College Football
Nov 26, 2007 at 4:44 PM Post #451 of 628
VT has two losses to BC and LSU.

It would be an interesting, tough debate to approach objectively. The playoff proponents would have a field day with it.

Fight Pitt Fight! Boomer Sooner!
Nov 26, 2007 at 4:46 PM Post #452 of 628
That's right. I forgot about VT's other loss.
Nov 26, 2007 at 9:24 PM Post #453 of 628
Well since apparently Brimstone Aggie is not aware that head-fi is back up, I'll inform everyone that your new Texas A&M coach is Mike Sherman - OC for the Houston Texans and former Green Bay Packers head coach, aTm line coach. It looks like this deal has been done for a while considering the speed of the announcement. Fran could of beat Texas by 50, and he'd still be gone.

In more coaching news, Georgia Tech fired Chan Gailey.

I wonder whats going on over in Michigan?
Nov 26, 2007 at 9:31 PM Post #454 of 628
Michigan is waiting for Les Miles. I don't believe what Miles says about not being a candidate there.
Nov 26, 2007 at 9:44 PM Post #455 of 628
I don't either. Here in Okie land, the Pokes still hold hard feelings toward the way Lester left. He declared loyalty to OkSU right before stepping on the plane for Baton Rouge. Granted, OkSU to LSU does not equal LSU > UM.

So Lab, care to tell me about a cool Northwestern tradition?
Nov 26, 2007 at 10:58 PM Post #456 of 628
Northwestern has one of the best fight songs there is. In the Big 10, I think only Michigan's is better. When things are going well, and the crowd is into it, it's very, very cool to hear it getting belted out.

Fun Northwestern fact #1: since Penn State joined the Big 10, they have won 2 conference Football championships. In that same time, Northwestern has won 3.

Fun Northwestern fact #2: 2 of the last 3 years Northwestern's QB (2 different ones) have led the Big 10 in passing, and the team has led the Big 10 in total offense.

Fun Northwestern fact #3: Since the college overtime system was put in place, NU has played in, and won, the most overtime games in Div. 1-A.
Nov 26, 2007 at 11:26 PM Post #457 of 628
Oh wow, so much football and so little time! Where to start... oh yeah, here's a blast from the past. In response to me talking up my Illini, we have this post:


Originally Posted by Jigglybootch /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I would hardly consider home games against Wisconsin and Illinois to be significant tests. Wisconsin was a lot better last year and Illinois is no threat (seriously, they lost to Iowa).

Illinois is no threat, huh. They held the ball for THE LAST SEVEN MINUTES of the game. Ohio State still has a shot at the title game, but they don't deserve to go (seriously, they lost to Illinois!). I don't mean to rub it in there but I have been waiting 3 weeks to post this!!

Ok, enough of that, let's move on to last Friday in College Station where A&M beat the hell outta t.u. 38-30. Fran turned the game over to the assistants and we see how much talent was there all along. Just think what we can do with a real coach!

Which brings me to the news of the day (as Virometal already pointed out). At first, I was lukewarm on Mike Sherman, but I am starting to get excited about it. He will know what to do with Javorskie Lane, that's for sure. He might be able to convince Bennett to stick around and play tight end in a pro-style offense for his senior year. And he can certainly tell recruits that he knows more about how to prepare them for the NFL than those other coaches that keep trying to encroach on our territory. (You know who you are.
) Ok, well maybe I am going a little overboard here... let's wait until February to grade that one. As I told my wife on Friday, I would be happy if her mother was the new coach as long as it was somebody besides that idiot in the gray sweater (our colors are MAROON & WHITE Fran, you moron).

I guess there was some other football this weekend.

There was that LSU game where Arkansas dragged out the Broyles playbook and ran the wishbone down their throat for 4-5 hours. That must have been fun... it was a little difficult to follow on a scoreboard while you are swaying back and forth sawing varsity's horns off *ahem*.

The Tennesee-Kentucky game was a lot of fun also. It must be tough to sit through the cold rain for 4 OT's and then go home a loser. UK has nothing to be down about though. Rich Brooks has turned that program around... another example of a pro coach who was successful in his return to college ball. And speaking of the SEC, how does 2-loss Georgia jump over 1-loss Kansas in the BCS? Don't say strength of schedule because the computer ranks Kansas ahead of Georgia!

Mizzou looks good... Chase Daniels would win the Heisman if our world did not include awesome talents like Tim Tebow and Darren McFadden. It is a darn shame that Mizzou has to beat Oklahoma to get to the title game while WVU gets Pitt and tOSU gets a bye. (Grow up and play a championship game Big 11... invite Notre Dame to join again, I bet they are listening now.) But Mizzou will avenge their only loss (sorry viro old buddy) on a neutral field and I really look forward to seeing two big-time offenses (Mizzou vs. WVU) collide in New Orleans.

