C'mon guys. The SE530 Appreciation Thread. Triple Fi owners welcome
Sep 4, 2011 at 11:54 PM Post #226 of 228

hmm... I have the opportunity to buy brand new SE530 for 142 euro ($279)... Is it worth it?

At that price yes. Will you have warranty support though? Maybe look into square trade to cover yourself depending on that situation. You wouldn't want to have no warranty option on an IEM that tends to break a lot due to fraying wire.
Sep 5, 2011 at 10:26 AM Post #227 of 228
Yes, it's NOS from the shure dealer in my country.
Is the wire so bad? I don't know if the manufacturer cover this problem with the warranty... And if yes, what does they do? Replace wire or the whole IEMs?
Sep 5, 2011 at 7:19 PM Post #228 of 228

Yes, it's NOS from the shure dealer in my country.
Is the wire so bad? I don't know if the manufacturer cover this problem with the warranty... And if yes, what does they do? Replace wire or the whole IEMs?

If its the Shure SE530 and you have an issue within the warranty period (I'm sure this is 2 years) they would most likely replace you pair with the new SE535 thus resolving your issue with the cable issue (as those cables are detachable). That is what I've heard from other SE530 owners who have had to use warranty support. To my knowledge Shure no longer makes the SE530. Good luck.

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