Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆
Jul 31, 2021 at 6:23 PM Post #41,686 of 42,836
It seems to me that my Mojo stays cooler to touch if I play higher bitrate material!
Two hours of 24/192 playback and it is barely warm to touch.
Has anybody noticed such a behavior ?
Jul 31, 2021 at 8:01 PM Post #41,687 of 42,836
Not the HD 599s !
Shouty, painful hard sound.
I see HD600 described as neutral, so you may experience the same thing as with 599.

HD650, that is what you may like. No treble peaks, mid tones are forward, but these are the 1-2khz ones and not the 2-3khz. So for sure not unpleasant even with high volumes.

The HD800 serie seems too with a lot of treble.

There is a newer model, HD660s. This no idea but meybe not worth the 100-150+ over the HD650. Says improves the 600 serie, which i think means there's going to be HD650 with added treble. Is there someone here tried 660s ?

What i would recommend you though, AKG 712Pro. I see new in Thomann for 188 pounds. That is going to be 1/3 less than these Sennheisers and it is smashingly good. Is open back one as well.

But 650 is going to be for sure the more relaxed and the one less treble. It may give you orientation when reading opinions. You would want something that sounds like HD650, not like HD600. These are legendary headphones.

The AKG 712pro i wrote above is worth it 100% for what it is.

Actually you could test with USB Audio Player Pro addon Morphit. There are a lot of headphones you can simulate. That is not going to present you how the real headphone sounds, but it is lets say 70% accurate, you will get idea. Since 2.16 version Neutron has this new function in it for equalising headphones(you select model and it equalize them so that they have flat and neutral response). You may check in it too, it does different thing than the Morphit in UAPP, but some say can be made to work like Morphit in Uapp to simulate different headphones. I have not figured how to do it exactly however. You need to have graph response from one headphone and the other you want to simulate and then set the EQ so. There are not many good graphs out there, only for very widely used headphones, which the HD600 series is. So could be found and you do not need the Morphit, but is more convenient with it.

It seems to me that my Mojo stays cooler to touch if I play higher bitrate material!
Two hours of 24/192 playback and it is barely warm to touch.
Has anybody noticed such a behavior ?
Sample rate is what affect it i think. I do get less battery life when playing bit-perfect 44.1-48khz files vs more (don't know about the heat, but with less battery life it heats more, as everything working with electricity heats up). That is meybe 20min less playtime overall throughout the 7-8h of battery life. I get 1h26m vs 1h21-22min with 44.1khz from fully charged to until it goes green battery indicator. Upsampled music, blue battery inducator holds 1h26min, and bit-perfect is less with 5-6min. It will lose some on the next stages battery indicator as well and when you sum it, it is somewhere there, 15-20min less playtime with 44.1 and 48khz files.

Meybe does not affect it at all when battery is completely new, or the differences are super small like +-5 to 10min throughout 8h30min. While coaxial vs Usb will give full 1h more for example.

Or i could be imagining things. Nah, there is difference but very small one and becomes more noticable as the battery age. So i see things.
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Aug 1, 2021 at 1:51 AM Post #41,688 of 42,836
It seems to me that my Mojo stays cooler to touch if I play higher bitrate material!
Two hours of 24/192 playback and it is barely warm to touch.
Has anybody noticed such a behavior ?
You might be right that.....where is the spoiler....

Upsampling to DSD 128 i get same battery life as say upsampling PCM 384khz (and Mr. Watts said Mojo plays DSD as it converts it to PCM internally, so is it not suppose to use more battery ?, not a lot but just like again 3-5 min less battery life per hour. There is difference in sound, a little one but there is, battery life same though).

Because of these observations (that it does not use more battery when you play DSD vs PCM upsampling) you are right for that may depends on the bit rate, not only on the sample rate (upsamples does not add information, so whether upsample to DSD or higher sample rates PCM, it is the same load on Mojo). My files are WMA (i know not widely used) 440kbps which is to me same as lossless formats in quality (so shows on spectrogram as well), but it is still a lossy format. Also have some AAC like the Apple Itunes format.

Meybe playing lossless format wav. flac. ape. wavpack, it will then have more information in the signal and may use more battery for Mojo to process it ? Regardless of you upsample or not.

