Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆
May 14, 2018 at 12:00 PM Post #36,481 of 42,836
I think I understand now.
When I turn on line level mode (pressing power button + 2 volume buttons at the same time), after turning it on, I click 4 times the minus volume so that the output level goes to 1,9V, to match my amplifier.
The mojo is remembering this settings, right?


When I had active speakers (the Q Acoustics BT3), they have 2V line level in. I did as you said right. Four clicks down to 1.9V. That way the Mojo remembered every time to come on at 1.9V.

If I plugged my headphones in, I'd lower the volume. The Mojo would remember that lower volume next time.

Going back to using BT3, I'd initiate line level and then four clicks down.

When I got a Rega Brio amplifier, it has line level in up to 10V. I'd initiate line level, then click only once down, (or up if I wanted). Then the Mojo would remember that setting.
May 14, 2018 at 12:29 PM Post #36,482 of 42,836
"Better" sound is a very subjective thing, and I am having difficulties imaginig what open, full and luminous sounds like.
The most obvious good sound characteristic of the Mojo for me is how it keeps complex music sharply focused. Like some powerful classic music with a big orchestra, where Mojo keeps each the individual elements clearly in focus both in terms of sound as well as soundstage.
The other characteristics are harder to describe and maybe also harder to appreciate. Mojo sounds very natural to me. Piano key strokes sound right, guitar, strings, trumpets, voices, just sound natural.
Not necessarily spectacular at first listen, but spectacularly clear and natural when listening for a longer period of time.

It takes time to get used to a specific signature.
Good source material and good headphones help a lot to hear it.
Keep trying a bit more, and if you still prefer the Macbook you have just saved yourself 500 bucks :)

For me, even the FIIO Q1 MKII sounded better than the Macbook pro 15" output, but that was a 2014 model...

I'm not looking for something spectacular at first listen (even if almost every specialized magazine went mad about it saying that it's night and day, whaou effect, and blablabla...). Like every one here, you know that we all use subjective words when we talk about sound, even you when you say that the Mojo sounds natural.. and I think that the words I used in my description are not so difficult to imagine, even professionals use these...

What is a natural sound if the soundstage is small (even if the Poly open up a little bit when played through SD card)? I often feel a breath of air each time I listen straight on my macbook, everything suddenly open and sounds more relax and natural. I think that I spent enough time with the Mojo and Poly in many different configurations to tell my feeling and I feel free to say that at the 1200€ price tag for the Mojo and Poly you are waiting for something a little bit more obvious than the sounding of your computer with a slightly tighter, precise rhythms and separated elements (even if the 2016 macbook Touch Bar do it well too). I must precise that I've compared quite a lot of times, and not only for a few seconds, with some high quality FLAC and with Beyer T5P ver.2, Audeze Sine and Senheiser HD-25 II. headphones. I'm not even mentioning the terrible time you have to spend to configure the device, nor the battery that doesn't last "about 10 hours" (even with 320 MP3, I've tested it) as they said, or their 100€ overpriced plastic case to protect the device, and another 100€ to have extra cables (the same ones included for free with another brands...). My product was defectous though but I've read that the battery rarely last for 10 hours, mine is 6H30 / 7h for the Mojo while the Poly last more.. And I've forgot to mention their Gofigure app (6 months of waiting).. an another story.. All these things sounds pretty disrespectful to me for such a company who mainly sell to professional or passionate. They just wanted to release their Poly before Christmas without any consideration for their customer, this device wasn't ready, for sure.

I'm sometime thinking that the audiophile market, like every high end niche market (perfume, fashion...), is subject to storytelling based on spec. numbers which you can't concretely hear due to our ear limitations (except training your ears at Shaolin temple), they're all playing with our heartstring to sell. My feeling is that the Mojo was excellent a few time ago but since then things evolved into the mainstream market (at least Apple). I've read an article recently on Darko website saying that the DAPs days are going to end soon when reviewing the Mojo + Poly. For myself, I can say the same for the mobile DAC / AMP since more and more brands are including it into the cable (Audeze iOS Cipher) or Headphone (Sony MDR-1000X), and I can imagine that it will evolve in a good way with the time.

Again I'm just telling about my feelings, it can change tomorrow (I hope), and you have to read between the lines with what I'm saying.
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May 14, 2018 at 12:55 PM Post #36,483 of 42,836
I'm not looking for something spectacular at first listen (even if almost every specialized magazine went mad about it saying that it's night and day, whaou effect, and blablabla...). Like every one here, you know that we all use subjective words when we talk about sound, even you when you say that the Mojo sounds natural.. and I think that the words I used in my description are not so difficult to imagine, even professionals use these...

