C'mon guys. The SE530 Appreciation Thread. Triple Fi owners welcome
Apr 19, 2008 at 7:50 PM Post #46 of 228

Originally Posted by JwY /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm liking mine more and more, especially the comfort with the black foam olives.

Agreed. I was pleased as punch to get those "black olives" with the upgraded E530s Shure just retirned to me. WOW! Even more comfortable than before. And I too can lay on my side at night and listen till I drop (or my battery runs out - which ever comes first).
Apr 19, 2008 at 7:56 PM Post #48 of 228
By the way, I use mine either straight out of my iPod (if I'm lazy) or I use a Headroom Total Bithead (good sound improvement) or a Headroom Mobile Amp/DAC (sound moves up a few degrees in overall quality). I've found the Shure E530/Headroom combos so good together that I haven't had the urge to try anything else - when something works this well I try not to screw it up.
Apr 20, 2008 at 3:39 AM Post #49 of 228

Originally Posted by JMCIII /img/forum/go_quote.gif
By the way, I use mine either straight out of my iPod (if I'm lazy) or I use a Headroom Total Bithead (good sound improvement) or a Headroom Mobile Amp/DAC (sound moves up a few degrees in overall quality). I've found the Shure E530/Headroom combos so good together that I haven't had the urge to try anything else - when something works this well I try not to screw it up.

At least you have an amp. I'm still looking for my first one.
Apr 20, 2008 at 11:21 AM Post #51 of 228

Originally Posted by wired00 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
absolutely, they're really comfy. Love the bass and if you Eq similar to the ipod/itunes "Electronic" setting they shine with all music. By using the electronic setting in iTunes you can see it eq's to increase low and high from 1k up. Just like this...


Edit: Forgot to mention DavidMahler's "Electronic" Eq thread


guys DavidMahlers EQ settings for the e500 are really special, if you are going to input them settings in rockbox then make sure you turn channel configuration to custom, thise way the stereo width takes effect and soundstage improves dramatically.

all sounds strange and confusing but those lucky enough to have a recent rockbox build for the ipod will benifit from an EQ ability they didnt think the ipod had
Apr 21, 2008 at 4:00 AM Post #52 of 228
the fan list is growing!!!
sad to say that i will not be pursuing my interests in making a mini3 or buying/making any amp whatsoever for right now.
"sorry about your wallet" is right......
Apr 21, 2008 at 6:26 AM Post #53 of 228
I approve of this thread. No doubt, Triple-Fi's have had a certain FOVM publicity here of recent. I absolutely love them but I am glad that you guys are loving your 530s also.

High-end IEMs rock! Waiting on those dang Westone 3s to complete the triumvirate.
Apr 21, 2008 at 7:07 AM Post #54 of 228
I just ordered my SE530s. I'm expecting a different and most likely better SQ then my UM1s.
I guess I'm tired of patiently waiting for the Westone 3.
I'm looking forward to the new sound.
Apr 21, 2008 at 9:14 AM Post #55 of 228
I would like to dedicate my 500th post to my E500PTH. They are by far the best IEM's I've had so far, even though I had to sell my Xin SM3 and buy an AE-2 to get the best out of them. ONly issue is that I'm now reripping my entire CD collection to ALAC because the difference with MP3 is too large!
Apr 21, 2008 at 2:59 PM Post #56 of 228

Originally Posted by sgprater /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How did you mod them?

I See that the link to my mod has already been posted. I'm pretty sure that the guy who did the mod is still doing them, along with his own custom IEMs now.
Apr 21, 2008 at 3:30 PM Post #57 of 228
I just thought I should post on this thread to show my support for SE530. Although they cannot compete with my big cans at home, on noisy buses and trains they are simply invaluable. I always pity the others who need to crank up their ipod earbuds to even hear their music over the roar of public transit.

I will definitely enjoy these until Westone 3 (i.e. for the next 3 years...).
Apr 21, 2008 at 6:37 PM Post #58 of 228

Originally Posted by JGP08 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just thought I should post on this thread to show my support for SE530. Although they cannot compete with my big cans at home, on noisy buses and trains they are simply invaluable. I always pity the others who need to crank up their ipod earbuds to even hear their music over the roar of public transit.

I will definitely enjoy these until Westone 3 (i.e. for the next 3 years...).

hype is amazing isnt it, in a way i want the westone 3 to be the best, end of story, but in another way, i would love to see them just fail and end this amazing hype, but thats westone, they dont produce rubbish.

its deffinately nice to see the e500 still holding thier own to the upcoming contenders tho its all been triple fi triple fi triple fi just lately. No offence to those, they are great but how can they be called ''better'', it just depends what music you play.
Apr 21, 2008 at 10:15 PM Post #59 of 228

Originally Posted by jinx20001 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
its deffinately nice to see the e500 still holding thier own to the upcoming contenders tho its all been triple fi triple fi triple fi just lately. No offence to those, they are great but how can they be called ''better'', it just depends what music you play.

x2. 'better' is purely subjective at the quality level of 530/TF10/ER4...all depends on what presentation you prefer; what your music of choice is and any comfort issues...Ety flanges drive me nuts for example, but I love the presentation...secondary I guess would be factors like warranty, build quality and so on but with these three companies' reps for customer service etc, it's a meaningless call...

(oh & I'm, cough, a Triple Fi guy)


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