War Bevo being led to slaughter... I am out!
Nov 27, 2007 at 1:16 AM Post #458 of 628
i got one request to the rose bowl people: Pick Georgia, not Illinois.
Nov 27, 2007 at 3:00 AM Post #459 of 628
Anyone see the VT/UVA game on Saturday? I was there, obviously, I'm in the band. It was phenomenal. Some of us were getting worried there for a bit but I knew we'd demolish them. Sure enough, the score at the end did not tell the tale, the scoreboard did - we DOUBLED their total yards. Great game. Nothing like putting those ******* UVA fans back in their place. Their fans really were complete jerks to us - very poor sportsmanship, and the whole mentality there is terrible: extremely stuck-up.

But anyway, we're going to Jacksonville! I can't wait. We leave at 9am on Friday via bus. Should be an awesome time and an awesome game, because I seriously doubt BC can win a second time. In my opinion, we won that first game against them. Two minutes of worst-case scenarios on our part doesn't make them a better team.

Orange Bowl, here we come!
Nov 27, 2007 at 4:12 AM Post #460 of 628
being stuck up is the best/only way to handle a bad football team... ask notre dame, vandy, and stanford.

(okay, i admit we did this before. when it was 35-0, Tennesee, the fans started chanting S.E.C! and the cal students responded with SAT!, but how else are we suppose to cope with the score?)
Nov 27, 2007 at 1:32 PM Post #461 of 628

Originally Posted by MD1032 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Anyone see the VT/UVA game on Saturday? I was there, obviously, I'm in the band.

I saw most of it, and it was indeed an interesting game. I didn't have a rooting interest, but now I have a reason to root for VT. Good luck on getting to that Orange Bowl game. I know you would be excited to march on the big stage and we'll be looking for you.

P.S. What instrument do you play?
Nov 27, 2007 at 3:04 PM Post #462 of 628

(Grow up and play a championship game Big 11... invite Notre Dame to join again, I bet they are listening now.)

I bet they aren't. I'm a died in the wool Big 10 guy, and I would be fine with having ND in the Big 10, even though I hate them, and it would mean another tough game for NU. But it would be great to have a B10 championship game at Soldier Field every year.

Not gonna happen, though. Notre Dame will never join the Big 10 in football unless the Big 10 relaxed its revenue-sharing rules for ND, which it won't do.
Nov 27, 2007 at 3:07 PM Post #463 of 628

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Fun Northwestern fact #3: Since the college overtime system was put in place, NU has played in, and won, the most overtime games in Div. 1-A.

That's interesting I'm going to deploy that one and #1 at the bar along with the Swedish meaning for Pitt.

Sounds like NW fans get to watch a-lot of exciting games.



Originally Posted by Orcin
But Mizzou will avenge their only loss (sorry viro old buddy) on a neutral field

Don'r be. I love it! It must be getting sweaty and cramped on the Mizzou bandwagon, and I spy some warped spokes.

What about poor old OU that has to play 'zou again after already beating them? That's right, OU's a "blueblood". No-one cares about them. Heck, there's even some classic revisionist history spoken at the moment. Apparently, OU was lucky to scrape out a win after hearing the tevee and radio last weekend. Apparently leading a game for a total of four minutes (both off OU fumbles), means you should of won. Apparently losing by ten points (counting a literally last second touchdown against prevent defense, it could of easily been 17), means the Tigers gave one away.

Now, our lovably large bandwagon Tigers are talkin' big game. They want piece of OU again. Well, strap on your hats boys, your going to get it. OU might of went to sleep against CU and lost Bradford at TT, but don't worry about San Antonio. They'll be comfortable there. That's what happens when a team plays in a game seven out of nine years.
Nov 27, 2007 at 3:49 PM Post #464 of 628

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not gonna happen, though. Notre Dame will never join the Big 10 in football unless the Big 10 relaxed its revenue-sharing rules for ND, which it won't do.

Nor should they. I'd give ND once chance and then I would start looking at teams that might want to switch conferences, such as Louisville and Cincy.


Originally Posted by virometal /img/forum/go_quote.gif
OU's a "blueblood". No-one cares about them.

I was surprised to see that OU is favored in the game... against the #1 team in the country? Sounds like there are plenty of people with money to bet still on the Sooner Schooner. (It's a very nice "bandwagon" you have there by the way.)

P.S. It's great to be back. I missed you guys.
Nov 27, 2007 at 4:38 PM Post #465 of 628

Buckeye Fan would appreciate a swift pumping of missouri. I have full faith in your team's ability with that nice warm-up win over ok st. Furthermore, Stoops is an Ohio boy. He wants Ohio State there over missouri for sure!

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