What is a natural sound if the soundstage is small (even if the Poly add on open up a little bit when played through SD card)? I often feel a breath of air each time I listen straight on my macbook, everything suddenly open and sounds more relax and natural. I think that I spent enough time with the Mojo and Poly in many different configurations to tell my feeling and I feel free to say that at the 1200€ price tag for the Mojo and Poly you are waiting for something a little bit more obvious than the sounding of your computer with a slightly tighter, precise rhythms and separated elements (even if the 2016 macbook Touch Bar do it well too). I must precise that I've compared quite a lot of times, and not only for a few seconds, with some high quality FLAC and with Beyer T5P ver.2, Audeze Sine and Senheiser HD-25 II. headphones. And I'm not mentioning the terrible time you have to spend to configure the device, nor the battery that doesn't last "about 10 hours" (even with 320 MP3, I've tested it) as they said, or their 100€ overpriced plastic case to protect the device, and another 100€ to have extra cable... My product was defectous though but I've read that the battery rarely last for 10 hours.. And I've forgot to mention their Gofigure app (6 months of waiting).. an another story.. All these things sounds pretty disrespectful to me for such an enterprise who mainly sell to professional or passionate. They just wanted to release their Poly before Christmas without any consideration for their customer, this device wasn't ready, for sure.

I'm sometime thinking that the audiophile market, like every high end niche market (perfume, fashion...), is subject to storytelling based on spec. numbers which you can't hear concretely due to our limitations (except training your ears at Shaolin temple), they're all playing with our heartstring to sell. My feeling is that the Mojo was excellent a few time ago but since then things evolved into the mainstream market (at least Apple). I've read an article recently on Dark0 website saying that the DAPs days are going to end soon when reviewing the Mojo + Poly. For myself, I can say the same for the mobile DAC / AMP since more and more brands are including it into the cable (Audeze iOS Cipher) or Headphone (Sony MDR-1000X), and I can imagine that it will evolve in a good way with the time.

Again I'm just telling about my feelings, it can change tomorrow (I hope), and you have to read between the lines with what I'm saying.
May 14, 2018 at 8:18 PM Post #36,488 of 42,836
Anyway, thanks to everyone who tried to help me. I did my best to like the Mojo+Poly but I had some difficulties with his slightly dark signature and tiny soundstage (outside of the nightmare configuration of the Poly...), I felt a bit claustrophobic. Again, I received a faulty device (the two parts of mojo and poly not correctly aligned, noisy during all the charge, sometime not working or connecting, especially after full charge, drained battery while turned off) but I'm pretty sure that these problems didn't affect the sound. I'm still thinking about getting an another one or asking refund... And that's why I first came here to ask if some DAP can sounds significately better than the Mojo as I'm really hesitating, and that's really difficult to find some infos since some magazine reviews say that the Mojo can even beat 3500€ Astell & Kern AK380 or even 20 times more expensive dac (yes yes I saw it...), it's really mental, and it makes me wondering about if my ears works well or if this audiophile world is highly enthusiast for every small difference. I really hope I'm wrong since I like this fascinating audiophile world and I don't want it to disappear for the all in one digital stuff. And sorry for my approximative English aswell :)
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May 14, 2018 at 8:46 PM Post #36,489 of 42,836
@nicolas7, The Q5 is both an amp and a DAC, in fact it has changeable amp modules and with what is supposed to be a really great Bluetooth implementation simply use your phone to stream. You are going to carry a phone anyway so unless your goal is a single, pocket carry only device, which likely it isn't if you were using a Mojo + Poly, the Q5 might be exactly what you are looking for and it should have no issue driving your T5p. I'm sure there are DAPs, but essentially your phone is a great streaming source anyway so the Q5, or another device might work for you, or not. Lots of different ways to approach your situation, but the best fit depends on your needs. So could you provide people a ranked list of what your needs and wishes are? That way people could give you suggestions that best match your end goals.

Edit: rereading your posts it seems that you do want a single source device. There are some pretty powerful DAPs available depending on what you mean by power hungry headphones though. DAPs aren't my thing so hopefully somebody else with more experience will chime in. Good luck.

