CLOSED THREAD -- Orange County, CA Head-Fi Meet Up - November 21, 2009

Nov 20, 2009 at 6:40 PM Post #106 of 136
Man, I am seriously thinking about going but I don't have an amplifier to take with me. I have the Stax Sigma Pros and an SRD7Mk2, A Macbook with lots of classical music, A Compass or a Behringer 2496, and the Beyerdynamics DT880 Pro; just lo to mid-fi, but I would need somebody's amplifier to connect my SRD7Mk2 to use the Sigma Pros. If anybody lets me use their amplifier I am seriously thinking on going. Let me know if that is the case.
I am in the process of getting me an eXstata, and will be getting the O2's but don't have them yet.
Nov 20, 2009 at 9:21 PM Post #110 of 136

Originally Posted by shaizada /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I might be able to make it if I make it through the wife factor.

IF I come, will bring:

VPI TNT-V "Hot Rod" (JMW 12.5 arm), Clearaudio Accurate Cartridge, VPI SDS
Einstein "Turntables Choice" Phono Stage
Harmonix Golden Performance Cables, Furutech Audio Reference III Cables

Ray Samuels B52 Headphone/Preamp
Balanced HD 650 w/ Stefan Arts Equinox cable, Balanced HD600 with Apuresound V2

Exactpower EP15a / SP15a Conditioners.

Some LPs.

OK...seems like I'm ok for going to the meet
Ok so here is my dilemma, do I bring the digital rig or go full out and bring the analog rig?

I'm leaning towards getting the vinyl rig, but can't set it up on a flimsy table. If I can be GUARANTEED the use of one of the wooden tables, I'll bring the VPI TNT-V. I will probably need to stay around my rig most of the time as just the turntable, cartridge and phono stage retail around $20k totalled. Hate for something to go wrong even by accident.

I'll need just one power outlet. I figure I'll use my own outlets/conditioners for the rig.

EDIT: I just wanted to mention that I am fine either way...if a wooden table can't be secured for the rig, I'll just drop in to meet everyone without bringing the equipment, maybe just a RSA Shadow, IPOD, ALO Line Out Dock rig and UE-11s. Also, I think it would be best the tables etc. can be just distributed out before hand with namecards etc. so there are no issues during the day of.
Nov 21, 2009 at 1:54 AM Post #115 of 136
1) IPodPJ (Phil)
2) shaizada (Gaurav) Need large wooden table (VPI TNT is quite a substantial sized table)
3) Deadneddz & N3rdling
Nov 21, 2009 at 2:08 AM Post #116 of 136
This will be my last message as I am off to see chick flick with my girls (Vampire flick - New Moon?)

I think we will be OK with wood tables. There are those two big ones in the main room and two more in the Board Room that we can move to the great room. Seems like a few of you really need these (esp turnables, PJ, and Stax person) and I think it will work out.

But can I just deputize someone (PJ?) to agree to be there 30 minutes early and decide who gets what? I have been happy to rent space, etc, but don't want to have someone get there with $20k of turntable stuff and not have a reasonable space to set it up. Take pity on me, it is my first meet and somehow I am playing role of host!

PJ or whomever agrees to be the wood table deputy - I promise I will be there no later than 9:30am, and available to help move tables around, etc.

Also, I can provide more ideas for dinner afterward, but not sure I will be personally joining you (depending on family stuff).

Leonard Leichnitz
Nov 21, 2009 at 2:15 AM Post #117 of 136
Have fun at the movies. My wife has pretty much ordered me to rent Twilight (the first part) on Blu Ray tonight before she gets home so she can catch up. Then we do New Moon tomorrow at the theaters after the meet.

Trust me when I say it was a chore getting her to say yes for the meet.

Anyhow, I need to know if I can be GUARANTEED the large wooden table otherwise it's just too much work if I start getting things ready for the meet and not be able to setup. At the same time, if it's not possible, then I'm just as happy leaving the equipment where it is...

Hey I'm easy...just need to know where we stand with resources.

PS:- Today I just got my Nirvana Nevermind ORG pressing, Nirvana Bleach 20th anniversary Sub Pop pressing, Nirvana Unplugged in NY ORG pressing, Beck - Sea Change MFSL vinyl that I was also planning to bring along. The sound quality on these have been OUT OF THIS FRIKKIN WORLD. I'm in awe listening to the speaker rig as I type this. Just unbelievable. I thought the Beck Sea Change SACD was good....not anymore!
Nov 21, 2009 at 2:22 AM Post #119 of 136
looks like it should be a nice meet. enjoy.

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