C'mon guys. The SE530 Appreciation Thread. Triple Fi owners welcome
Apr 18, 2008 at 7:17 PM Post #17 of 228
I'm listening to my SE530's right now at work. They have much nicer bass than the q-JAYS that I got for my gf. I like the accuracy of the TF10P's, though. When I heard the wonderful sound from the 10's, I knew I had to go for the UE customs because the fit/comfort wasn't all that great for me. Now I'm having loads of fun trying to get the fit of my UE11's right. (It's turning out to be a royal pain, in fact.)

The SE530 is a really, really nice pair of IEMs, but when you hold it against the Triple.fi 10 Pros, I feel like I'm much closer to the music because of the clean high end and overall accurate presentation. If the midrange is recessed in the 10's, it doesn't bother me one bit. Anyway, they're sold, and until I get the UE11's back, it's just SE530/Edition 9 for me. Can't really complain . . .
Apr 18, 2008 at 7:23 PM Post #18 of 228
I'm coming up on a year now with the Shure E500s, after I finally got up the nerve to ditch my ER4S's. I vacillated for a bit between the TripleFis and the E500s, before taking the plunge with the Shures. No regrets at all.

But still some lingering curiosity. I've recently started considering picking up a secondhand pair of TripleFis, just to compare. I'd be interested to hear from others who have listened to both extensively; anyone care to briefly comment on their relative strengths and weaknesses? I like the bass response in the Shures, myself; the ER4Ss were painfully bright to my ears.
Apr 18, 2008 at 7:33 PM Post #21 of 228
i think in reality the triple fi are closer to the er4p sound sig than the shures. but like sgprater just pointed out, if your coming from the er4's to the shures the bass is a big wow where was that on the ety's or whoaa these are way too bassy.

the comparison of the shures and ue's is a fair one but in theory one is not better than the other just both suited to different music. both perform at the very top end if you put the right music through them.

sgprater, if you didnt like the ety's and prefer the shures then the triple fi 10 are heading back in the ety direction
Apr 18, 2008 at 7:36 PM Post #22 of 228

Originally Posted by qspeedss /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've been searching the forums for the past week now and all i've seen are huge long threads about praise to the UETP, Livewire, FreQs.

Its time for us SE530 owners to show up those other guys.

Personally, I read all the praise threads for the UE-TF before i bought my se530s. The se530's just appealed to me. It's fortes went hand in hand with my music taste. I dont regret getting these at all.

All the fuss about the shure warrenty.. I got mine at headroom for a mere $300. Comes with the 2 year warrenty. Perfect.

By the way, Any UE-TF owners are welcome to voice their objections. However, no straight up praise for your phones please.

Appreciate what? appreciate that you sent over $300 on them?
Apr 18, 2008 at 7:37 PM Post #23 of 228
one more thing to the OP, although EQ is usually a degradation in sound quality when applied,i urge you to tinker with any EQ you have available (provided it is a decent source), the shures have some real treasures hidden beneath being discovered by many people just messing with EQ
Apr 18, 2008 at 8:38 PM Post #24 of 228
I've had mine since Oct. '06 and still really love them. Had I not modded them, I probably would be tempted to upgrade to something like the UE11's.

But as it is, I'm completely satisfied with my Shure's, and often find myself reaching for them instead of my Denon D2000's. Not that they sound better than my Denon's, but they are way more comfy!
Apr 18, 2008 at 8:47 PM Post #25 of 228
I own a pair for little over a year. I thought they were great until I got a Tomahawk and now it simply brings another dimension into the music and amazingly, its soundstage is "almost" as good as full size cans. If you own a pair, you should get a Tomahawk.
Apr 18, 2008 at 9:05 PM Post #26 of 228

Originally Posted by rlanger /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not that they sound better than my Denon's, but they are way more comfy!

That's one of my biggesst compliments of the E530s, their comfort factor. Toss in the excellent sound and I LUV mine!!!
Apr 18, 2008 at 9:12 PM Post #27 of 228

Originally Posted by jinx20001 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
one more thing to the OP, although EQ is usually a degradation in sound quality when applied,i urge you to tinker with any EQ you have available (provided it is a decent source), the shures have some real treasures hidden beneath being discovered by many people just messing with EQ

do you think it would be fair to say the se530s are at one end, the etys at the other and the ue tf in between?

even with the tf10 i use treble boost if any, i think i just really like that sharp sound, perhaps i should try the etys
Apr 18, 2008 at 9:33 PM Post #28 of 228

Originally Posted by Al4x /img/forum/go_quote.gif
do you think it would be fair to say the se530s are at one end, the etys at the other and the ue tf in between?

even with the tf10 i use treble boost if any, i think i just really like that sharp sound, perhaps i should try the etys

Yes, it sounds like you might really like them. I used Etys for three years (first the ER6, then the ER4S), and although the brightness was hard to take, the clarity and detail was amazing. If I could get that in something like the Shure, without the piercing highs... Finally, though, I climbed off the Ety bandwagon because I found myself avoiding listening to music when they were around. They were just too darn uncomfortable, both physically and sonically. Getting the Shures was like going from a titanium folding chair to soft, overstuffed couch.


Originally Posted by Downer
I own a pair for little over a year. I thought they were great until I got a Tomahawk and now it simply brings another dimension into the music and amazingly, its soundstage is "almost" as good as full size cans. If you own a pair, you should get a Tomahawk.

I bought the Hornet at the same time I bought the E500s, after reading good things about the Hornet, and reading that Ray Samuels designed the Hornet with the Shures in mind. The synergy is wonderful, best I've heard in a mobile combo.
Apr 18, 2008 at 9:34 PM Post #29 of 228

Originally Posted by rlanger /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've had mine since Oct. '06 and still really love them. Had I not modded them, I probably would be tempted to upgrade to something like the UE11's.

How did you mod them?
Apr 18, 2008 at 9:39 PM Post #30 of 228
Appreciate the sound quality of the shures. Personally, I think of my shures almost as a baby. They try their hardest to give me pure satisfaction, and I take care of them. Sorry guys but im pretty sure the first 2 weeks with these cans are gonna be like this. Ive had these for a week so.. 1 more week to go.

I kinda want to expand this thread into something bigger including amps and sources if anyone is interested. I know there are threads out there for just that but if this thread included more information on the complete se530 setup, I think it could help those who are thinking of buying them out more.

Plus, im looking for amp.
im probably gonna ask this in the amp section, but anyone with a pico or tomahawk or a predetor give me your advice on the bang for the buck of each one? For some reason, i have the feeling that the pico is kind of marked up price wise.

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