And this will be noticable only with the players that have custom written driver for communicating with the DAC, Neutron, Onkyo, UAPP. As they will send the more onformation that is in the lossless file. While standart players will play through Android and always 16bit 48khz on the DAC.

Interesting to test this, does it use more battery playing lossless files containing more information. I still think it depends on the sample rate (Mojo upsamples more when lower sample rate files are played and less when higher sample rate is played, hence you feel less heat, that is what i think), but i guess it might be combination of the two, so sample rate and bitrate. Mojo loses some charge when left unused, these small differences will be best noticable when you charge it to full and then very shortly after begin the test. Because if you think about it, if you leave it only 1 day and it will lose the same charge as this very little difference that might be there playing different sample and bitrates. I use the first battery indicator, the blue one for measuring point. When it goes green i check the time.

But overall these are very minor differences and i think on new battery you will not notice at all. Will have to charge it to full, connect it and start using it until it stops and not leaving it unused even for 1 or 2 days as it will lose amount of charge just by sitting.

I guess the guys are tired of such writings, so i try to put this in spoiler (i apologize in advance in somebody is angry already).
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Aug 1, 2021 at 8:36 AM Post #41,689 of 42,836
You might be right that.....where is the spoiler....

I like the SPOILER button, neat!
So in a nutshell, the argument is:
1- Yes Mojo does stay cooler, use less juice decoding higher sample rates.
2- This is because it takes more effort to upscale 44.1kHz compared to (say) 705.6kHz.
If I got that right, then it makes sense.
One of these days I should rig up a test system to confirm that power usage varies according to different sample rates.
Aug 1, 2021 at 8:51 AM Post #41,690 of 42,836
I see HD600 described as neutral, so you may experience the same thing as with 599.

HD650, that is what you may like. No treble peaks, mid tones are forward, but these are the 1-2khz ones and not the 2-3khz. So for sure not unpleasant even with high volumes.

The HD800 serie seems too with a lot of treble.

There is a newer model, HD660s. This no idea but meybe not worth the 100-150+ over the HD650. Says improves the 600 serie, which i think means there's going to be HD650 with added treble. Is there someone here tried 660s ?

What i would recommend you though, AKG 712Pro. I see new in Thomann for 188 pounds. That is going to be 1/3 less than these Sennheisers and it is smashingly good. Is open back one as well.

But 650 is going to be for sure the more relaxed and the one less treble. It may give you orientation when reading opinions. You would want something that sounds like HD650, not like HD600. These are legendary headphones.

The AKG 712pro i wrote above is worth it 100% for what it is.

Actually you could test with USB Audio Player Pro addon Morphit. There are a lot of headphones you can simulate. That is not going to present you how the real headphone sounds, but it is lets say 70% accurate, you will get idea. Since 2.16 version Neutron has this new function in it for equalising headphones(you select model and it equalize them so that they have flat and neutral response). You may check in it too, it does different thing than the Morphit in UAPP, but some say can be made to work like Morphit in Uapp to simulate different headphones. I have not figured how to do it exactly however. You need to have graph response from one headphone and the other you want to simulate and then set the EQ so. There are not many good graphs out there, only for very widely used headphones, which the HD600 series is. So could be found and you do not need the Morphit, but is more convenient with it.

Sample rate is what affect it i think. I do get less battery life when playing bit-perfect 44.1-48khz files vs more (don't know about the heat, but with less battery life it heats more, as everything working with electricity heats up). That is meybe 20min less playtime overall throughout the 7-8h of battery life. I get 1h26m vs 1h21-22min with 44.1khz from fully charged to until it goes green battery indicator. Upsampled music, blue battery inducator holds 1h26min, and bit-perfect is less with 5-6min. It will lose some on the next stages battery indicator as well and when you sum it, it is somewhere there, 15-20min less playtime with 44.1 and 48khz files.

Meybe does not affect it at all when battery is completely new, or the differences are super small like +-5 to 10min throughout 8h30min. While coaxial vs Usb will give full 1h more for example.