Thanks a lot for your help and taking your time for reading me! I spent some time looking at the Q5 on the net this afternoon and I'll definitely try to listen to it as soon as possible, it looks very promising. By the way, do you think that it can also drive an Audeze Sine? As I slightly prefer the sound coming from the 3.5 jack. Please let us know what you think after your audition at the Fiio tour. Actually I'm looking for a single (or two) device that is small enough to bring in the train, hotel... and that have some serious ability with the sound, that goes deep, that extends well in every area, rich and full sounding, tight and precise rhythmic, beautiful mids, fluid, subtle... I have to stop here, I'm probably asking too much :)
I can put more money (until 1600 / 1700€ if it's a killer) since it will be my only device (no desktop set up). I saw the Hifiman HM-901s that looks promising with the sound, and I like how simple it is, I miss the good old days where you just had to push power and play to listen to the music.... I'm also curious about the Cowon Plenue 2 MKII, Sony NW-WM1A, A&Futura SE100 (upcoming Astell & Kern), Astell & Kern "Kann" (archaic device but sounds very good apparently).
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May 15, 2018 at 7:45 AM Post #36,490 of 42,836
Thanks a lot for your help and taking your time for reading me! I spent some time looking at the Q5 on the net this afternoon and I'll definitely try to listen to it as soon as possible, it looks very promising. By the way, do you think that it can also drive an Audeze Sine? As I slightly prefer the sound coming from the 3.5 jack. Please let us know what you think after your audition at the Fiio tour. Actually I'm looking for a single (or two) device that is small enough to bring in the train, hotel... and that have some serious ability with the sound, that goes deep, that extends well in every area, rich and full sounding, tight and precise rhythmic, beautiful mids, fluid, subtle... I have to stop here, I'm probably asking too much :)
I can put more money (until 1600 / 1700€ if it's a killer) since it will be my only device (no desktop set up). I saw the Hifiman HM-901s that looks promising with the sound, and I like how simple it is, I miss the good old days where you just had to push power and play to listen to the music.... I'm also curious about the Cowon Plenue 2 MKII, Sony NW-WM1A, A&Futura SE100 (upcoming Astell & Kern), Astell & Kern "Kann" (archaic device but sounds very good apparently).

I would suggest listening to Questyle QP1R (or QP2R slightly less upfront sound). It's current mode amplification gives ability to drive harder phones than the figures suggest, and soundwise, I haven't heard a better DAP, on par with AKs dearest to me. Can switch from Hugo 2 or Mojo and still enjoy music. It's wheel isn't the best, but top sound for an all-in-one.
May 15, 2018 at 8:00 AM Post #36,491 of 42,836
I would suggest listening to Questyle QP1R (or QP2R slightly less upfront sound). It's current mode amplification gives ability to drive harder phones than the figures suggest, and soundwise, I haven't heard a better DAP, on par with AKs dearest to me. Can switch from Hugo 2 or Mojo and still enjoy music. It's wheel isn't the best, but top sound for an all-in-one.
Based on my reading about the DAP market, which I do follow despite not really buying them, the QP1R was also the DAP I was thinking of suggesting as it is reputed to be powerful for a DAP.
May 15, 2018 at 9:59 AM Post #36,492 of 42,836
Maybe the Mojo thread isn't the best place to ask 'I'm not satisfied with the sound of the Mojo, what should I buy instead?'
May 15, 2018 at 10:13 AM Post #36,494 of 42,836
I would suggest listening to Questyle QP1R (or QP2R slightly less upfront sound). It's current mode amplification gives ability to drive harder phones than the figures suggest, and soundwise, I haven't heard a better DAP, on par with AKs dearest to me. Can switch from Hugo 2 or Mojo and still enjoy music. It's wheel isn't the best, but top sound for an all-in-one.

Thank a lot for your help, that QP1R looks like what I'm looking for, killer sound, powerful enough and simple to use. Do you know if this brand still doing update with their "old" models as I'm wondering how it will be within a few years.
May 15, 2018 at 10:25 AM Post #36,495 of 42,836
Maybe the Mojo thread isn't the best place to ask 'I'm not satisfied with the sound of the Mojo, what should I buy instead?'

I'm sorry, it wasn't my first intention to criticize Chord, I'm just looking for advice from people who have or tried the Mojo and have or tried another stuff, so I thought this topic would be the right one .I'm also new here (even if reading regulary), despite my 2012 register date, so I can't open a new topic...
And I have a Mojo after all, so I can also talk about my experience (good or bad), it's always nice to relate it I think.
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