nanahachi replied to the thread Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?.You too man! PM incoming
nanahachi replied to the thread Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?.I was never a big poster, and I check in every once in a (long) while, but have been absent for a number of years. It's quite nice to...
nanahachi posted a comment on classifieds listing Drop Massdrop JVC HA-FDX1 FDX1 Balanced Cable Crinacle A- **.Hey there. I’m interested, PM sent.
nanahachi reacted to james444's post in the thread Drop + JVC HA-FDX1 Dual Carbon IEM...available in the US! with Like.Well, interested people can still buy the FD01 and DIY the mod. It's neither hard to find the modding instructions, nor to perform the...
nanahachi reacted to IEMusic's post in the thread Drop + JVC HA-FDX1 Dual Carbon IEM...available in the US! with Like.
nanahachi reacted to IEMusic's post in the thread Drop + JVC HA-FDX1 Dual Carbon IEM...available in the US! with Like.Let‘s see if this helps. “ 1. Grasp the sides of the ear tip, and place the core only around one side of the nozzle. 2. Slowly and...
nanahachi reacted to toranku's post in the thread Toranku's Thoughts and Reviews (and target EQ filters!) with Like.My thoughts on: JVC FD01 modded In case you have not tried, the FD01 stock is very intense and harsh. With cymbals, the metallic sound...
nanahachi reacted to KiD~21's post in the thread Lotoo PAW S2 USB DAC AMP 150 mW@32 ohm 4.4 , MQA - New Firmware released 26 January link added first post. with Like.Hello to Everyone here, Although I'm a newcomer, I've been reading multiple Head-Fi forums for several months. It all has started...
nanahachi reacted to mayurs's post in the thread Lotoo PAW S1 - Designed for HIFI on the go with Lotoo PAW quality and the first USB DAC-AMP with dual 3.5mm & 4.4mm output with Like.Using the S1 in Line out mode to my Headamp Pico driving a pair of ER2XR and the sound to my ears is far better than what the little S1...