Commonly Recommended Headphones - prelim FAQ ideas
Jul 12, 2003 at 8:46 AM Post #62 of 73
i have to agree with you about the A500's. they are truely the perfect phone in the price category, IMO. i don't really care for any of the sony's (except the V6 in only SOME instances) in this price range.

very nice list you got goin there. good work and a wonderful idea my man

quit thread crapping damn-it. you're really becoming annoying. i'm trying to ignore you, but you seem to add something stupid to every post out there. just kepp those off topic comments to yourself and in your head with whatever else is in there. if you can do this, you'de be a fine guy because you have good insight to offer when regarding headphones!
Jul 16, 2003 at 5:45 PM Post #64 of 73
the thread that i wont let die...

thanks to Uncledan, we will have some Poll results as to the best headphones. I'm hoping that I can incorporated the results of the "Best Headphones" in each Price range into this FAQ.

Also, If anyone has ideas on how to incorporate that table I was trying to create (see the first page of this thread) please let me know. I dont know how to make columns and rows within this forums posts...

Aug 10, 2005 at 3:14 PM Post #65 of 73
Very nice work with this list!


Originally Posted by nanahachi
updated list.
* represents new addition

Best < $100 headphones
Sennheiser MX500 – ($20)
Koss KSC-35 (discontinued) or *KSC-50 (replaced KSC-35)
* Koss Portapros
* Sennheiser HD-497 – ($49)
* Sennheiser PX100 – ($39)
* Sennheiser PX200 – ($49)
Grado SR-60 (no amp) – ($69)
Grado SR-80 – ($95)
Sony MDR-V6/7506
Sony Eggo MDR-D66sl – ($99)
Sennheiser HD-280 – ($99)

What about Sennheiser HD-485 (~$75)? (Almost as good as HD555.)


Originally Posted by nanahachi
Best $100-200 Headphone
*Etymotic ER-6 – ($129)
Beyerdynamic 250-80/250 – ($170)
Beyerdynamic DT-770pro – ($179)
Sennheiser HD-580 – ($150-200) – ($200)
Grado SR-225 – ($195)
Ultrasone HFI-650 Trackmaster/DVD Edition - ($160)

What about Sennheiser HD-555 (~$150)?


Originally Posted by nanahachi
Best $200-300 Headphone
Etymotic ER-4p/4s – ($270)
Beyerdynamic DT880 - ($245)
Grado SR-325 – ($295)
Sennheiser HD600

Best $300+ Headphone
Sony MDR-CD3000 – ($370)
Audio Technica W1000 – ($380)
AKG K1000 – ($549)
Grado RS-1 – ($695)

What about Sennheiser HD-650 (~$350)?


Originally Posted by nanahachi
Some Categories:

Sennheiser HD-280
Sony V6/7506
Beyerdynamic DT-770pro

The “Mids”
AT W100

Beyerdynamic DT-770pro

Senn MX500
Koss KSC-35
Sony V6
Sony D66sl Eggo
Etymotic ER-4p
*Etymotic ER-6

*Etymotic ER-4p/s
*Etymotic ER-6
*Sennheiser PX250
*Shure E2c

What about Westone UM-2 (~$300)?


Originally Posted by nanahachi
Closed phones:
Sony v6 (semi closed?)
Sony D66 Eggo
*Senn HD-497
Senn HD-280
*Beyerdynamic DT-770pro
Beyerdynamic DT 250-80/250
AT W100
Sony MDR-CD1700
Sony MDR-CD3000
*Sennheiser PX250
*Shure E2c
Etymotic ER-4p/s
*Etymotic ER-6
AudioTechnica A/W1000

$$$$ Phones - rare/Uber High End Phones
*Sony R10
*Grado HP-1000 series: HP-1, HP-2, HP-3
*Grado SR-100/200/300 (Predecessors to 125/22/325)

For me there are just two categories, portable use & home use...
So, "my" lists of best value headphones (best price/SQ ratio):

