Colorfly C3 Discussion Thread
Feb 11, 2013 at 4:26 AM Post #616 of 3,325
All my cards are class 10 and they work fine.

lucky you, perhaps depends on the brand as well. many including me prefer sandisk and their class 10 was reported to have compatibility issues on other forums.
but do you find much benefit of using class 10 on C3 compared to class 4? i also thought class 10 but then discovered that would have no benefit and so gladly settled on class 4. i use them as dedicated cards only on c3. for photo gear i use fastest cards since 10 frames per second and buffer suck memory. in any case micro sd cards are not my cup of tea since i hate all smartphones (too bulky in pocket for me and too small screen to compensate for disadvantage). i prefer iPad very much.
Feb 11, 2013 at 4:36 AM Post #617 of 3,325
All sizes class 10 cards work with the C3. Clearly reading speed has nothing to do with sq .The only difference in the case is file transfer speed because I use a USB card reader to transfer my music files and it's faster. I'm a big fan of sd cards coz they are super tiny and you can get several and carry them in your wallet. Anyway, sandisk class 10 works fine but I've tested only a 16GB sandisk. I used to prefer sandisk but they are just going downhill with QC and other issue lately (I'm still pissed off about my 64GB sandisk that stopped working) - since then I only use adata and I consider them the best.
Feb 11, 2013 at 4:49 AM Post #618 of 3,325
kova, to each his own. i am happy with class 4 and transfer speed i can tolerate, this is not that very much slower IMHO. perhaps because i have Mac and USB is only USB2 while there are no firewire or thunderbolt cardreaders :)))))))))))))
Feb 11, 2013 at 8:42 AM Post #619 of 3,325
The Lexar class 10 works fine here as well. It was on sale, and if it gives me a little more speed when moving files to the card from my reader then all is good. I would not pay premium for a Class 10 though as there is no benefit on the C3 itself.

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Feb 11, 2013 at 9:11 AM Post #620 of 3,325
Like I said, I bought a SanDisk 32gb Class 4 from Amazon for $20 (got free shipping but did pay tax).  Then saw the Sandisk 32gb Class 10 (no class 4 available) at Costco for $24 plus tax, and snapped it up.  Four bucks for faster transfer speeds from my Mac to my card reader is a happy thing.  If it doesn't work in the C3, well, at least my Class 4 is on the way.  All music is ripped, in folders, and on my card, ready for the C3 to arrive, at which point all of this talk (for me) will become a user test (SQ, compatibility, popping between tracks, etc.).  Gotta say, I'm really looking forward to receiving the device so I can play with it.
Feb 11, 2013 at 9:49 AM Post #622 of 3,325
The popping nothing to worry about. Think of a spec of dust hitting a record needle.

very much agree, i quickly got used to this and do not pay attention to this anymore. i much prefer listen to good quality sound even with pops than to gapless so-so quality sound.
Feb 11, 2013 at 10:00 AM Post #623 of 3,325
From posts here I wasn't worried about the pops.  I listened to records (you know, those black round things that spin and make sound?) for the majority of my life and had no problem tuning out random dust noise.  :)
Feb 11, 2013 at 10:16 AM Post #624 of 3,325
Isn't the popping only on WAV files as I don't think I hear any on FLACS... I'll have to listen again, just copied the Doors DCC's over and will check it out. I just probably don't notice anymore. :D

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Feb 11, 2013 at 10:24 AM Post #625 of 3,325
johoooooooooo..........finally my C&C BH has arrived, wide smile on my face, still no time for testing right now, busy week.
Feb 11, 2013 at 8:16 PM Post #626 of 3,325
Well, good news is my C3 arrived today- a day early.  The bad news is, just as I was getting the hang of the incredibly non-intuitive controls, I hit the button to forward to the next song and it locked up.  Totally.  Lights on, song showing, no response to anything I do, including putting a small pin in the reset hole and holding down power button and plugging in USB.  Nothing.  
Sounded great while it was working, but....
Anyone have any ideas?  They'd be appreciated.
Feb 11, 2013 at 8:19 PM Post #627 of 3,325
Well, good news is my C3 arrived today- a day early.  The bad news is, just as I was getting the hang of the incredibly non-intuitive controls, I hit the button to forward to the next song and it locked up.  Totally.  Lights on, song showing, no response to anything I do, including putting a small pin in the reset hole and holding down power button and plugging in USB.  Nothing.  

Sounded great while it was working, but....

Anyone have any ideas?  They'd be appreciated.


Try holding the power button for over a minute. We had a member have something similar happen.
Feb 11, 2013 at 8:40 PM Post #628 of 3,325
Thanks.  Tried a loooonnnnger pin, that got it to reset.  
Well, gotta say, the sound on flat eq is great.  Don't like the others, too muffled or bass-y or upper treble-y. But flat, with my triple fi's, sounds great.  Big jump from my iPhone 4 sound.  
Now, if I can just master the UI before I throw the thing through the window.... who designed it, and why did s/he hate the end user so much?  I think the best thing is to get it going and then just let it shuffle for now, as anything else and, while I'm out walking, would probably lead me to walk in front of a car.  When I first got it going I was in menu and managed to get Intro checked, and all of the music played 7 seconds and then went to the next track.  Fun.  Slowly getting the hang of it.  Plays plenty loud, I'm at about 28 and that's just fine (using Comply with the triples, so a good fit).  
Got it to show up on my Mac, even had an English manual inside it.  Going to try reading it, hoping it's not written by the same person who designed the UI.
Feb 11, 2013 at 11:30 PM Post #629 of 3,325
LOL olddude...I felt the same way when I first got it...loved the sound but wanted to throw the thing out the window! 
I have a problem with a 64gb Sandisk Ultra MicoSC XC1...the freaking things transfer rate is like 1MB/sec...whereas the 32gb one is 10MB/sec...
I"ve given up putting anything on this card and am sticking to the 32gb now...
Feb 12, 2013 at 12:47 AM Post #630 of 3,325
:)   My 32gb SanDisk Class 10 spends about 34 minutes to take 16+gb through USB 2.  That's with folders.  I may use the Class 4 and just dump all the FLACs on it (minus folders) and let them shuffle through.  The UI is getting easier as I play with it, but it's still.... just so weird, especially compared to an Apple product.
I love the sound of the C3.  Its got good bass, the mids are really nice, and the top end is good without being screechy or hissy.  The soundstage is fuller than my iPhone, not spread out more (triple fi's see to that) but it seems to have better placement of instruments and voices across the whole area. I think I would have been more blown away had I been running my iPhone with standard earbuds, as the triple fi's bring so much to the party.  But I've already heard stuff going on clearly that was, at best, felt or subliminally there before.  So, for me, it's money well spent. And it's so small.  I was really shocked at HOW small.  Well-built, solid, feels good to hold, but small.

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