thoughts.

Overall frequency balance: HD600 > DT880 by a lot
Soundstage: DT880 > HD600 bit a little
Comfort: About equal, possibly a tad better on DT880 due to HD600 clamping
Bass Response: DT880 > HD600
Speed: DT880 > HD600
Maintenance: HD600 > DT880 by far

So to say the least, I can see why the DT880s are popular.  But their treble and mids simply cant match the HD600.  A combo of these 2 headphones would be ideal :)

Despite of all the pros on the DT880, I still like the HD600 more. It has also made me realise just how good the SRH-840 really is.  If the 840 just has a little smoother trenle, I would probably prefer it to the HD600 due to its great bass response.

I also popped by a JayCar store and tried the FA-003 clone.  Its actually more of a HM5 clone, has a case and extra set of earpads (all pleather) and looks identical to the HM5.  No offense to anyone, but I didnt like them.  There was a hole in the sound somwhere in the mids.  I suspect this may be the dip at 300Hz that Im hearing.  The highs were smooth though and it was pretty cozy but I just couldnt get past that problem.

I plan to do a final shootout between the Q701 and HD600 vs SRH-840 before making my purchase.  To be totally honest, Im wondering if should ... the SRH-840s are just great.

Can anyone tell me what to expect of the Q701s? Do they have less bass than the HD600s?

Feb 24, 2012 at 5:40 AM Post #113 of 120
Came back home now and am listening to my SRH-840s ... what can I say ... these are just amazing!  They wow me so much more than both the DT880s and the HD600s at their tight bass, perfect mids and lush highs (these extend far better than the DT880s) ... am I going crazy?? :|
Feb 24, 2012 at 10:52 AM Post #114 of 120
You're really making me want to try the 840's. Are they more in line with your studio monitors than the hd600 in terms of bass? Looking forward to the comparison with the Q701. I suspect you'll find that they're quite a different animal than the other two. The 'k' version is, anyhow....never heard the 'Q'.  
Hey guys, I did a very long and detailed comparison between the DT880 600 ohm and HD600 recently and have some further thoughts.
Overall frequency balance: HD600 > DT880 by a lot
Soundstage: DT880 > HD600 bit a little
Comfort: About equal, possibly a tad better on DT880 due to HD600 clamping
Bass Response: DT880 > HD600
Speed: DT880 > HD600
Maintenance: HD600 > DT880 by far
So to say the least, I can see why the DT880s are popular.  But their treble and mids simply cant match the HD600.  A combo of these 2 headphones would be ideal

Despite of all the pros on the DT880, I still like the HD600 more. It has also made me realise just how good the SRH-840 really is.  If the 840 just has a little smoother trenle, I would probably prefer it to the HD600 due to its great bass response.
I also popped by a JayCar store and tried the FA-003 clone.  Its actually more of a HM5 clone, has a case and extra set of earpads (all pleather) and looks identical to the HM5.  No offense to anyone, but I didnt like them.  There was a hole in the sound somwhere in the mids.  I suspect this may be the dip at 300Hz that Im hearing.  The highs were smooth though and it was pretty cozy but I just couldnt get past that problem.
I plan to do a final shootout between the Q701 and HD600 vs SRH-840 before making my purchase.  To be totally honest, Im wondering if should ... the SRH-840s are just great.
Can anyone tell me what to expect of the Q701s? Do they have less bass than the HD600s?


Came back home now and am listening to my SRH-840s ... what can I say ... these are just amazing!  They wow me so much more than both the DT880s and the HD600s at their tight bass, perfect mids and lush highs (these extend far better than the DT880s) ... am I going crazy?? :|

Feb 24, 2012 at 1:28 PM Post #115 of 120
Came back home now and am listening to my SRH-840s ... what can I say ... these are just amazing!  They wow me so much more than both the DT880s and the HD600s at their tight bass, perfect mids and lush highs (these extend far better than the DT880s) ... am I going crazy?? :|

Hmm... that source do you have? SRH-840 is certainly a nice 'phone, but I also have the DT880 600 Ohm along with the Shures and the DT880s are unquestionably technically superior to my ears even straight out of an iPod - DT880 is more refined, more precise, more delicate, more detailed, smoother in the highs (yes, I think it is smoother than SRH840 in the highs), noticeably tighter and deeper bass, much better sense of air, space and imaging. The frequency balance is quite similar on the two I find, so SRH840 does sound somewhat like a DT880, but in a lower performance class.
BTW, I agree with you about FA-003 being recessed in the mids. I found them somewhat hollow sounding as well. I found SRH840 much better in the mids, although FA-003 won the mid and upper treble, and bass.
Feb 24, 2012 at 3:31 PM Post #116 of 120

You're really making me want to try the 840's. Are they more in line with your studio monitors than the hd600 in terms of bass? Looking forward to the comparison with the Q701. I suspect you'll find that they're quite a different animal than the other two. The 'k' version is, anyhow....never heard the 'Q'.  