Non-Portable Headphones
-- SUB $50: Sennheiser HD-201
-- SUB $100: Sennheiser HD-485
-- SUB $150: Sennheiser HD-555
-- SUB $200: Sennheiser HD-580
-- SUB $250: Sennheiser HD-600
-- SUB $350: Sennheiser HD-650

Portable Headphones:
-- SUB $20: Sennheiser MX-500
-- SUB $50: Sennheiser PX-100
-- SUB $100: Grado SR-80
-- SUB $150: Shure E3c
-- SUB $250: Etymotic ER-4p/s
-- SUB $350: Westone UM-2

Aug 10, 2005 at 6:47 PM Post #68 of 73

you guys have dug up a thread that hasnt seen any action in 2 years. which, as you will note, does not include various new additions that did not exist at the time of this thread's creation.

i'd still be happy to maintain this thread, but, well, the lack of consensus re: its existence and contents made it moot.
Aug 10, 2005 at 7:09 PM Post #69 of 73
This is a great thread; I wonder if it's worth turning into more of an elborate guide, maybe a sticky when complete? - Just a thought.

Other thoughts:

Perhaps a little more subdivision would be helpful with a small explanation of different types - under portable, maybe IEM (with brief explaination, pros and cons typically mentioned), earbuds, etc.

Take ear buds for example, I personally need them because I can't wear anything that looks like a regular headphne at work, yet I need to be able to hear others (ruling out IEMs). With those restrictions a new set of rules applied to what I was searching for through the forums. I chose the ATH CM7ti, now those are the best dollar-for-dollar when compared against full cans, but because they were a common reccomendation for this type of headphone (along with the Sonys) even in a few threads currently on the board.

Again, great thread.
Aug 10, 2005 at 8:26 PM Post #71 of 73

Don't forget Sennheisers HD25-1 -often recommended as one of the best portable solutions.
Aug 10, 2005 at 11:13 PM Post #72 of 73
Having just gone through the headphone selection process myself I can attest to the fact that it can be a lengthy process
; Consequentially I have spent a considerable amount of time learning about headphones, headphone amps and the like in the past weeks. I think a FAQ of this nature could no doubt help introduce many new people to headphones and aid in their selection process. I must say it is quite the undertaking and good luck to you. I have a few suggestions:

I would say an idea might be to keep the list as short as possible so as not to overwhelm your target audience... Obviously almost every company makes a whole range of cans at varying price ranges and qualities, but by only including the absolute best valued cans from each of those companies might help to keep things simple and easy to understand (like you say the most commonly recommended). Listing the BEST headphones for their money I think is better than just a list of good headphones. I'm sure allot of people here know which cans those are and are not, but I assure you the lay person does not.

I think organizing the list by type is a great idea. Sorting by price within each of those categories would be straightforward and manageable for people with a limited knowledge of headphones... Usually people have a pretty good idea what TYPE of headphone (eg: Earbuds, IEM, Clip-On, Open/Closed etc...) they are looking for (as mentioned above) and how much they are willing to spend on that headphone but they just don't have any clue which headphones are better and why. I also like the idea of including a very brief description after each headphone which refers to some of its qualities and/or possible uses.

Lastly, including the impedance of the headphone in the list and having some kind of short explanation about impedance/amps in the intro might be somewhat appropriate... Having the DT770 (250s or even 80s) in the list under a heading of “gaming headphones” (or even with the descriptor “gaming headphone’) would, of course, make sense but those headphones most certainly cannot be plugged into the back of your computer etc., as you all know... A few weeks ago I had no idea about such things and had I been looking for a good set of gaming headphones I might have been tempted to pick up the best “gaming headphones” I could afford. That would have been a problem if I didn’t want to spend money on an amp etc… Hopefully that kind of situation can be avoided with a little information.

I hope none of the above comments are simply reiteration of past replies. Again, good luck!
Aug 11, 2005 at 3:19 PM Post #73 of 73

Originally Posted by LobsterSan
Also the Ultrasone 650's.

Just for general info the HFI-650s have become the HFI-700s. They're the same headphone just a different model number.

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