Or i could be imagining things. Nah, there is difference but very small one and becomes more noticable as the battery age. So i see things.
Thanx for your response.
I suppose I wait for upcoming CanJam to try some headphones out, to see what is what.
I don't know much about UAPP, as I couldn't find a trial version - and I don't like the idea that I have to buy it first just to try it out, as cheap is it maybe.
As for Neutron, it is my choice of player for years. The recent update and headphone correction database, I found it as just a gimmick!
It has a large database of equalizer correction presets, apparantly based on Crinacle curves.
For me it didn't work, HOWEVER! - there is a facility to edit or create your own, which is great - I did that and it works for me.
Regarding the HD6xx headphones, it is claimed that 660X is a turbo charged 650 - in which it is fine tuned better, and it has a better driver with wider response and lower distortion.
As flawed as Sennheiser iem models IE800 and IE 400 pro are (the ones I have heard), there is no deying that they have very special drivers!
The bass quality and quantity from either is phenomenal. General resolution of their sound is very high too, but the tuning sucks big time!
Both have V shaped frequency response (or mid range suckout) - so to get them sounding right, I had to resort to physical modification and digital equalization, but they respond well to them.
Until I can actually hear my next headphone before hand, I am not going to buy anything again.
Here we go CanJam.
Aug 1, 2021 at 9:56 AM Post #41,691 of 42,836
1- Yes Mojo does stay cooler, use less juice decoding higher sample rates.
2- This is because it takes more effort to upscale 44.1kHz compared to (say) 705.6kHz.
If I got that right, then it makes sense.
Yes, i think so as well.

Which is completely fine if you think about it. The files that you will play 192khz and more are going to be probably in lossless format as there are not a lot lossy format with support for frequencies above 96khz (AAC is max 96khz and WMA as well). I know that OGG has 192khz and WavPack Hybrid (which is wavpack but lossy and as far as i know not supported on any dedicated DAP, you need Android DAP and something like Neutron to play this). And overall there is not much sense to use lossy formats for 192+khz files. Most people use bit-perfect with Mojo and so you will most of the time play 44.1khz files which is where the algorithm used by Mr. Watts will be best utilized.

I suppose I wait for upcoming CanJam to try some headphones out, to see what is what.
Yes, live try is best. But if you find them somewhere, AKG K712Pro is good. Very detailed sound, good bass, good response for EQ, replacable pads and cable, mids are good. 'Airy' and high resolution sound by default.

Power hungry is minus, it behaves like 400+ohms headphone. Low sensitivity. But works great with Mojo on 100%.


I don't know much about UAPP, as I couldn't find a trial version - and I don't like the idea that I have to buy it first just to try it out, as cheap is it maybe.
I think Neutron is better, i have UAPP from old times, meybe 6 years and Neutron as well. UAPP is for the streaming services and many people use it. Great player, but for local files nothing is better than Neutron. Thumbs up for these developers of course that have the knowledge and dedication for writing these custom drivers for these players. And supporting them for so many devices.

I like the SPOILER button, neat!
How is the power consumption with using higher volumes with Mojo ?

