Closed basshead headphone suggestions? <$1000
Oct 8, 2021 at 4:03 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 153


100+ Head-Fier
Apr 15, 2013
Hi guys. I am looking to replace my Ultrasone Pro 900 which have served me well, but now does not impress me the same way they used to. I have a Leckerton Audio UHA6S.MKII to go with it.

Max $1000, but a great deal is a great deal and I don't wanna spend 4x the money on a small difference.

Clarity in the highs and mids is super important to me as is detail, dynamics.. the punchy, thumby, wonky bass that comes with dnb.

I'm quite sure it should be closed headphones because of electronics noise and fans in the background often from PCs.

I'm ordering from EU so I can't get overseas (American) stuff.. I prefer not to due to high $25 customs fee + tariffs. I paid quite a premium for my amp because of that.

Anything that can be ordered from or danish websites or the like is also ok! Right now they are short on closed headphones tho, I did consider the Quad ERA-1 but I believe the openness is not for me.
Oct 8, 2021 at 4:47 AM Post #2 of 153
Fellow Dane here:)
Bass forward closedback eh? I think you should look into Denon. Either a D5200 or a D7200 sound like they’ll be right up your alley.
If you want to save close to a 1000kr on either Denon headphone, then I strongly recommend you buy off of Wifimedia.
Held og lykke👍
Oct 8, 2021 at 5:58 AM Post #3 of 153
Fellow Dane here:)
Cheers man! Nice nickname 😂

Either a D5200 or a D7200 sound like they’ll be right up your alley.
Sounds like a trip to the audio store hifiklubben :) Are you working in audio?

If you want to save close to a 1000kr on either Denon headphone, then I strongly recommend you buy off of Wifimedia.
Held og lykke👍
Thanks a lot for that suggestion! Bookmarked straight away. Awesome selection.

You shouldn't by any chance have experience with the Audeze LCD-2 closed? Worth the hype?
Oct 8, 2021 at 7:03 AM Post #4 of 153
No I don’t work in audio but have a few friends that do. Luckily they’ve helped along the way in this hobby so as I could get a better insight in what matters and what does not:)

I’ve tried the new LCD-2 closedback a couple of times and I really dig the tuning…but man is it ever heavy and uncomfortable to wear. I am not really a fan of closedback planars either. Love them in an open design…but when you close them off they end up sounding soft imho.
My prefered closedback currently is the K371. I’ve a/b’ed it with a number of other closed headphones, many way pricier (Elegia, Celestee, Aeon C, Z1R, D7200 as well as a few others I forget this minute), but ended up on the little cheapskate AKG because it gets the midrange right.
Ohh before I forget…another really great closedback with a good kick to the lows is the Shure SRH1540.
Oct 8, 2021 at 9:18 AM Post #5 of 153
My prefered closedback currently is the K371. I’ve a/b’ed it with a number of other closed headphones, many way pricier (Elegia, Celestee, Aeon C, Z1R, D7200 as well as a few others I forget this minute), but ended up on the little cheapskate AKG because it gets the midrange right.
What kind of music do you listen to?

Ohh before I forget…another really great closedback with a good kick to the lows is the Shure SRH1540.
I actually had my eyes on that one as soon as I saw the catalog.. I have a faint memory of someone recommending them.

You don't consider the Denon D7000 (7200) voiced and unnatural or too opinionated? That seems to be a common complaint with them, even then.. My Ultrasone Pro 900 really made a lot of happy faces in the past, DJ's that had way worse headphones got a huge smile from the kind of V-shape they sport - it brings something out in the bass. Thats why I can't wait to test out the Denon D7000 (7200) you recommended.. You seem to understand. 😁

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Oct 8, 2021 at 10:00 AM Post #6 of 153
I listen to just about every type of music out there: rock, prog rock, pop, dream pop, blues, funk, electronic (old and new), hip hop, folk, jazz and the works.
The D7000 is discontued but you’re right in that it as well as the new kid on the block, D7200, both sound very unique. The D5200 though is the one that sounds closest to neutral. I just have a thing for the rather warm and inviting presentation of the D7200.
Anyhoo I figured you were after something with a bit of bass slam going by your affinity for Ultrasone:)
If you are looking for something that both sounds realistic in the mids as well as having good slam in the bass department…well I would strongly recommend the K371👍
Oct 8, 2021 at 11:02 AM Post #7 of 153
I had Ultrasone Pro 900's a number of years ago, I still remember it fondly. The truth is, you might struggle to find another headphone that is so well suited to electronic music in particular. The attack/speed/decay and transient performance of the Pro 900's bass, it's energy, is quite something. The Ultrasone Edition M doesn't even have the level of performance in the bass, that the Pro 900 does, despite being advertised as a "high end" model and allot more expensive.

My recommendation to you if you're looking for a headphone with a similar sort of sound for genre's such as DnB/Dubstep or similar, a headphone with a similar bass response and similar mid-centric sound signature, but that has less energy and speed, allot more clarity in the high frequencies (doesn't have the metallic "tzz" sound in the high frequencies that the Pro 900's are known for, sometimes) and smooth warm mid's would be the B&W P9 Signature. But you'll definitely struggle to find a headphone that has a sound signature quite like the Pro 900. it is very unique indeed.
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Oct 9, 2021 at 9:15 AM Post #11 of 153
From my experience, Denons are best for bass when we're talking closed back.
Can you elaborate? Have you tried the Cascades? I looked in the comments of Z-Reviews and everyone was saying BASScades and more comments like that. this guy compared them to his high-end Focal and still found these very fun. I'm not totally settled on these yet, I will goto store to try out D7200 and compare to my Ultrasone Pro 900 before I make a decision.
Oct 9, 2021 at 12:17 PM Post #13 of 153
I can't seem to find any danish, european, german stores that carry Fostex, but if anyone knows I'd be grateful to save that link :beerchug:
I found but they don't seem to have TH-X00 nor TH-600

I'd be interested in how the Denon D7200 and Fostex TH-00X compare to each other.

I bet no V-shaped headphones EQ that well, my Ultrasone Pro 900 I found a few autoeq presets and they all cut a bit of preamp and while they make the sound more neutral you still loose a lot imho and it brings out the flaws in mid and high and have to be adjusted to preference.
Oct 9, 2021 at 4:02 PM Post #14 of 153
So I'm also much of a basshead. I listen to a lot of electronic / dubstep and the like with good amounts of Subbass.

The only Hifi headphones that i own is the HiFiman Sundara which is not really much of a basscan, so i had to find a complentary one.
When i went to the local hifi-store i tested their cheapest bassy closed-back models which were the Meze Neo / Classic and the Denon 5200 / 7200.
While i was not at all pleased with the Meze's (bass felt really overemphasized in the mid/upper bass region) the more i was delighted by the Denons, especially the 7200.
I found myself sitting in the store for about an hour with that thing on :D It also seemed to handle Bassshelf elevation very well.
Sadly though it did not appear to be in my pricerange. But i will pretty sure come back to one of those models. One negative thing for me was the headband which was a bit hard (the seller told me its made of memory foam and will adjust with time - but of course he was a seller..). I still would have picked that one if it was cheaper..
Now i ended up with the (already mentioned) AKG K371 which is really fine and works for other genres aswell. Also the AKG K245 crossed my ways with which im also very satisfied (but thats an open-back).

Have a bassy weekend,

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