Hey mate, in the bass response, yes, the SRH-840s are much closer to the amount of bass on my monitors.  In fact, my monitors have a little more than the SRH-840s.although their bass response is tighter.  Would you be so kind as to describe your experiences with the K701?

Hmm... that source do you have? SRH-840 is certainly a nice 'phone, but I also have the DT880 600 Ohm along with the Shures and the DT880s are unquestionably technically superior to my ears even straight out of an iPod - DT880 is more refined, more precise, more delicate, more detailed, smoother in the highs (yes, I think it is smoother than SRH840 in the highs), noticeably tighter and deeper bass, much better sense of air, space and imaging. The frequency balance is quite similar on the two I find, so SRH840 does sound somewhat like a DT880, but in a lower performance class.
BTW, I agree with you about FA-003 being recessed in the mids. I found them somewhat hollow sounding as well. I found SRH840 much better in the mids, although FA-003 won the mid and upper treble, and bass.

Hello :)  I think that maybe I would have a different opinion if I heard the DT880 and SRH-840s side by side, so you are likely correct in your comparison.  I may wait until the store I'm going to visit gets in the DT880 before going there since they also have the SRH840s in stock.  Then I could have the Q701, DT880 and HD600 all in the same place as the SRH840 ... which I'm sure will confuse me further, hehehe ;)
The DT880s are excellent headphones, no doubt in my mind.  Though when I was going through my library, I did find the mids a tiny bit recessed ... not a lot, maybe -1db - -1.5db, but they are full and smooth.  The bass is just perfect on them, extends very deep and is super precise, you feel each bass note which is not the case with the HD600, whereby the bass kinda gels together with the rest of the instruments more.  There was definitely something a little harsh in the treble in comparison to the HD600, but one has to wonder what I would think if I heard them side by side with my monitors.  It's possibly that the HD600s are too smooth and crisp and the DT880s are a little less so than they should be.  My friend who also checked the HD600s yesterday (who owns the ADAM A7s) didn't like the HD600s saying that they were too sharp in the highs and impossible to turn up loud for enjoyment, which I do partially agree with, especially on brightly recorded masters which sound fine on the ADAMs.  He much preferred the DT880s.
Feb 24, 2012 at 4:19 PM Post #117 of 120
Try the DT990.
I posted some very basics thoughts on them here:
Maybe not for you but can at least try. I use Adam's also as main monitors if that helps (A7X+ Sub)
Feb 24, 2012 at 7:20 PM Post #118 of 120

Hey mate, in the bass response, yes, the SRH-840s are much closer to the amount of bass on my monitors.  In fact, my monitors have a little more than the SRH-840s.although their bass response is tighter.  Would you be so kind as to describe your experiences with the K701?

I'm afraid I only have Event ALP5 speakers which can't really compare to any high end monitors, but I have many years experience with live jazz, acoustic, rock, and some classical music, and that's my yardstick for judging the headphones. The k702 falls short in a few areas, when comparing to what I heard playing live. The mids are too light weight, with not enough body, and there's definitely more emphasis given to the highs than what I normally hear at a live performance. The bass is not as full and rich as the hd580/600 bass, which compares very favorably to a live jazz acoustic bass. I think I described the 702 mids before as being like an attractive super model who's in need of some iron and a shot of vitamin other words more color(too pale) and more weight. The 580 is a beautiful movie actress with some nice curves. Sorry, for stretching the analogy, but that's the best way I can describe what's missing from the 702. I also feel they're too bright to be totally realistic. Also, the soundstage is unnaturally wide.....sounds downright bizarre on some recordings. Of course you may very well love them, as many people apparently do. I also think that listening to studio monitors is going to be a very different experience from listening to a live acoustic performance. A lot more of the highs get dissipated at an acoustic performance in a large open room or auditorium then in a recording studio. That's probably why I like listening to the dt48 so much  They sound very close to the sound of the live acoustic instruments that I heard when I was playing in big jazz bands and orchestras when I was young(even closer than the hd580)....other than the bass, that is. 
Sep 1, 2012 at 8:57 PM Post #119 of 120
After listening to the shr-940s in the store for a while I agree with the general sentiment in this thread.  They sound slightly better than my shr-840s, but the apparent lack of bass is really annoying.  It makes the headphones sound thin and trebly.  I love my shr-840s.  Is there any closed headphone that is the best of both worlds?  Thunderpants?  Do I have to start spending $400+ to get what I'm after?  I have the feeling I would like a headphone that follows that goldenears graph.
Sep 1, 2012 at 9:38 PM Post #120 of 120
After reading more I might be better off getting a better dac next?  I'm using an audio-gd compass right now.  I'm looking at using a stagedac for the dac from my pc, but spending 750ish for something that I can't hear first seems sketchy.

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