I use it usually with green colour volume level, and with the line out one for other amps. I do not notice difference at all in battery life. Green is already high volume level looking at this topic here in the site but what interested in what the others experienced.
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Aug 1, 2021 at 10:44 AM Post #41,692 of 42,836
Thanx for your response.
I suppose I wait for upcoming CanJam to try some headphones out, to see what is what.
I don't know much about UAPP, as I couldn't find a trial version - and I don't like the idea that I have to buy it first just to try it out, as cheap is it maybe.
As for Neutron, it is my choice of player for years. The recent update and headphone correction database, I found it as just
As flawed as Sennheiser iem models IE800 and IE 400 pro are (the ones I have heard), there is no deying that they have very special drivers!
The bass quality and quantity from either is phenomenal. General resolution of their sound is very high too, but the tuning sucks big time!
Both have V shaped frequency response (or mid range suckout) - so to get them sounding right, I had to resort to physical modification and digital equalization, but they respond well to them.
Until I can actually hear my next headphone before hand, I am not going to buy anything again.
Here we go CanJam.
I have the 800 and 800S. The latter is better, but both sound great as far as IEMs go. The 600 is my favorite headphone so I would not tolerate an IEM that gets the midrange wrong. Is it possible that you did not hear a genuine 800? I heard there are a lot of fakes, so I made sure to buy mine from Sennheiser. Could also be the tips you used...
Aug 1, 2021 at 11:02 AM Post #41,693 of 42,836
Thanx for your response.
I suppose I wait for upcoming CanJam to try some headphones out, to see what is what.
I don't know much about UAPP, as I couldn't find a trial version - and I don't like the idea that I have to buy it first just to try it out, as cheap is it maybe.
As for Neutron, it is my choice of player for years. The recent update and headphone correction database, I found it as just a gimmick!
It has a large database of equalizer correction presets, apparantly based on Crinacle curves.
For me it didn't work, HOWEVER! - there is a facility to edit or create your own, which is great - I did that and it works for me.
Regarding the HD6xx headphones, it is claimed that 660X is a turbo charged 650 - in which it is fine tuned better, and it has a better driver with wider response and lower distortion.
As flawed as Sennheiser iem models IE800 and IE 400 pro are (the ones I have heard), there is no deying that they have very special drivers!
The bass quality and quantity from either is phenomenal. General resolution of their sound is very high too, but the tuning sucks big time!
Both have V shaped frequency response (or mid range suckout) - so to get them sounding right, I had to resort to physical modification and digital equalization, but they respond well to them.
Until I can actually hear my next headphone before hand, I am not going to buy anything again.
Here we go CanJam.
Have you heard the IE 500 Pro?
Aug 1, 2021 at 11:11 AM Post #41,694 of 42,836
I have the 800 and 800S. The latter is better, but both sound great as far as IEMs go. The 600 is my favorite headphone so I would not tolerate an IEM that gets the midrange wrong. Is it possible that you did not hear a genuine 800? I heard there are a lot of fakes, so I made sure to buy mine from Sennheiser. Could also be the tips you used...
I am pretty sure my IE 800 was genuine, if it wasn't , it was one hell of a fake!
sound was totally undistorted , clean and had very wide frequency response, from sub bass to high treble.
it was just that there was so much bass and so much high treble.
I sold it on with heavy heart.
Factory standard IE 400 Pro is very similar.
Aug 1, 2021 at 11:39 AM Post #41,696 of 42,836
Had a chance to listen to HD600 & HD650, liked the 650 more (Sundara is more to my preference at that price range though, especially when Amped well). Have not heard the 660s, or to the HD600 & HD650 with Tubes though. I've also purchased a used IE 80s & listened to IE 300, both were V Shaped and had good Bass, highs and overall tonality was not for me though.

I'm curious if someone here has tried to use a Topping BC3 (Optical Input) with the Mojo. I've ordered one to make my Mojo & iDSD Signature more conveniant to use portably. Just worried about the range. I sold my xDuoo 05BL Pro cause of the constant disconnects and poor range.
Aug 2, 2021 at 2:34 AM Post #41,697 of 42,836
I wonder if there is an alternative source (UK) for a replacement battery for the mojo as the audiosanctury cost is nearly £100 for a chord battery which has to be sent to them for fitting although i could do so myslef as i have played with removing the battery and using usb power but like the portability so put the battery back.
Aug 2, 2021 at 2:53 AM Post #41,698 of 42,836
I wonder if there is an alternative source (UK) for a replacement battery for the mojo as the audiosanctury cost is nearly £100 for a chord battery which has to be sent to them for fitting although i could do so myslef as i have played with removing the battery and using usb power but like the portability so put the battery back.

Regards battery I will go down the route via Ali express and replace it myself, did the same thing for Oppo Ha2-Se and had no issues afterwards. Ali express cheap way to get things done
Aug 2, 2021 at 3:53 AM Post #41,699 of 42,836
I wonder if there is an alternative source (UK) for a replacement battery for the mojo as the audiosanctury cost is nearly £100 for a chord battery which has to be sent to them for fitting although i could do so myslef as i have played with removing the battery and using usb power but like the portability so put the battery back.
You can use an external battery pack connected via USB, if it's not too inconvenient portability-wise.
Battery packs come in various shapes & sizes and have the advantage of not overheating by virtue of being outside the unit.
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Aug 2, 2021 at 4:34 AM Post #41,700 of 42,836
I wonder if there is an alternative source (UK) for a replacement battery for the mojo as the audiosanctury cost is nearly £100 for a chord battery which has to be sent to them for fitting although i could do so myslef as i have played with removing the battery and using usb power but like the portability so put the battery back.
Have you contacted Chord themselves?
BTW , there are no true replacement batteries on Aliexpress . they are all cheaper batteries that are not really suitable . believe me I have checked.

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